Trauma, It Doesn't Just Effect The Injured

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Chapter 3

Malia POV

Scott and Liam start carrying Stiles to the car to drive him to the hospital and I for one am an absolute mess. Once we get to my car and Stiles' jeep parked out front we divide up and each go in 2 cars. I get in the back seat of my car because I'm too stressed to drive, Liam and Scott gently put him in the back seat with me so his upper back and head are in my lap. "Liam you take Corey and Mason in Stiles' Jeep and we will meet you at the hospital. Scott says getting the keys to the jeep and throwing them to him. "Malia I need the keys for this car I'm we are hound to save Stiles" Scott says in full panic mode. I brush the tears out of my eyes "Center console" I say then Scott climbed in the drivers seat, Kira in the passenger seat. "If Liam messes up my jeep he is so dead" Stiles whispers his voice full of pain. I smile at him, and try not to cry.

"I'm glad you came back for me, I was worried something bad happened to you" he says coughing a little and causing blood to appear on his lips. "Of course I came back for you, I'd never leave you behind" I say causing more tears to form in my eyes remembering the day we were all poisoned by the chemist. He smiles and I know that he remembers too "I'm dying aren't I" he says the slight smile on his face from what i said. "You know I'm not going to let that happen" I say gripping his hand tighter.  "Your in pain aren't you?" I ask him knowing the answer "I think that's pretty obvious" he says smiling. I concentrate my energy on taking his pain like Scott taught me and surprisingly it worked. "Kiss me, I need a last memory of us" he says coughing again causing more blood. "I'm not kissing you because you're not dying" I say the tears practically erupting out of my eyes, he gives me a pleading look and I know I can't resist. I lean in and kiss him, I ignore the taste of blood because I can't have that as our last memory. "Call my dad, please. I need to talk to him" he says struggling to breath. "Stiles just focus on trying to breathe, Scott did you call your mom and tell her we are on our way" I say grabbing my phone and dialing his dads number. "As soon as I got in the car. Just take care of him" Scott says looking back in the mirror.

The phone starts ringing and he picks up "Beacon Hills Sheriff Department, this is the sheriff speaking" he says unaware that I'm just about to turn his world upside down. "Hey Mr. Stilinski, it's Malia. There was an accident while we were trying to get Lydia out of Eiche-" I start but he interrupts me. "Oh god it's Stiles isn't it? I knew it was a matter of time before I got this call. How bad is it Malia, please be honest" he says I can practically hear his heart sink. "I'm not sure how bad it is yet but Melissa is waiting for us there probably with a team to assess the injuries" I say into the phone trying to stop the tears. "Is he awake? Can I talk to him?" He asks taking a deep breath. "Yes, of course" I say holding the phone up to Stiles' ear. "Hey dad hows work" his says faking a smile even though his dad can't see it, I focus my hearing so I can follow along with the conversation. "Stiles, you can pull through this I believe in you. I'll see you when you get to the hospital, I love you son. You have to stay strong for me, and for her" he says his voice trembling as if he is about to cry. "I love you too dad, I'll see you soon, I promise" Stiles says nodding his head to signal that he doesn't need the phone anymore. I notice his eyes starting to drift off and his face getting more pale by the second.

"Stiles! Look at me, look at my eyes. Concentrate on my face, anything you have to do just stay alive, because I can't survive without you." I say snapping his eyes back open and he looks at me. "I...don't...I dont get a choice. I want to stay with you, I promised I would never leave you behind so I won't, I promise" he says right as we pull up to the hospital, Liam and Scott rush over to come get Stiles while Kira runs in to get Melissa. She runs over over to us with a gurney and a bunch of different machines. They hook Stiles up to everything and get him settled and he grabs onto my hand and forces one last smile. "I..-" starts then he lets go of my hand as they wheel him inside, the rest of the pack follows behind them. "I've got an 18 year old male, multiple stab wounds to the abdomen, blood type A+. Call up to the OR tell them we are on our way up and page Dr. Geyer 911" Melissa says commanding everyone around like she own the place. I watch as they wheel him up to surgery, feeling like there was more I could have find but I know there wasn't.

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