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Adam's POV

Sometimes, I didn't belive Anna was real. She was talented at Art, soccer, she even knows how to play guitar, how to do crazy effects on pictures, only using her phone. And not to mention she's getting better and better at soccer. It's days like today when I don't believe she is an actual human being. I mean, how can someone have enough time to do all this, and still be so kind. And so beautiful, at least in my eyes she is.

Today we were making our portfolios. Our teacher said to include "3-5 drawings of things that represent you" and of course, she drew the Blue Jays logo, and a soccer ball.

"How did I know?" I laughed as I looked at her beautiful drawing. She smiled. "I like drawing"

As we began colouring in our portfolios, everyone made their names colourful, but Anna, she made her name all back. She coloured it with charcoal. She made it look as if the colour of her name was leaking out of the bottom. She said she was planning on making the background really colourful, and if her name was colourful too, it wouldn't look good. I didn't argue.

"So, how do you feel about the whole Zidane and Madrid thing?" I asked her. She didn't reply. After waiting for a while, I realized she had headphones on, and she didn't hear anything I said. I didn't want to bother her, so I let her be.

The bell rang, and everyone ran out. Except for Anna, who took her time.

I waited for her, and at the end of the day, we went by the field to practice some more.

Days went by. We practiced and practiced. On the day before her practice, the day Zidane would watch her play, we practiced all day. Hours and hours.

She's improved so much, her kicks, her saves, even her freestyle. I couldn't be more proud. And, I was thinking, since I've been able to spend so much time with her, will she say yes to me asking her out?

I felt as if it may have been a bit random to her, and that made me worry she'd say no, but I guess we'll have to see.

She's really nice, and to most guys she doesn't talk to them much, only a simple hello, maybe a small little conversation. But it's never anywhere near how our conversations are. We talk about everything, from deep conversations, to simply talking about the latest soccer match.

The day went by fast, before we knew it the sun was setting. It would be the perfect time to ask her, but I decided not. Because it's the day before her big, well, tryout technically. So I just, practiced with her.


She stopped doing her keep ups.

"Yeah?" She turned to face me, and walked towards me.

"It's time we head home. We've been at school so long that the sun is setting" I laughed.

"Oh yeah" she smiled as she look up at the sky, the sun was starting to set and we had to get home.

I went over to the net, Anna following me, and we packed up our stuff. We sat on the grass, taking off out cleats, she took off her gloves and we put on typical shoes.

We got up and walked over to the bus stop, it's right in front of our school which is really helpful.

"I gotta call my mom, she'll probably want an explanation as to why I'm so late" she laughed.

"Okay" I smiled, she pulled out her phone and called her mom. She walked off and I stood at the stop and waited.

Of course she didn't take that long, "my mom's fine with it, she said since I was practicing for a huge professional thing she'll allow it, and I guess for some reason she trusts you" she laughed.


"I'm just kidding Adam" she smiled.

It was fun waiting for the bus and basically flirting, but when the bus finally came we just awkwardly got on and sat in the silence of the bus. It was us, a few others and the driver. If we spoke, everyone would hear.

So after 20 or so minutes, we arrived at our stop. We had to walk a bit, thankfully it wasn't dark yet. We reached her house and I dropped her off.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" She said. "You better be there"

"I will" I smiled. "I trained with you for so long, I would never miss it" and with that, I was off. I had to walk a block or 2 to my house but it wasn't bad. The whole time I was dreaming of how amazing this past week was.

Thankfully, when I arrived home, my mom wasn't mad. She was happy for me. Shockingly, she was proud That I taught Anna so quickly.

Life is finally starting to go my way, I just hope the tryout works out.

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