Part 3

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The party was a bomb, apparently one of the students from their school named Tom was turning 17 so this was his party. I got introduced to him and he was cool, he and I got along very well he made sure that I stuck by his side all the time. He even introduced me to his older brother and his sisters as his friend obviously.

I soon left Tom and to chill with my sister again because she was the only person I could trust there. The entire time I would caught on Tom's older brother staring at me and it was low key freaking me out but I didn't wanna make such a big deal out of it so I just let it slide.

"Hey Bey u want anything to drink ?" I heard my sister ask

"Um yeah a soda would be cool"

"Oh come on don't be such a party pooper get something strong" one of her friends Mia said

"Oh no I don't drink im sorry" I said quickly

" Dang Bey loosen up a bit this I ur first night in New York have some fun, come on we're all taking shots" said Mia again, I thought about it for a second then looked at my sister for assurance, she sure was having some fun with her drink on her hand.

"Go ahead lets have some fun dad won't know" she assured me, with that I took the shot and It chocked the shit outta me but hey this was my first time drinking.

After that it was drink after another I felt myself getting drunk. I was feeling myself on the dance floor until I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my waist, I turned to see Tom's brother, I thought nothing of it so we just continued grinding on each other until I heard him spoke.

"I'm sure you've notice I been checking you out all night" he said

"Yeah and its kinda creepy if you ask me" I said turning to look at him

"I couldn't help it you look real hot ma" he said and I blushed a bit

"another drink ?" He asked and I nodded
He went to the bar and came back with two drinks and handed me one.

"By the way im Todd"he said introducing himself

"Beyoncé" I replied

"Beautiful name" he said and I just smiled
"Just like its owner" I blushed hard when he said that I could feel my cheeks burning also considering the fact that I was getting drunk.

The whole night I was with Todd we were flirting, talking and also kissing at times. And the drinks he kept them coming, until I got really drunk up to the point were I didn't know what was happening around me I just completely blacked out.

Next thing I woke up the next morning lying next to a body, I tried to remember where I was but I had no idea. The last thing I remember was me and Todd kissing and grinding on each other like we were some wild animals other than that I didn't have a clue of how I got to wherever I was at the moment. I turned to have a good look on who was lying next to me, suddenly I felt embarrassed to see who the person was.

He was smiling at me

"Morning baby" he said

"Uh I- um how did i get here where am i ?" I asked panicking, i got up and got dressed as quickly as i could

"Relax ma i won't hurt you i told your sister I'll take you home" he said calmly

"Wh-where is she?" I stuttered

"She left with her boyfriend idk where they went" he was now dressing up and i was also calming down now. But i had to ask this one question though

"Did we ?" I asked unable to finish My sentence, he nodded smiling, I immediately felt disgusted at myself, how could I ? I don't even know this guy.

"Listen we both were drunk last night, I also don't remember much but something did go down but you don't have to feel bad about it" he said trying to make it better but I wasn't buying into it.

"Can u take me home already" I asked irritated he nodded and we headed out the door. The entire ride to my home was silent And awkward, I still couldn't believe that I had sex with someone I just met, it was just disgusting I felt dirty.

"Can I at least get your number coz I really like you Beyoncé" he finally spoke as I was about to exit the car. I looked at him and saw he was sincere and so I decided it wouldn't harm giving him the
Number. After exchanging numbers I exited the car and headed towards the house.

I hesitated before knocking at the door, Stella opened the door, my heart was beating so fast I didn't know what I was gonna say, first night and I already messed up. Surprisingly she smiled at me I looked at her confused wasn't she suppose to be mad or something ?

"Come on in, quickly go to your room before your father wakes up he hasn't noticed that you weren't home yet" she whispered and I shot her a shy smile before rushing to my room and getting under the blankies, I immediately fell asleep I guess I was still tired after a eventful night.


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