Untitled Part 23

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Shawn and I have been dating for a week now and its been good, we decided to make it official last night which is great by the way. But now the tough part was telling the girls about it, I know Tiara won't really make a fuss coz she already had a clue of what's been happening but Normani on the other hand, I really don't know what to expect. Shawn insisted that we tell them tonight since Kelly is coming back from her trip he wants her to be there when we tell Normani. The girl and I have grown close in these couple of weeks I've known her and I didn't want her to hate me or blame my baby for breaking her family apart. We all pray that she understands and accepts.

Kelly on the other hand she and I are really working on our friendship, we talked on the phone almost everyday when she was away so I told her about me and Shawn and she doesn't seem to have a problem with that. I really appreciate that from her I know its not gonna be easy for her to be around me and Shawn considering the fact that she almost married him but im really happy that she chose to live with it. Shawn suggested that it was time I finally meet his family again since I haven't seen them in almost over thirteen years.

So right now we are getting ready to go to his mother's house and im nervous as hell, why does everything has to be done today? I really don't know what to expect from his mother and sisters and the fact that I still feel guilty for keeping Tia a secrete from him for all these years is making the situation even harder.

"Bey baby we're waiting for you" Shawn said entering the room from downstairs

"I'm almost done baby, I just need to put on some shoes then we'll be good to go" I said while sitting on the edge of the bed putting on my shoes.

"Shawn I'm nervous what if your mom hates me for leaving you like that and marrying someone else?" I said frustrated

"Bey chill my mom has no problem she knows that this wasn't all your fault though she feels you could have told me about Tiara but she understands. Just breathe baby I promise lt wont be that bad " he assured me kissing my forehead

"Ok then" I finished putting on my shoes and grabbed my purse and we exited the room.

"Where are the girls ?" I asked when we were about to exit the front door, I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I totally forgot about them

"They are waiting in the car" I nodded and we were out the door and into the car where Tiara and Normani were already waiting for us

"Hey babies" I said as soon as we were inside the car

"Hi mom"

"Hi BB" they both said at the same time. On the way to Shawn's parents we listened to the girls talking abou things and kids from school but I was barely even listening coz no matter what Shawn told me I was not gonna stop worrying until we were over and done with this whole situation.

We arrived at his house in about 45 minutes. We exited the car and walked toward the front door, my heart pounded so fast that I feared it would just pop out through my chest. Shawn nocked and one of his sisters opened the door, I quickly recognised her as Annie we walked inside all this while she never took her eyes off me.

"Hey sis" Shawn said as soon as we were in breaking her stares from me and I was thankful coz she was making me nervous.

"Hey baby bro" they hugged then she proceeded to Normani "Hey auntie's baby, look at you all grown up" She said hugging her and causing her to giggle

"Annie you remember Beyoncé" Shawn said she immediately let go of Mani and looked at me shocked

"Oh My God ! I knew I knew you from somewhere, omg Bey ? You so grown and even prettier than I remember" she said excitedly also giving me a hug

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