11 | War On Naboo

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Anakin's POV:

As we hurried off of the ship, the Palace's Guards stood outside of the doors, and stepped aside as we walked up to them.

"Queen Amidala has asked for our presence." Obi-Wan said to them.
I looked over to Lydia, and she looked up at me. I inhaled and followed Obi-Wan into the Palace.

The three of us bowed before Padmé, and she looked at Obi-Wan. "Master Kenobi. I am putting my people's lives in your hands." She began. "This war will be fought not only by the Jedi, but the Gungan have volunteered to stand with you."

"Queen Amidala, I promise no harm will come to you or your people." Obi-Wan said. "This is only the beginning."
As the door opened, our eyes focused on Typho who stood in the doorway.
"Milady, there have been reports of an army on the south fields." He announced.

Queen Amidala looked towards Obi-Wan. "It's your turn, Master Jedi."


Lydia  followed me as I hurried down the Palace staircase. "What are we going to do?"
"Master Obi-Wan has demanded I take you on the other side of Naboo." I answered.

Lydia's eyes widen. "No! I'm not going to run away from a battle!"
"Lydia -"
"Anakin, don't do this." She said, her brown eyes on mine. "I want to become a Jedi. Not run from the experience."

I sighed. "If Obi-Wan is disappointed in me, I'm telling him you told me so."
Lydia smiled. "I'm my own person."
"Who is being protected, by me." I reminded her. 
She pushed aside her hair as she removed her cloak. "You can protect me and fight."

I bit my lip as we walked towards the fields.

Droids scattered over the field as I held my lightsaber hilt. Obi-Wan spotted me, and he glared at me.
"Why aren't you on the other side of Naboo?" He questioned, looking between Lydia and I.
"Master, I did not like the idea of running away from a battle." Lydia argued. "That isn't very professional."
"It isn't running away if it's saving your life." He muttered.

As those around us ran towards the marching droids, shots were fired. Lydia grabbed her lightsaber, and we both ran.

Piles of metal fell to the ground as I sliced through droids. Lydia did the same, taking me by surprise.

She ducked a droid that swung their blaster at her, and she kicked the hard legs. As it fell to the ground, she struck her saber through it.

Obi-Wan had balanced out with Master Windu, and separated a pile of droids for the two of them to kill evenly. Perhaps it was their version of fun.
I force pushed a droid into a tank, and it collapsed.

"Someone take out that tank!" One yelled. I looked towards the tank to see it making it's way towards a group of Jedi, including Lydia.

She quickly jumped onto the tank, and climbed upward until she was on top. As the lid flew open, a droid stuck its head out, and she fought it.

What I didn't expect was to see the tank halt to a stop, and Lydia gripped the side as tight as she could before hitting the ground hard. I leaped through the air, and finished off the droid that stopped the tank.

I grabbed her hand, and pulled her onto her feet. I looked around to see the last few droids being destroyed by Master Windu.

"You took me by surprise." I breathed.
"I was hoping for that reaction." She smirked.


As the Jedi regrouped, everyone looked at each other.
"We will travel back to Coruscant and continue to hunt down the one who is causing attempted assassinations." Mace Windu announced. "This is just the beginning, Jedi."

As everyone began to head off towards ships, Obi-Wan looked at me.
"Are you coming?" He asked.
"Actually." I said, looking down at Lydia.
"I think we'll stay here a bit longer, Master. I think it would be safe to keep her here until everything is settled on Coruscant."
"Great thinking." He said to his former Padawan. After, he turned to Lydia. "I will see you soon, Princess."

As Obi-Wan walked away, Lydia looked up at Anakin.

"Now what?"

Sorry this is a crappy update :(( I've had writers block a lot but I've been coming up with more ideas, and I can't wait for you all to read the rest of this story :)

  - AdmiringReigns

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