Chap 5 "The House"

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Lea's POV
"Well, that is true," I nodded. "Now, can we please go to the house before my mom puts out an Amber alert on Nova and I?" We found a guy holding a sign that had my name on it. We got into a limo and started moving. "I swear, my mom over does things?"
"Do you even have a license?" Blake asked.
"Thank god, yes," I nodded. We pulled up to a huge house looking castle. "Here we are."
"How many families live here?" Jayk asked as we got out.
"It's a five bedroom house," I replied. "Six baths."
"Wow," Nova nodded.
We walked inside, a butler and a maid greeted us. "Welcome back, Miss Bishop," they both greeted.
"Jimmy, Trudy," I smiled as Jimmy grabbed my suitcase. "Thank you. Just go ahead and take those to my parents room since that's where I'll be staying. Trudy, take Nova's things to the room Mom had made ready for her."
"Yes ma'am," Trudy nodded as she took Nova's things.
"Let me give you a tour of the house," I smiled. They followed me. "So, this is the living room. It's a bit small but we were rarely ever home or in the living room at all." I nodded. "And here..." We walked into the kitchen. "This is the kitchen. Do we have any questions so far?"
"Who makes our food?" Nova asked.
"We make our own food in this house," I nodded. "Jimmy and Trudy are only here if they're ever needed. Especially with the house needed to be cleaned and our beds being made." I looked at everyone. "Okay, so through here." We walked into the dining room. "And this is the dining room if we are ever having a dinner together. We have an outdoor pool for outdoor fun." I smiled. "All the bathrooms in the house are all the same, except for the room I'm staying in and my old room."
"Why are they different?" Jayk asked.
"Mom and Dad had different mindset and they just wanted me to have the best," I shrugged. "I never understood them and I never understood of having a big house." I looked at them. "But somethings are good to have in a big house." We went to the living room. "And we were barely ever in this room."
"Why?" Jayk asked.
"Mom was a high class lawyer and dad was secret service," I nodded. "And -"
"Miss Bishop would always disappear behind this door," Jimmy pointed.
Jayk tried to open it. "It's locked," Jayk replied
"Because you will know what's behind that door when I'm ready to tell you," I replied.
"Miss Bishop, everything is set," Trudy smiled. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Nova, what do you want?" I asked.
"Lemonade sounds good right now," Nova nodded.
"Two waters and two lemonades, Trudy," I smiled.
"Yes ma'am," Trudy left.
"Jimmy, has the pool been cleaned?" I asked.
"Since the first day of May," Jimmy nodded. "And early this morning as well."
"That's great to hear," I smiled as Trudy handed us our glasses. My phone rang. I looked at it. "I have to take this call." I picked up and walked out the patio doors. "Hello?"
"I heard the DA's daughter finally landed in LA," the woman replied. "How is it, Lea?"
"Olivia Benson," I smiled. "It's pretty good. What's with the 411?"
"I need your help with a case," Olivia sighed. "I sent two of my best detectives to see you."
"Who are they?" I asked.
"Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins," Olivia replied.
"Nick," I repeated. "Isn't he the intern I met eight years ago?"
"Yeah, but he's a detective now and he's twenty three and divorced," Olivia nodded.
"I remember his ex-wife," I nodded. "I was invited to that wedding. He was nineteen and she was eighteen. I was only seventeen."
"They should've landed by now," Olivia replied. "Nick told me he'll let me know what goes on."
"That's perfectly fine but I was here for vacation," I replied. "But I will use some of my time to help out."
"Take care of my detectives, Lea," Olivia replied.
"No worries," I smiled and hung up. I walked back inside. "So, funny story. One of my past lives just got in touch with me and I have to work a case for her." I sighed. "Two of her detectives are coming here and they need my help."
"That's government," Blake replied.
"I know but I can't say no," I sighed. "Since her detectives are already here."
Jimmy walked in with a guy and girl. "Miss Bishop, detectives are here," Jimmy nodded.
"Thank you," I sighed. "And if you and Trudy don't mind, can you please show Nova, Blake, and Jayk to their rooms please?"
They left. "Lea Biship, I am Detective Amanda Rollins, and this is Detective Nick Amaro," the girl replied.
"Nick and I have met before," I nodded. We sat down. "Olivia called me and told me that you would be here."
"You've changed a lot," Nick looked at me.
"Case file, please," I nodded.
"Yet, still the same girl with the brains," Nick sighed as Amanda handed me the file. "I was an intern at the precinct when her mom said it was a good idea to let her play bait."
"No good came out of it since the criminal was killed," I sighed. I looked at the case file. "Why are you working on a case here?"
"SVU transfered us to LA for the summer," Nick nodded.
"Which means you need a place to stay and I don't have anymore rooms," I sighed.
"That's fine, we can sleep in the living room," Amanda nodded.
"Alright, just make yourself at home," I nodded. "If you need anything at all, Jimmy and Trudy will be here to assist you. And you'll have to interview the parents first."
"Thanks," Nick replied.
"It's no problem," I nodded. "Now, I have to go check on my friends."

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