22 | Coming Down

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The Coruscant Apartment building was quiet as morning arrived. Lydia slept away in her warm bed, and Anakin stood outside of her door, guarding.

He was wide awake as he thought of what would happen with the Chancellor. With their mission to find Jango Fett, he wasn't quite satisfied with everything that was happening.

His attention turned to Obi-Wan who stepped out of the elevator. "I was wondering where you'd been."
"Right here just like you asked, Master." He said.
Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest as he walked around. "Master Windu has made a decision."
"A decision on what? There are so many things going on, it's hard to know which you speak of." Anakin muttered glumly.

"On when we will transport to Geonosis." He answered. "To defeat Jango Fett."
"Finally, good news." He sighed. Obi-Wan frowned.

"I believe it is soon."

Their conversation was cut short as the doors slid open to Lydia's apartment. She appeared now dressed in dark clothing, her hair in a braid.

"Good morning, Milady." Obi-Wan bowed. "I hope you slept well."
"I did, Master Kenobi." She replied. "Thank you."

Obi-Wan nodded. "I will head back to Master Windu and tell him you have joined us, then."

Anakin nodded as he walked away.

"What does he mean?" Lydia asked as Obi-Wan disappeared into the elevator.
"The Jedi are going to Geonosis." He told her.
"Great, it's settled."

When she tried to walk past him, he gripped her arm. "Wait now, you're not coming with us."
"And why not?" She asked.
"Because, this is all for your protection. You'll get killed if you come with us."
"Anakin, I need to do this." She said to him as he let go of her arm. "You may be protecting me, but I'm still going to help with whatever."

Anakin sighed at how selfless she was. As she smiled, his lips curled into a laugh.

"Alright, but remember, this was your idea."

"I'll tell Obi-Wan when he hangs your head."

Anakin chuckled.

She pressed her lips to his cheek, and he pressed his lips together. She walked away and left him to sigh.


Lydia hadn't realized how strong she was as she hit the training bag, her knuckles hurting. Although she ignored it, her mind slipped off into its own world.

She began to think of how evil her father was, and how he cared more about his castle than his own family.

How he treated her mother.

How he mentally abused her, and how selfish he was when she was ill.

He never cared about me. He used me. He wanted my alliance and my finances. He didn't love me like I loved him.

Mother never should've married him. She knew the risks of marrying a man whose father was an ex Sith.

It was carried in his own genes.

What if that gene is inside of me?

I cannot turn again the Jedi.

She hadn't realized her thought were controlling her as her knuckles bled.

The blood seeped through the leather material of the punching bag, and she still didn't realize.

"Lydia!" Someone shouted.

Weeping left her mouth as she hit the bag constantly, and Anakin grabbed her wrists. She tried to fight him off, but he was too strong, and he gripped her shoulders.

"Look at me!" He hissed, trying to snap her out of it. "Now, Lydia!"

She came to a stop, and her mind focused. Her teary eyes met his, and she could feel her hands and knuckles aching.

"I-I didn't mean to -"
He shushed her before grabbing her hands. He ran his thumb over her knuckles, sighing.

"Come on."

He held her hand as he walked into the Sanitary room, grabbing a cloth to wet.
She sat in a chair as he walked towards her, placing it to her skin.

She winced at the pain, but he gently dabbed it.
"I don't know what came over me." She said.
"I could see what you were paying attention to... You're just scared."

"I shouldn't be." She whispered. "I'm supposed to be a Jedi."

Anakin knelt before her and exhaled. "Even if Jedi tell others we aren't supposed to feel something. We all do, it isn't like we can tune out our emotions; we are human."

Her eyes landed on his lips, and she sniffled. "I'm afraid."
"What are you afraid of?" He asked quietly, stroking her cheek.

"That I'll become like my father."

"That won't happen. I can feel it, that part of your family does not live in you; Lydia. You are a Jedi."

She lifted her hands to his face, and kissed him. His hands rested on the chair at the sides of her thighs as he kissed her back, his eyes closed.

"Trust me, when I say that I will protect you with my life."

She nodded.

"I trust you."

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