Chapter 11: Betting!

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Grace's P.O.V:

"YES!!!! HARRY IS MY BOYFRIEND!!!" I sang over and over again in my head!

I turned over in the bed and was hoping to feel a warm body next to me, but instead I was the only one in the bed.

"Harry?" I called

No answer

"Harry?!" I called again more nervous

I got up and searched the whole house but couldn't find him anywhere!

"HARRY?!?!" I yelled so scared something has happened to him

"Grace! What's wrong?!" Harry ran in from outside, with a very concerned look on his face.

I broke down in tears, "I thought something happened to you!" I sobbed

He came over and hugged me tight, "Nothing would ever happen to me! I am here for you no matter where I am in the world!" He said comfortably

"Your not just saying that?" I questioned

"Of course not!!" He said

I leaned up and kissed him passionately, and with that he returned the favor!

But the kiss meant I'm safe and your safe whenever we are together!

We pulled away,

"Your always safe with me!" Harry rested his forehead on mine.

I smiled, "You wanna play football?" I felt competitive right now.

"Oh, your on! But I have to warn you, I have really mean skills!" He said very cocky

"That sounded like competition!" I folded my arms

"Sure is!" He mocked me my folding his arms

"Ok! So if I win! You can't kiss me for the rest of the day!" When I said that his facial expression dropped

"Ok! And is I win! I can kiss you as many times I want!" He smiled

"Your on!" And with that we shook hands and ran to the backyard

We got the ball out and placed in the middle,

"Best 2 out of 3?" He said

"Definitely!" I laughed

"You ready to get you ass kicked Styles?" I am so competitive it's not even funny!

"You better watch out Bennett!" He laughed

"Go!" With that I took the ball and got it in.

"OOOOOOHH!!!" I was all up in a shocked boys face

"You just got lucky!" He snickered

"Is somebody a wittle jealwous?" I sang in a baby voice

"No! Lets go again!" He smirked

"Alright!" I brought the ball to the middle

This time Harry said go, took the ball and scored


"Come on! Lets go again!" I stated

"Is somebody a wittle jealwous?" He mocked me

"Haha! Very funny!" I sarcastically laughed

He put the ball in the middle, said go and almost shot it but I kind of knocked him over and got the ball.

"FOUL! FREE SHOT!" He yelled

"Sorry! And fine!" I laughed

I got in the net and he set the ball a few feet in front of me.

He shot and I blocked it.

The game went on for another 10 mins; we are tied, and the last shot wins!

I ran straight for the ball an Harry back up to the net.

I kicked it and it went in!


"Good job baby! Come give me a kiss!" He chuckled

For a second their I almost kissed him, but then remember to bet.

"Nice try Harry! But you forgot one thing!" I smiled

"And what might that be?" He asked

"The bet! I win! Which means you can't kiss me until tomorrow!" I giggled

"Tomorrow?!" He said

"Yup. And to be clear, no kissing me means cheek, head, hand and lips!" I reassured him.


"Yes Harry?"

"You are going to be the death of me!" He was so dramatic

-a few hours later-

Right now I was sitting on the kitchen counter watching Harry eat a chocolate bar.

He is crumbling I can see it! It fun when we tease each other!

"That's it!!" He throw the chocolate bar across the room and walked towards me biting his lip, I like it when he does that.

I was still sitting on the counter, Harry was in between my legs now, looking my strait in the eye.

"You are the death of me!" We said at the same time breathless, we didn't kiss yet, but just looking at each other made us breathless.

I hope down from the counter, now looking up at Harry he leaned down and started to kiss me.

I put my hand behind my back to find his, I put his hand in mine and lead him to the sitting room.

We started to kiss again.

My hands played with his curls as he was laying on top of my with a secure grip to my hips.

He pulled away, and rested his on mine completely breathless, as was I!

"In the future just remember this, no matter how many fights we get into please forgive me and if we brake up which I doubt that will happen! Please never forget us!" He explained with complete love in his eyes

"I won't!" I promised him

"Good!" Harry kissed my nose and we just cuddled up for the rest of the day watching the telly.

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