Chapter 18: Almost got you.

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Louis' P.O.V:

Grace and Harry, have been gone for a few hours and I'm really worried, as is everybody else. Both of them won't answer their phones.

"Any word?" Eleanor peak her heads through the my bedroom door.

"No, you?" I looked up from my phone and looked in her twinkling eyes. (Cliché! I know! But that's all I could think of!)

"No" she shook her head.

"I really hope there ok" She added.

"But the weird thing is we didn't even go outside and try to find them! all we did was try to call and text them for the past few hours! let's go!" I commanded grabbing her hand and running downstairs.

"This is one of the reasons I love you so much!" She giggled.

I just shook my head and smiled. Me and El stop in the doorway of the kitchen where everybody was piled into.

"Come on we, are all going to do a search party!" I declared.

"Alright let's go." Liam agreed quickly and we all ran to the park where the woods were.

"Ok we will all split up:

Lou and El take the north end,

Zayn and Perrie east end,

And Niall, Kenzie, and I will take the west end!" Liam declared.

"Agreed!" Zayn said and we all split up.

-30 minuets of searching-

Perrie's P.O.V:

After an half hour of searching we all ended up at a small shack--but strangely heard a noise on the inside of the shack--it was Grace!

"Harry stop. Harry seriously, for the last time n-o NO!" she giggled and then heard a bit of smooching!

Louis, Niall & Kenzie started laughing, but quietly because we didn't want them to hear us.

Harry's P.O.V:

"Grace please! Show me! plEASE!" I said emphasizing 'ease'.

"Okay, Fine!" I finally got a Yes out of her from giving her a kiss. Hehehe I thank my loving mother for my looks!

Anyway, Grace finally decided to pull off some of her dance moves from the music off her phone. And all I could do was let my jaw hang and mouth 'wow'.

"So what did you think?" She asked started to blush and waited for my reaction.

I walked up to her, put one of my hands behind her back and pulled her close. Then I stepped back and said.

"That was amazing! Like I can't even do that, watch!" I started doing (well trying) the moves she just did & honestly failed.

Grace burst out in laughter.

Grace was about to say something when she was cut off by laughter outside.

I took her hand and walked over to the window. Luckily it was only Perrie, El, Kenzie and the boys.

Me & grace walked out of the shack and they stopped laughing.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well first of all the question is, what are YOU doing here?! Second, I'm sorry for getting worried on where my BestFriend was the past few hours, and thought he and his girl was ok! And not dead!" Louis exclaimed/sassed.

"Sorry, it was my fault I messed up and wanted to say sorry to Grace! I mean you would do that for Eleanor? Wouldn't you?" I pointed out with loving eyes.

"I guess your right, come on. I say you two are hungry by now, hey?" Louis said sympathetically. It was sweet when he cared.

Grace's P.O.V:

As we were starting to walk back I stopped. "Wait!" I exclaimed, running back in my shack and grabbing my family picture.

"What's that?" Niall asked.

"I'll explain later." I simple say I we walk back to the flat.

We get back & Harry's in the kitchen making sandwiches.

"So that's Brady?" Zayn questioned.

"Yup" I nodded at the kind of awkward situation.

"God he looks awfully familiar!" Niall exclaimed scratching his head looking at the Picture of just me & Brady. He was 18 in that picture. Oh yeah I brought two pictures, just wanted to let you know.

"He is, he works at the fancy restaurant down the road." Harry stated as he walked in the room with the sandwiches. God love him! I was starving!

"Thanks babe" I say as I took a bite of the delicious sandwich.

"I think his working a shift now? Wanna go see him?" Liam asked. Well I nearly choked on my sandwich!

"Are you crazy?! You just expect me to waltzes up to Brady and be like, 'What's up? Haven't seen you in a while! What 10 years now, let's go grab a drink'?? And expect everything lollipops and rainbows! No! not gonna happen!" I burst out. Everyone was wide eyed because of my out burst. "Sorry, I- sorry" I apologize.

"No, no it's ok. Just thought you wanted to see your brother, that you thought was died for the past 10 years." Liam responded.

"I'm sorry Liam I didn't mean to say it like that, but I think I will go see him just let me get dressed & we can go." I apologized again and ran upstairs.

Eleanor's P.O.V:

Grace ran upstairs to get changed. "Its alright Liam. She's just stressed." I say as we all get up and grab our keys. On safe terms Grace came with me, Louis and Harry. Just incase nothing happened between Grace and Liam.

"Ready Grace?!" Niall called out

"Yeah! Coming!" She called back.

She waltzed downstairs and walk out to the cars; well Louis' car as I pointed to it.

-3 mins later-

Grace's P.O.V:

I was very, very, nervous at the moment. I haven't seen him in 10 years! I have butterflies in my stomach as we parked.

"Can Harry just come please? I don't want people to think were ganging up on him or something." I asked

"Sure we'll be in the cars." Zayn stated.

"You ok babe? Ya don't look well." Harry asked. "I'm nervous--really nervous!" I replied. "It'll be ok just breath." he took my hand in his & I started to relax a bit.

Harry opened the restaurant door for me and we walked in.

"Well hello Mr. Styles, table for two?" the girl at the desk smiled. "Actually, we were looking for a Brady Bennett would you know if he's around?" Harry asked nervously . "I would know actually," My heart skipped a beat of a nervousness & excitement. "He's actually in Florida with his girlfriend for the week, he will be back actually in 3 days. Would you want me to leave a message for him?" The girl asked. "Yeah, just tell him an old friend wanted to see him." I spoke quietly. I was happy that I didn't see him because I wasn't ready. But at the same time disappointed that I didn't see him. I hope I see him someday...

Me & Harry walk out of the restaurant. "Are you ok?" Harry asked putting an arm around my waste. "Realived, disappointed, and hungry." I cracked a smiled and Harry laughed. "you just had like 3 sandwiches before we left." He stated with a smile. "I know but it's not my fault I'm a growing girl!" I laughed along to Harry's chuckling.

We got in the car and on the way back I was thinking. Maybe I just wasted my time going there today. But what if he was there and I didn't go. So, maybe it was a good I went.

(A/N: That's my last chapter for this book, it's kinda crappy & cheesy but I hope you liked it! Also if I get 500 reads on this book then I will make the sequel to it:) Oh! Also I am starting a new book called 'The Sixth Drink', it's not published yet but I will let you know when it will be! I love you all dearly<3:* Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year:D)

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