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Later in the evening Shawn had left soon after we came back but Mani stayed behind coz Kelly was coming over for dinner anyways. We decided to have a family dinner since my sister and my mom (Stella) were in town, just for them to get to know everyone and spend some quality time together.

So now my mom is busy cooking in the kitchen, I didn't want her to cook since it was her first time in Houston and in my house but ya'll know how mother's are, she insisted and I let her, less work for me anyway.

So me, Giselle and Nicki are in the lounge having a glass of wine, while the kids are somewhere in the house, Julez included. While we were still enjoying ourselves we heard a knock at the door and I went to get it. Allowing Solange, Kelly and mama Tina in we all walked to the lounge where the others are at.

"Hey Gis this is my mother Ms Tina, my best friend from way back Kelly and our sister Solange, Julez mother" I said introducing everyone "Fam this is my older sister Giselle, we actually share the same name" I said chuckling and Giselle shook their hands excitedly, while gaining an attitude from Solange but she brushed it off and spoke to my mama and Kelly who seemed to act normal and more welcoming.......Solange and her drama.

"Um guys there's someone I want ya'll to meet" I said nervously also praying that Solange wouldn't give her no damn attitude

"Who?" Kelly asked confused

"You'll find out now, I'll be back" I went the kitchen where she was still busy cooking

"Hey mom, the fam has arrived come say hi" she stopped whatever she was busy doing, wiped her hand the followed me to where we were seated.

"Ok guys this is also my mom, daddy's wife obviously" I said not even sure myself if I was making any sense
"Mom this I my other family, mom Ms Tina, my sister Solange"

"That's Julez mom right?" She cut me off asking
"Yeah that's the one" I said and Solo smiled, Thank God

"Great son you have and he's got some real respect, you raised him well" she added causing all of us to smile

"Oh thank you" Solo said

"anyways this is the best friend Kelly" I finished up

"Hey I know you see me here Bey" Nicki said causing us all to laugh at her of cause everybody already knew who she was

"oh shush Nicki"

"was just sayin" she said raising both her hands in defeat

"It's a pleasure to finally meets ya'll we've been dying to since Bey talked about ya'll a lot while growing up in New York" mom said making me blush a bit

"It's great to finally meet the woman that raised my daughter to be the smart and humble woman that she is, you did a great job thank you" my mom(Tina) said and they hugged....awww that was too cute almost brought tears to my eyes seeing the two most important woman in my life getting along and hugging it's just...everything!

"ow you know you did most of the job, I just took over where you left off" Stella said

"awww ya'll so cute" I said and I swear I saw these woman blushing

"Shush Giselle" Stella said

"Hey I didn't say anything" Giselle jumped in knowing very well that no one was talking to her, her ass is just forward.

"Whatever you know who I'm talking to" mama Stella said "I'm gonna head back to the kitchen to Finnish dinner" she added

"need extra hand there?" Mama Tina asked

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