Chapter 4: Learning

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Grace's P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of a.. what?.. trumpet?!

"Rise and shine! Time to learn!!" Louis shouted in my ear!

"OW!" I shouted

I opened my eyes and saw everybody's eyes on me. I jumped as I saw them.

"Excuse me? What do you mean "Time to learn?!" I slumped in a very comfy bed.

"Oh and follow up question, who's bed is this?" I asked nervously and once again everyone pointed to Harry.

"It's mine.. Once you ate all that food you fell right to sleep, so I carried you up to my room." He's cheeks turned red again! I want to know what that meant so, I asked.

"What does that mean?" I asked

"What does what mean?" Niall chuckled.

"When your cheeks turn red and feel hot?" I questioned

"Oh!" Eleanor giggled and sat next to me "why?" She nudged my arm.

My cheeks stated to burn up, AGAIN! And I don't know why?!

"AHH! There's a guy!!" Perrie started jumping up and down.

"It's called blushing! It means you like a guy!!" Dani sat on the other side of me.

My eyes looked up at Harry and his face was red as you could ever imagine!

"AHHH!! IT'S HARRY! IT'S HARRY!!!" Eleanor jumped up and down and hopped on Harry's back, poking one of his dimples.

Oh my god! Now I was covering my face with the pillow! But, wait! I don't like.. I mean as a friend yes! But.. Come on I barely know The kid!!


The day went by and I learned as much as my brain could take! But the odd thing was Harry didn't talk to me once since this morning.

We were all eating supper, an I think me and Niall are having a race to see who will finish the most because 1 was on my 6 plate and he was on he 5th!

"Ok! You win!" Niall let out a big breath and plopped back in his seat.

Everyone was laughing but their was one laugh missing.. Harry.

"Um.. Would you all excuse me for a second." I said getting up and going up to Harry's room.

I knocked on the door,

"Come in" I heard him say

I walked in and shut the door behind me.

"Alright! What's going on? You haven't talked to me all day?!" I blurt out

Harry's P.O.V:

"Don't want to talk about it!" I snap

"See look now your in a snappy mood! Tell me what's going on!" She snap back

I didn't want to te her because what happened this morning was I think ture I like Grace! But it's really weird because I barely know her and she

Probably feels the same way! Or not, I don't know!

"No!" I turned away from her gaze.

"Look! I know this is to soon I have no clue but I like you.. I don't know why cause I barley kno-" I cut her off but not with talking, if you know what I mean.

Out lips stayed their for about 10 seconds, then I pulled away,

"Hold up. Harry! I said I dont know if i like you!" She stated

"What the heck!" I blushed really hard, it's odd because I never really blush when I'm with a girl, but this is different!

I kissed her again,

I heard a knock at the door,

"Yeah?" I questioned looking in Grace's eyes.

"Ah, Harry? We heard yelling so I came up and wanted to know if you were ok?" It was Louis

"I'm perfect!" I said holding Grace in a hug with my chin on her head.

"Ok, good!" I heard his footsteps walk away

"So am I staying the night in here again?" Grace asked

"Definitely!" I smiled.

Don't worry I'm going to do anything!

"So, were two friends whoo have no idea but I think like each other, that just kissed?"

"Pretty much ya!" I smiled.

"So where you sleeping?" Grace asked

"On this couch!" I made the couch up and it was comfy!

"No way! This is your bed not mine i'm sleeping on that couch!" Grace got up, but I pushed her down,

"No you stay here, you ain't winning this fight!" I chuckled

"Fine." She laughed and close her eyes.

"Goodnight Harry!"

"Goodnight love!"

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