4 | Queen Amidala

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Anakin's POV:

"Queen Amidala has landed, Chancellor." I told Palpatine.

"Good. Send her in."

I opened the doors as Padmé walked along side of her guards, walking into the Temple. I crossed my arms behind my back as she seated, her eyes meeting Chancellor Palpatine's.

"Queen Amidala, how lovely of you to join us."

"I'd like to know why I was demanded here." She said, not sounding pleased at all with the Chancellor's actions.

"We are asking for you and your people's help, Milady." Chancellor Palpatine answered. "The Princess of Alderaan is here on Coruscsnt. Threats on her life has been in range."

"What is there for me to do?" She asked.

"I am asking for a round of protection. Perhaps you have more guards that are willing to stand grounded here until we discover who is posing these threats."

The Queen motioned for one of her standing guards to step forward. He leaned down to her sitting height, and she spoke in a whisper.

What if Padmé wouldn't agree? Wouldn't she need her own round of protection?

The Queen's eyes met Palpatine's again. "I am willing to send in a round of protection for your Princess."

The Chancellor sighed of relief. "Thank you, Milady."

"One more thing."

I screamed mentally.

"What is it?" Chancellor asked her.

"If any harm is to come to my people on Naboo, I will surely change my mind."

Palpatine shook his head. "No harm will come to you, Milady. I promise you."

"Very well. Then my job here is over. I will retire now."

She stood from her seat, the long red satin of her dress flowing to the floor as the guards guided her towards the doors. I stepped aside, bowing at her one last time.

I ran to her ship before they took off.


Her brown eyes met mine. "Anakin?"

I sighed of relief at the fact that she remembered me. "Thank you, for your help. It's highly appreciated."

She smiled as she took a seat on the ship. "Anything for an old friend."

"Take care of yourself." I said as the ramp began to rise.

"You too, Ani."

I watched as the ship rose into the air, eventually taking off.


As I stepped inside of the Temple, Lydia stood next to Obi-Wan as they spoke.

My eyes scanned her appearance, taking in the beautiful girl. She wore a black dress with leggings underneath, along with a black cloak.

Her brown eyes met mine and she smiled. "Hello, Anakin."

"Hello, Milady." I said, stepping closer to her. "How has your day been?"

"It's been alright. I couldn't help but overhear that Chancellor Palpatine has called in another round of Guards."

"I precisely agree, Lydia. I believe that the Security we have now is enough." Obi-Wan said.

"Maybe he believes it is necessary." I guessed. "It doesn't hurt to be safe."

Lydia sighed.

Obi-Wan looked at his comlink. "Excuse me, I have a hologram from Master Windu."

As Obi-Wan walked away, I looked back at Lydia.

"I sometimes feel that I'm an abomination here on Coruscant; that I'm causing trouble to the Jedi." She explained to me.

I frowned as I shook my head. "That isn't true. Us Jedi deeply care for others, and plus, you'll be a Jedi soon enough."

"I suppose so."

I smiled. "And you're much safer here, Lydia. Believe me when I tell you that."

She nodded.

I looked out the nearby window and watched as night began to fall.

"Allow me to walk you to your apartment." I offered.


Arriving to Lydia's apartment, I stopped outside of the door.

"I will see you tomorrow, Milady." I told her, her brown hair moving aside as she turned her head.

She sent me the same smile that takes my breath away. "I'll see you tomorrow, Anakin."

She stepped into her apartment, looking at me once more.


And with that, I walked to my apartment as my head span at the thought of the Princess.

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