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For the past year life has been great for both me and Tiara since we've moved to Houston, Texas. Tia had started junior high school at StoneWall Jackson junior high school, where she met her new best friend Normani Kordei Carter, Strange but she didn't know that they had the same last name coz she's now using my last name.

I've managed to keep a low profile from my family, they still don't know that I've been living in Houston for the past year and honestly I don't want them to know just yet but its hard cos Tia has been nagging me about finding her father, I told her that as soon as were settled I'll take her to her father. Now that we've been here for a year she knows we're settled and she nags me about it everytime  I get home and im this close at calling Shawn but tbh im scared of what he'll say to me.

Anyway so I decided that I was gonna go to him this coming weekend, I've managed to find out where he lives now and I heard that he's married and has a daughter that's a year younger than Tia.

Today Nicki and I decided that we were gonna go shopping since its Saturday, Tia's hanging out with her friend apparently one of them has a birthday party so that's were she'll be for the rest of the day.

" Nicki im hungry we've been shopping for the past two hours I need some energy boost" I said while we were exiting Victoria's Secrete

"True that, were do you wanna eat BB?"

"Lets go to Popeyes" we walked to popeyes and made our orders while waiting for our order I felt strangely as if someone was staring at me, when I lifted my head I saw  two ladies probably the same age as me and they looked awfully familiar. It looked like they were having some sort of a debate about me, I turned to Nicki.

"Hey Nic, I think those ladies over thee are having some kind of conversation about me they've been staring hard.
" she turned to look at them too

"Damn they are kinda staring too hard AND ITS DISRESPECTFUL" she said loud enough for them to hear too. And then they moved walking closer to us. The closer they got the more familiar they looked. Now I know she was only ten when I last saw her but I know my sister and that's her with one of my former best friends Kelly. Omg I wasn't prepared at all for this, I took Nicki's hand and squeezed it tighter

"Nicki I think that's my sister and my high school friend" I whispered through my teeth

"omg Bey are you forreal that your sister" she said a bit louder

"Shhh they're getting closer"
They finally got to were we were

"OMG its really you" Solange said with tears in her eyes, i just stood there not knowing what to do or say it was like i had frozen. I felt tears fell from my eyes too i couldn't believe it i was seeing her after so many years.

"Bey why did you disappear on us like that, no phone call no nothing where was you all this time?" Kelly asked she also was in tears it was just strange standing there in front of them. I took a look at Nicki she looked intrigued like she was watching an interesting movie.

"I - uh " i couldn't get anything out, i just had this burning sensation on my chest that was blocking my words from coming out. 'Lord help me' i said silently while trying to build up a full sentence.

"I'm sorry guys i - i changed my number and then a lot of other things happened i j just couldn't keep contact anymore" i said still crying my sister came and embraced me in a much needed hug. We stayed like that for a while just being in her embrace after all these years was life.

"I missed you so much Thu" when she said that she touched my heart, that's how she used to call me when we were younger

"I missed you too Solo" we let go and i hugged Kelly too she was still shocked i guess she thought she would never see me again. Then our order was called Nicki went to get it, when she came back we all found a table to seat at and catch up.

"Nicki this is my sister Solange, my friend Kelly she and I used to be very close like sisters while growing up. Ladies this is my new best friend from high school Nicki we both co-owners of Star Media"
I said introducing them.

"Omg you own that company?" Solange asked surprised


"Wow Bey that's like one of the biggest Media Companies in the States" Kelly added

"Well that's our baby" Nicki said proudly

"Speaking of babies we heard heard that you had a baby at 17 and got married." Solange said

"I got pregnant at 15 and got married at 17 but we divorced last year" i explained while correcting her

"Oh anyway i also had a baby at 16 though, his name is Daniel but we call him Julez" she said proudly and I smiled at her

"That's sweet where is he now ?"

"At his cousin's birthday party" she said

"Nice what about you Kelly ?"

"Well I had a baby a year after you left her name is Normani" she didn't look very comfortable as Solange was while talking about her child and I didn't wanna push it so I just nodded in response.

"Look Bey we gon have a get together with a few of old friends in my house tomorrow, can you please come?" She looked at me with pleading eyes, I looked at Nicki and she nodded yes.

"Alright just give  the address and I'll be there "

"thank you Bey here gimme yo numbers and I'll text you the address and plz bring my niece with" she handed me her phone and I saved my number and gave it back to her.

A few minute s later Tia text me saying she was on her way home so Nicki and I had to rush and leave. We said our final goodbyes before leaving. I gotta say as much as I feared this moment I was kinda happy that I finally saw my sister after all these years it was just amazing.

Now Kelly on the other hand, she looked a bit uneasy like she was happy to see me but then she wasn't. I don't know or maybe im reading too much of the situation, I cant help but wonder if we were gonna see Shawn or not at this get together but I was ready for anything at this moment, the time has come for me to face everything and I was ready.


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