We Kind Of Broke Up... I Guess

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Chapter 1

Malia POV

The Desert Wolf is on her way to kill me but all I can think about is Stiles, I keep thinking about the day in the car when we were talking about Donovan even though I've known since it happened when he started to change. Stiles won't even look at me anymore, I guess he just hasn't realized that what I meant by "I didn't matter to me" was that it didn't change how much I care about him, I love him. Even though I have never said it to him because I'm not even 100% sure it how I feel, I think I do. I think I'm in love with Stiles Stilinski.

The pack has kind of come back together, Kira is no longer being controlled by a homicidal fox spirit, Stiles has started talking to me again and Liam apologized to Scott about the almost killing him thing. All we are missing is Lydia who is catatonic and trapped in Eichen house, they have come up with a plan which involved Stiles going in alone and bringing her out which is in no way a good idea considering he is skinny defenseless Stiles. They keep asking me to help- well Scott has been asking but he still has no idea what I am going to do once I find The Desert Wolf, so I keep refusing. Their plan is to send Stiles in alone and have the rest of the pack stay guarding the front gate just in case Theo and his pack decide to show up, considering their history they probably will.

As I lay in my bed different thoughts racing through my mind over and over the one my mind lingers on the most is remembering all the nights that I spent sneaking into Stiles' bed and us spooning, I remember one night when I snuck in at midnight and he was still awake looking stuff up so we ended up just talking until we fell asleep without a blanket on. His dad came in to check on him and I woke up but I pretended to be asleep as he took the blanket and put it over us. I eventually drift off to sleep with peaceful thoughts of our relationship.

I had a dream, not a peaceful on but horribly bloody. I look around surveying my surroundings, Braeden is dead on the floor blood pooling around her head, then I see Stiles. His arms bound to a chair much like how we were in Eichen house, tears gently falling from his eyes and my heart sinks, I try to go to him but the desert wolf walks in front of me and pressed the barrel of her gun to my temple. "Kill him or I shoot you first then kill I him" she says harshly "Why are you doing this to me. Why can't you just leave me alone" I say almost shouting. "Sweetheart isn't it obvious, you are you only person who is a threat to me. So either I kill you or I take away everyone you love forcing you to join me so I can use you as an asset" she says pressing the barrel harder on my skull, I try to form words but I can't. All k do is look at Stiles and he just nods his head and tries to force out a smile. "Malia, I lo-" before I have time to react the gun releases pressure from my head and I watch in horror as a bullet pierces Stiles' skull right between the eyes. I scream louder then I ever had before.

I woke up still screaming and my adopted father shaking me awake. "Malia? What's wrong?" He says panicky. "I just had a nightmare, I'm fine" I say wiping the tears from my eyes. He gives me a look because he knows I'm lying but he kisses me on my forehead and leaves anyway. I lay back down on my pillow and pretend to be asleep until my alarm goes off and I get ready for school. I practically ran out of the house trying not to wake my dad up again. Once I got to school I saw Stiles and Scott talking as always and all car ride o was working up the nerve to talk to Stiles and tell him how I feel. I walk over to them focusing on their conversation which was only about Stiles trying to get Scott to admit that he is always right but as usual Stiles is failing miserably. "Hey Scott, um Stiles can we talk for I minute" I say my heartbeat riding. "Ya sure wh-" he starts to say then gets cut off by the bell "Another time then" he says smiling then he walks to his first period.

The day went on slowly but it still went on, I had lunch with Kira because we felt like eating with just the girls which now is kind of just us considering Lydia's current state. "How's it going with the Stiles situation?" Kira asks. "Well it's awkward for one, since I turn back into a human-ish Stiles has been the only think has made me feel normal, but now that o don't have him I just feel... Sort of lost" I say looking at the ground. "Well I think you two are really good together for what it's worth. He not not be showing it now but he really likes you, right now it might be too painful to show it" Kira says giving me an encouraging smile "I don't know what to do. How to I fix it?" I ask Kira because it is really starting to hurt how much I miss him. "I just barely fixed things with Scott so I don't think I'm in any place to give relationship advice" Kira says laughing.

"What are we going to do about tonight? How are we actually going to save Lydia with the chimaera pack on our tails... Literally" Kira says the smile gone from her face. "We have a plan, as long as the chimeras aren't there we we get there the plan will work" I say trying to be optimistic but I just have to have faith that Stiles is going to be okay. "You have a good poi-" she starts but once again someone gets interrupted mid sentence by the bell. "I'll come over after school so we can talk more" Kira says before walking in the opposite direction as I am, probably going to find Scott before we all go to history together. I start walking to class when I get a text I decide to ignore it until o get to class when I can actually focus. Once I sit down I take out my phone and see that I have 1 new message from Braeden 'The desert wolf is here! She is in California. You need to leave school now before anyone gets hurt' I stare at the message for a minute before reacting.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Stiles sit in the desk next to me. "Malia?" He says trying to get my attention but I feel paralyzed with fear. "Malia what's wrong" Stiles says his heartbeat starting to rise. I try to say something but I just can't, I get up and try to walk out but my teacher stops me. "Ms. Tate where do you think you are going" she says but without answering I leave I hear Stiles behind me trying to cover but I feel like I can't breathe, my heart is racing and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I put my back agains the lockers and sit on the floor, I hear Stiles coming up behind me "Stiles please go" I say still unable to breathe. "Malia look at me, look at my eyes" he said sitting right in front of me. "I can't breathe, why can't I breathe" I say hyperventilating. "It's a panic attack your going to be okay, just focus on something, just focus on the sound of my voice just try to steady your heartbeat" he says grabbing my hand and feeling how cold they are.

"I can't, I don't have anyone left. My best friend is in Eichen house and the guy I like has to save her, and I could loose him, either to her or he could die. The Desert Wolf is here in California, she is coming to kill me." I say my breathing and heartbeat not slowing down. "Look at me, I don't love Lydia, I did-well I thought I did but all that changed when I met you. I think you should tell Scott about the desert wolf" He says inching his face closer to mine. My heartbeat starts to slow down just a bit but I feel like I'm drowning. "I can't tell him, I was planning to kill her and if Scott knew he would kick me out of the pack, then I would really have nobo-" I say starting to freak out again but I'm stopped by his lips on mine, a feeling that I can only compare to coming up for freash air, that I was drowning and he saved me. "You have me, I'll see you tonight?" says smiling, the second part is like a question that I just don't respond to because I'm too shocked by what just happened.

I'm in love with Stiles Stilinski.

A/N: Hope you like the first chapter, I'm not really that good a writing but I don't care. Vote if you enjoyed it.

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