Chap 9 "Old Flames"

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Nick's POV
Nova went up to her room. "She must be nervous," I replied.
"Why does it always have to be the guy that makes the move?" Lea asked. "Plus, Nova's shy. So, I had to do what I had to do."
"Lea," I sighed as I pulled her to the kitchen. She got a glass of water for herself. "You still like me."
"Like doesn't even begin to explain it," Lea nodded.
"Love me," I corrected. "But there's something you need to know." She looked at me. "I have a five years old daughter, Zara." She was speechless. "Lea, listen. I'm supposed to have my daughter next weekend because her mom and her are going to be in LA for a month."
"And?" Lea asked as I sat down.
"I want you to get to know her," I sighed.
"Nick, before we get into meeting your daughter, can we just talk for a second?" Lea asked. I nodded. "So, Saint Nick. Right? Savior of damaged women?"
"Stop," I sighed. "All that was long ago and no man has the right to hit a woman."
"That's right, but some of us don't need to be saved, Nick," Lea replied. "Especially me." She took a sip of her water. "You married a woman who didn't, right?"
"See, I never laid a hand on Maria," I assured her.
"Yeah, but you never wanted to?" Lea asked. She pushed my right shoulder, with a bit if force. "That doesn't get to you?"
"No," I nodded.
"Come on," she stated as she pushed me again. "You can't tell me that doesn't get to you." She did it again. "How about that?" We looked at each other. "I've seen you lose it, Nick. In the squad room, a week after your wedding. So, I'm just saying some of us doesn't want to be victims. Doesn't want to be..." She pushed me a bit harder. "...victims!"
"Hey!" I exclaimed as I got up, knocking the chair over as well.
"Ah," Lea pointed at me as I looked down my nose at her. I backed off a bit and hut her glass off the counter. "I'm not stupid, Nick. I know you better than you think."
"I'm just going to walk away," I replied. "Just walk away."
"Good," Lea sniffled.
I walked to the doorway, and turned a but to see Lea picking up the pieces of broken glass. "Dammit," I cursed to myself. I walked over to Lea and kneeled down in front of her. She won't even look up at me. I lifted her chin to look at me and I planted a kiss on her. I heard the pieces of glass fall to the floor before I pulled away. "Why don't we just start with coffee?" A small smile tugged at her lips and she nodded. "I'm sorry."
"No, Nick," Lea nodded. "I'm sorry for pushing."
"Don't be," I sighed. "You were testing me. You were being careful." She looked down. "I respect that."

Blake's POV
I heard a glass break downstairs. "What the hell?" I whispered. I quietly made my way to the kitchen and hid in the stairway. I saw Lea picking up the pieces. "Lea?" I could barely see. The next thing I see is Nick giving Lea a kiss. I put my hand over my mouth and ran up to my room. "I have to." I grabbed my phone and called Jayk. "Pick up."
"Man, it's almost three in the morning," Jayk replied, groggily. "What the hell do you want at this time of hour?"
"I thought Lea likes me," I sighed.
"Dude, she loves you, now go to sleep," Jayk sleepily stated.
"If she did, why would she be locking lips with Nick?" I asked.
"She what?!" Jayk was now awake. "When did this happen?"
"Just a few minutes ago when I was downstairs checking to see what was going on," I responded. "I saw them kissing but something must've happened because Lea was picking up broken glass."
"Dude, stop playing detective," Jayk demanded. "If there was something going on between the two of them, I'm sure Lea would've told you."
"I don't know," I sighed.
"Go to sleep," Jayk stated and hung up.
"Fine," I sighed. I laid down in bed but I couldn't get the image of my head. "Why would she kiss Nick? I thought she loves me. She does love me right? What is going on?"
"She does love you," angel me showed up on my right shoulder.
"No, she doesn't," devil me showed up on my left shoulder.
"That's kinda rude," I states.
"Think about it, man," devil me nodded. "She invited you over and stay with her just to show that she's interested in a cop."
"Don't listen to him," angel me replied. "She told you she doesn't want to go into law enforcement but the life her mother has planned out for her is taking over." I nodded. "Meanjng this is your chance to step in and change it so it doesn't happen."
"But I don't want to be known as the dick who broke up a happy couple," I sighed.
"Then you gotta find evidence and take him out of the picture," devil me nodded.
"I hate to say this but I agree with him," angel me sighed. "Sleep on it."
"I'll try," I sighed as they disappeared. "I don't know."

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