5 | Disguise

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Lydia's POV:

I turned to my side comfortably as I slept away. The peaceful thoughts in my head allowing me to smile in my sleep, until they vanished.

I was unfortunately interrupted by the sound of a window breaking. I gasped as a shadow moved through the room, and a blaster was aimed at me.

I screamed aloud as I stood from the bed, lifting my lightsaber from my nightstand. I turned it on quickly, swinging it towards the figure.

The figure fell to the floor as their leg was missing, screams leaving their mouth. That's when the doors opened, Anakin and Obi-Wan running inside.

"Get him up." Obi-Wan demanded.

Anakin wrapped his arms around the weak figure, forcing him to stand. He grunted as he balanced on his one leg.

"Who are you working for?" Anakin asked the man as his head rolled back in pain.

"I will not tell you, you Jedi Scum." He spat.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan, and he nodded.

I jumped as Anakin's lightsaber appeared, cutting off one of the man's arms. He screamed out, and Anakin let him fall to the floor.

"You have one more chance to tell us who you're working for, or your head is next." Anakin threatened.

The man's yellow eyes looked at me, and a smile formed on his face. "I almost had you."

I cringed as Anakin pulled me behind him protectively. "You asked for it."

I squeezed my eyes shut as Anakin swung his lightsaber, the thump being the only thing heard as the man's head fell to the floor.

"Take her to Palpatine."


Anakin held my hand as he guided me to Palpatine's office. I felt my heart racing as the door opened, and the Chancellor stood from his desk.

"Princess Lydia, are you alright?" He asked me.

I nodded. "I'm alright, Chancellor Palpatine. Thank you."

The Chancellor sighed. "This is getting out of hand."

"What are we going to do?" Anakin asked.

The Chancellor looked at me. "You must form a disguise."

I rose a brow. "A disguise?"

He nodded. "A new appearance. They won't recognize you, and they'll believe that you've left Coruscant."

"Okay," I said, chills rushing down my spine.

Two women appeared. "Please lead Princess Lydia to the Spare Room on the third floor. Anakin, watch her."

Anakin nodded. "Yes, Chancellor."


The women examined the rack of clothes eagerly as I stood in front of the mirror, wishing I didn't have to do this. I didn't want to change my appearance, but I knew I had to.

"This for a casual attire." One said, holding up a red sequined top, along with black leggings.

"Put it on." She demanded, setting them in my hands.

I looked towards Anakin who stood in the doorway, his back to us.

I quickly lifted my nightgown over my head, replacing it with the top. I pulled on the leggings, and looked in the mirror.

"This will do." I said, fixing my ruffled hair.

"And these."

She handed me a black cloak and black boots. I leaned down and shoved my feet into the boots before pulling on the cloak.

"Thank you." I said, watching them bow.

I walked towards Anakin who looked at me, his features showing that he was tired. He had faint bags forming under his beautiful blue eyes.

"I see you haven't slept." I said as we began to walk down the corridor.

"I don't sleep much anymore, Milady." He said to me.
"Please, call me Lydia."

He smiled. "I don't sleep much anymore, Lydia."
I looked down shyly as we walked down the stairs. "I'm willing to give you the time to rest. You deserve it, honestly."

His eyes met mine, and he stopped walking, causing me to come to a halt.

"I refuse to sleep. I have to make sure that you're safe before I think about myself."

I shook my head. "You don't need to worry about me, Anakin. This is your health, please take responsibility for yourself instead of me all of the time, I wish for you to rest."

He inhaled, smiling faintly. "I can't win an argument with a Princess, can I?"

I chuckled. "Don't consider me a Princess here on Coruscant. I want to be treated equally, no special treatment."

He lifted my hand, kissing it gently. "Whatever you say."

The heat rose to my cheeks as he squeezed my hand before letting it go. I finally zoned in to realize he had dropped me off at the door of my apartment.

Walking in, I sighed of relief at the fact that the dead body of the man who tried to assassinate me was no longer in view, and everything was calm.

I turned off the light, and quickly climbed into bed, falling asleep to the thought of Anakin getting his own rest.

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