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-One and a half year later

At this moment of my life I was happy, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Tiara Tina Watson. Even though my mama and I weren't talking I still felt like it would be right if I named my baby girl after her. As much as im still mad at her I still got some real love for her I mean she is my mama after all.

My baby had just turned one and her daddy threw her the biggest Barbie themed party and invited almost every child from her day care.

Yes we had decided to take her to day care as soon as she turned 3months because I had to go back to school and there was no one to take care of her so it was only right that way.

Todd and I are very happy together, it seems like since Tiara was born we've been going strong she has brought us even closer than before. I couldn't have had It any other way.

So now Todd wanted to spend the day with me and Tiara, luckily for him I had already decided that I was gonna take Tiara to the park today Since it was a beautiful sunny day. He was  gonna meet us there so we planned on having a little picnic there just the three of us.

Tiara and I got there earlier and we found a perfect spot under a big tree not far from the small lake. I unpacked our picnic basket while I was still at when I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my wait, I immediately knew who it was. I turned around smiling like crazy.

"Hey baby" I said perking his lips

"Hey beautiful" he then turned his attention to his daughter who was lying on her little blanket doing whatever on her iPad mini. Once I was finished I joined them and we made small conversations, mostly me listening to Tia and her father talking of which I really didn't understand their conversations at all sometimes.

After we finished eating, Tiara was knocked out in her little blanket while Todd and I just sat there talking about our future, me sitting between his legs and had my head resting on his chest.

"You know Bey you and Tia are the most important people in my life now" he said

"I know baby and you're important to us too" I turned and perked his cheek

We got into a comfortable silence while we were admiring nature, and got lost in our own thought. To be honest moments like this with him were just priceless to me, when I'm with him he didn't have to say anything just being in his presents was enough. I guess that's how true love really felt like or something close to it.

I took a glance at my sleeping Tiara and smiled to myself, sometimes I still didn't believe that someone so beautiful actually came out of me it was just so surreal to me. But there was just something about her that always reminded my of my first love.


I don't know if it was those chubby cheeks of her or just her attitude but something about her made me doubt Todd being her father because she looked nothing like him but I don't think he ever noticed that cause he just loved her unconditionally. It would tear him apart if he were to find out that Tiara wasn't his and I didn't wanna believe it also so I just thought I should just let it go and everytime it crossed my mind I'd just brush it off. Todd was Tia 's father he was a good to her and good to me, we're just perfect together and that's how I wanted to keep it.

I smiled at the thought of us being the perfect family.

"I have something very important to ask you Bey" Todd said breaking me away from my thoughts, I turned to face him and smiled

" What is if baby ?"

"I want us to be a family, I want you and Tia to move in with me. I wanna take full care of the both of you" I couldn't believe my ears. As much as I loved the sound of that, I knew it would be very difficult to convince my father he was overly protective when it comes to me and Tia and even worse I was only turning 17 in a couple of months.

"I don't know Todd, I mean that sounds good and all but I don't think my dad would allow that" I said truthfully

"Bey, I already had this conversation with your daddy and he approved" I looked at him surprised

"Really, my father, Mathew Knowles?" I asked still not believing

"Yes Beyoncé, anyways he said he would agree only on one condition" he added

"And what's that?"

"Only if I make you my wife" my eyes grew wider, I was in great shock I never ever considered marriage at least not any time soon.

"Whoa, hold up ! Who said I wanna get married this soon?" I immediately regretted saying that after seeing the disappointment in his face.

"I mean no offence baby but I'm not even 17 yet I'm still young and I got my whole life ahead of me, marriage is just not a priority at the moment" I said trying to make it sound better than the first statement.

"Come on Bey we love each other and we have a baby together. I mean I know you think getting married means no more freedom but I promise you it ain't gon be like that, I just wanna make you my wife and take care of you and our child. Nothing in your life is gonna change, that I promise you baby" he said and I looked it his eyes and I saw the sincerity and I just couldn't say no to that.

"Aight then I guess we should do it"

"Forreal baby?" He asked excitedly I couldn't help but laugh and nodded in response.
Suddenly he reached to his pocket and took out a small box, he opened it and I gasped he had a diamond ring, omg it was so beautiful. He got on one knee facing me

"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles will you make me the happiest man and marry me ?" Oh this was too cute I felt tears fell off my eyes

"Yes, yes baby I'll marry you" I said smiling through my tears, he slid the ring on my finger then picked me up and kissed me. I gotta say this was the best moment of my life I still couldn't believe that I just agreed to marriage I just hope and pray to God that I made the right decision not just for me but for my baby girl too.


What do ya'll think of Bey's decision concerning everything

* Her not telling Shawn about the baby
*Marrying Todd at only 17 ?

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