Code Blue

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter from Melissa's POV. There is going to be a bunch a possibly confusing medical terms so I defined some of them here for you:

Code Blue: A hospital code which indicates someone needing revival.

Coding: A patient is flatlining or bradycardic.

Crash Cart: a wheeled container carrying medicine and equipment for use in emergency revivals.

Intubate: a flexible plastic tube into the trachea (windpipe) to maintain an open airway and to circulate air throughout the lungs.

Epinephrine (epi): A hormone released in the body in response to stress, used in medical settings for revival.

BP: Number of heartbeats per minute (should be around 90-100)

Bradycardic: when a patient has an abnormally slow heartbeat (BP is less then 50).

Atropine: A drug used to resolve slow heart beats (bradycardia) or as part of revival.

Labs: Blood work test to find issues.

Surgical Resident: Someone who is in training to to become a surgeon. There is seven years to that process, 1 year as an intern, 4 as a resident and 2 as a fellow.

Cardiac tamponade: a type of pericardial effusion in which fluid, pus, blood, clots, or gas accumulates in the pericardium (the sac in which the heart is enclosed)

Cardiothoracic: Specializing in the heart and lungs.

Chapter 4

Melissa POV

"Stiles! Wake up, you can't go. You stay alive, you hear me STAY ALIVE, because I can't live without you!" I hear Malia yell from the room. "Patient in room 235 is coding" another nurse yells at me, that's Stiles' room. "Get a crash cart  in room 235 STAT" I yell to another nurse then we rush into his room and Malia is crying. "You said he was fine!" She yells, another nurse pushes her out of the way to start chest compressions. "Malia you can't be in here" I say forcing her and Stilinski out of his room. I look at the monitor and see that it's a flatline. "Someone intubate him!" I yell putting a set of gloves on and getting the crash cart ready. "Push .5 of atropine and charge paddles to 300!" I yell to the team who brought the crash cart. "Clear!" I yell and everyone backs away from him and a shock jolts his body. The monitor is no longer flatlining but his BP is still only 30 which is extremely low. "Push one of epi and another .5 of atropine" I say the paddles in my hand waiting to see if the drugs have any change, they help a little but not much. "Charge to 200! Clear!" I say the shock jolting his body. 

His eyes open wide and he looks around terrified and pulls at the tube. "Shhh Stiles, don't try to fight the intubation. Just relax, I'm going to take the tube out but you need to calm down" I say getting the extubation set up, as soon as the tube is out I let Malia and Stilinski come back into the room. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just yell when I'm scared. Thank you for saving his life" Malia says hugging me, I hug her back and smile. "Thanks Melissa" He says also hugging me. I walk out of the room and talk to a 3rd year surgical resident. "I need you to get an stat chest x-Ray and a new set of labs for Stiles Stilinski in room 235. As soon as the results come in you give them to me directly, put a rush on labs. You can do the chest x-Ray assuming you know how to" I say to the resident "Yes ma'am" she says stopping to get supplies to take his blood, I go sit down at the nurse's station and wait eagerly for his test results. I pull out my phone and call Scott to give him an update. "Stiles crashed, we got him back but I think there is something wrong with his heart. You all shouldn't come yet but if just you want to that would be fine" I say to him carefully so he doesn't worry too much. "Okay I'll be right over, what do you th-" he starts to say but I interrupt him because the resident is in front of me with the results. "I just got his results I have to go" I say hanging up on him.

"How does it look?" I ask trying to get her to learn something. "His labs came back clean except he has a slightly elevated white blood cell count which means he could be fighting off infection. We should start him on antibiotics. As for the chest x-Ray I think it is a minor case of Cardiac Tamponade" she says handing me his Chest x-Ray . "Okay so how do we treat it?" I ask her. "Get an 16 gauge needle, use a ultrasound to find the pericardium, hold the ultrasound in the spot where you find it then gently guide the needle the aspirate back and pull the syringe back to drain the fluid" she says confidently. "Alright have you ever done one on your own before" I ask trying to see if I don't have to waste time waiting for an attending. "I'm planning on specializing in Cardiothoracic surgery so I've done it multiple time" she says trying to put me at ease. "Alright then get an 16 gauge needle, I'll page Dr. Geyer to over see you" I say sitting back down at the desk and page him 911.

I walk back into Stiles' room to tell them what we found. "So we got the results back from your chest x-Ray and it showed a build up of fluid around your heart. The good news is that it's a simple fix, we just guide a needle into your chest and relieve the fluid. You two can stay in the room and hold his hand" I say watching Stiles' face get slightly paler at the work needle. "So your saying that you are going to jab a needle into my chest while I'm awake" he says with fear in his voice. "You will be loaded with morphine so you won't even feel it" I say smiling at how much of a kid he still he is at heart. I walk over to the side with his IV port and with a syringe push 10 of morphine "Melissa you paged 911" Dr. Geyser says standing in the doorway. "He has a mild case of cardiac tamponade, a cardiothoracic resident is going to evacuate it, I just wanted you to oversee it" I say pointing to the resident standing next to Stiles. "Alright, Dr. Yang you can proceed" Dr. Geyer says.

Stiles grips Malia's hand and she smiled. "Squeeze as hard as you need to, don't be afraid to break any bones, I'll heal" she says smiling. "Positioning the needle" Dr. Yang says "I love you Malia, I really really really love you, like so much. It's amazing how much I love you Malia Tate" he says smiling just looking into her eyes. I've always known these two were meant for each other. "I know you won't remember this when you aren't high on morphine but I love you too" She says kissing him softly on the lips "Draining the fluid" Dr. Yang says pulling back on the syringe. "Removing the needle" she continues then puts the syringe half filled with blood in a biohazard container. "Good work Dr. Yang" Dr. Geyer says congratulating her, then he leaves. "Thank you so much" Stilinski says hugging her. "Dr. Yang get a repeat chest x-Ray in 20 minutes" I say smiling at them together like a family. "Why not now?" She says eager to finish the task. "They have had a long night and just need some time to be happy" I say as we both walk out, I close the door behind us. 

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this shorter chapter <3. Anybody get my Grey's Anatomy reference?

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