Chap 1 "Meet Lea"

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A/N: The first two chapters to meet the two girls are going to be very short. To introduce the girls and see how their first day of planning to meet turns out. Xoxo ~Alexis

Lea's POV
Good morning everyone! Today marks the day where I finally get to meet my best friend, Nova. A little about me though. I'm twenty one, and graduated college with my bachelors: minor in psychology and a major in criminology. My name is Azalea (Az-ah-leah) is how you would pronounce it (not Iggy Azalea) but I go by Lea (Leah) most of the time. I'm a bit on the wild side if you asked me.
I do enjoy sports, so I'm a sports chic! I'm not very good at listening to others. I'm pretty much stubborn and hard headed at times. I annoy people, so it's not new if someone decides to go about their day and ignore me. It's also not new if people decide to walk out of my life. So where were we?
"Leah! Your plane leaves in four hours!" Mom called. "You sure you have everything packed?"
"Yes Mom!" I called back. Mom's a bit of a control freak and literally rushes us. I woke up two hours before work and she rushed me in and out within thirty minutes. I grabbed my suitcases and went downstairs. "Mom, I have everything."
"What do you plan on doing in LA?" Mom asked.
"Live out there, get a job," I shrugged. "For now, it's just vacation!"
"Mhmm," Mom nodded. "Kind of how our trip to Philly was supposed to be fun but ended up to be a two hour concert?" I looked at Mom and she had a brow raised. "Three years ago?"
"Mom, I've been going to the Philly concerts alone since then," I shrugged. "And even the concerts here."
"Why did we have to drive all the way to Philly?" Mom asked. "A month after, they had one here and you went to that one."
"Mom, NYC is a must," I nodded. "They're concert was amazing."
"I'm sure it was," Mom nodded. "But last year, you were sad because of the members?"
"Yeah, a member left so now they're only a band of four now," I sighed. "But it's okay."
"Lea, why can't you be like Lily, Katy, or Marina?" Mom asked.
"Sport girls, Mom, sport girls," I replied. "I love sports but it's not what I want to do."
"What do you want to do?" Mom asked.
"For starters, travel the world," I nodded.
"You need money for that," Mom replied, as she always stated the obvious. "What I want to know is how you're going to raise the money?"
"I'll figure it out," I sighed. "Point is, I don't want to be like those other girls."
"How about a nice boy?" Mom asked. "A relationship?"
"Well, the guy I like probably has no idea I exist," I replied. "So that's out the window."
"Promise to look for a job when you get back?" Mom asked.
I nodded. "I better head to the airport, since it's an hour and half before -" The doorbell rang cutting me off my sentence. "Someone expecting company?"

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