Chapter 2: New family!

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Grace's P.O.V:

"Don't be scared! Hi I'm Harry." A curly haired, emerald eyed boy said.

"What's going on? I'm confused!" I sat up in my hospital bed with a very confused look on my face.

"Well, um what was the last thing you remember?" I think Harry said.

"Um.. Hitting my head off a tree and blacking out" I stated putting my hand to my head.

"Does it hurt?" A boy with a snapback hat on asked.

"A lot!" I nodded

"Ok, I will go get the nerse!" The boy said. "Oh! I'm Liam by the way" he smiled.

I shyly smiled at him.

"Would you mind telling me your names? Cause right now I am completely lost!" I giggled

"Sure!" A really pretty girl with blond hair laughed, "I'm Perrie!" She smiled big

I smiled big back, she laughed.

"I'm Zayn" he had big brown eyes and a quiff.

"I'm Eleanor, but you can call me El or Elli. It doesn't matter!" A girl with pretty long brown wavy hair giggled. She looked about my hight and size.

"Hi, I'm Louis!" He cheered he was wearing a grey t-shirt with black jeans and toms.

A girl with curly hair introduced herself "Hi, I'm Danielle but you can call me Dani!" She smiled warmly.

"And last but not least! Hi, I'm Niall!" He laughed in a Irish accent. He was wear white high tops, a white shirt that said "Crazy Mofos" on it.

I giggled at him.

"I'm still Harry!" He smerked a really cute smile, showing adorable dimples!

I giggled slightly, my cheeks feeling hot. I don't know why though?

Liam came back in with some water and some sort of oval shaped thing in his hands.

"Here, the nerse said take these." He handed me the water a the other thing.

"What's that?" I question pointing to the 2 little white things in his hands.

"Um, pills? You sallow them." He said with a confused look on his face saying 'I should know this stuff.'

I shook that off and took the pills and chugged the water like it was the last on the planet.

"Ok! Now tell me how you all I think? Know me?!" I said in one breath.

They all pointed to... Harry?

"I was going for a walk, and I kinda tripped over you. I didn't know what to do, so I called Liam, then he called the hospital." Harry explained

"Well, thank you!" I smiled warmly.

They all smiled back.

Just then nerse walked in "Excuse me, Miss Grace Bennett?" She asked

"That's me!" I raised my hand

"You can go home when ever you would like." And with that she left.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry questioned

"Anything!" I smiled big making him smile

"Um, Do you have a.. ah.."

"Spit it out Harry!" I laughed.

"A home?"

My smile dropped.

"no" I said as quiet as possible, but Liam heard me.

"Well, you can come home with us and help you find a new flat!" He said trying to lighten the mood

"Um, ok" I said shyly

"Ok then, lets go!" Louis cheered. I have to say he was very hyper.

-back to their flat-

"Ok!" Niall said plopping a pile of paper on the table in front of my.

"Can I.. um.. Tell you all a story of my life?" They all look confused but agreed.

I took a deep breath.

"Well, I have a brother.. Um.. His name is Brady. I have a mum and dad.. When.. ah.. I was 5 Brady was 13.. and um my mom she died because I think Brady said stress and my dad died because of a heart attack the day before my 6th birthday. Five years later I was 10 and Brady was 18, we had to live and survive on our own for those five years mom and dad were gone." Tears were starting to blur my vision but I continued,

"Brady was all I had and one day we were playing tag and me being a 10 year old, I looked both ways before crossing the road, but.. ah.. Brady on the other hand didnt, he.. um.. got hit by a drunk driver. I saw it all happen so I screamed in terroir and.. ah.. I ran off.. Not even checking if he was ok." I was all out crying right now but still, continued,

"So eight years later I am hunting and now with you guys." I was all out crying at this moment, in Harry's arms I felt safe.

The girls were crying and I think Niall had a tear in his eye to but whipped it away. The boys had sad expressions on their face.

"Well, we all are going to be your new family" Harry cracked a little smile a his cheeks were a shade of red.

Once he said that I started to explain how I didn't go to school for the past 8 years and barley know anything but hunt, speak and breath. Haha. I also started to explain that I have no money to by food or clothes.

"You can borrow some of my clothes!" Eleanor cheered.

"You must be Starving?!" Niall added

I just nodded, "Well follow me!" Niall got up and went into another room, I followed.

Once I was with him he said 'This is the kitchen and this is the fridge, which I like to call gods gift!" He laughed and opened it.

My jaw dropped open and I dash for the fridge and grabbed a few things.

By now everyone was in the kitchen, watching me in amazement on how I ate about 10 things in the matter of 5 minutes.

I couldn't fit anything else in my stomach! I was full, my eyes started to dropped next thing you know I was out for the count, in other words I was asleep.

Harry's P.O.V:

"Wow! She was hungry!" I walkeyd over to her and picked her up bridal style. "I'm gonna take her up to my room."

Once I got up stairs, I put her on my bed. She looks so peaceful.

After that went down stairs with the rest.

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