Chapter 1: Whats going on?

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I walked out of my little abandoned shack in the woods, grabbing my bow and arrow, of course never leave "home" without it!!

I turned around and whacked my head off a tree

"Smart move Grace!" I sarcastically blamed myself, I started to black out.

Harry P.O.V:

I was going for a walk like, I usually do when I get pissed off, angry or annoyed. This time the boys Dani, Perrie and El, were all being very annoying and pissing me off! So I thought I would go for a walk in the woods! Don't judge I like the woods.

I tripped over something.

What in the world?!

It was a... Girl? She looked unconscious!

What do I do?! I know. Call Liam! I know he probably thinks I'm mad but I'm not, just annoyed.

I dialled his number


"Liam? Hi!"

"I thought you would mad?" He said in a mocking tone. Which I hated.

"No just annoyed. Anyway, I found a girl-" Liam cut me off

"Great job Haz! Hey biys, Harry found a girl!" I heard whistles and cheers. Which mad me even more annoyed.

"You didn't let me finish! I tripped over her, she was lying on the ground, and I think she is unconscious! I don't know what to do?! That's why I called you!" I panic.

"What?! Ok where are you?"

"In the woods near the flat!"

"Ok! On my way!" With that he hung up

I shoved my phone in my pocket and examined the girl. She had brown hair, same colour as mine! Warned down clothes like she hasn't changed in ages. Tinted pink cheeks and soft looking lips, witch made her look so innocent!

I heard Liam come running with everybody else and the paramedics. They picked the girl up and put her on the gurney.

2 policemen walked up to me and Liam and started asking a few question.

"Ok, gentlemen who was the one who found her?" The first on ask and the other one, well I think it's his first day so he was taking notes.

"That would be me!" I nervously spoke and raised my hand.

"Do you know if she has any family?" He ask.

"Well no I just went for a walk and tripped over her. Me not knowing what to do, I called me friend Liam here." I said as I gestured over to Liam

"Yes, he called me, then I called you." Liam stated

"We'll that was a good thing you called us! You will be able to check at the hospital for her!" The policeman smiled "Oh and one more thing! Do you by any chance know her name?"

"No sir, sorry!" I said

~At the hospital~

Harry's P.O.V:

I walked in the hospital with the boys Dani, Perrie and El!

"Hi, we are here for the girl who um, we'll we don't know her name but I found her in the woods." I explained to the ladie at the desk.

"Oh, her name is miss Grace Bennett." She said with a smile "In room 213 on the second floor!" Pointing to the elevator.

"Thank-you" we all thanked her

"Room 210, 211, 212, ahha 213!" I mumbled to myself.

I knocked slightly, but loud enough to near

"Come in" I heard a small voice say.

We all walked in and let's just say she look scared.

Graces's P.O.V:

"Come in" I asked nervously, god my head hurts!

The door opened and about 8 people walked in, 3 girls and 5 boys. I was scared cause I didn't know what they wanted!

"Don't be scared! Hi I'm Harry." A curly haired, emerald boy said.

"What's going on? I'm confused!" I sat up in my hospital bed whit a very confused look on my face.

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