An Unexpected Guess

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Chapter 5

Malia POV

I woke up holding Stiles' hand and the imprint of the sheets on my face. My eyes adjust to the light and I notice that Stiles is awake and he is just smiling. "What? I know I have the sheet imprint on my face" I say laughing. "No it's not that, you just look really peaceful when you are sleeping." He says his smile widening "That's all" I say kind of confused. "Well that and I think I remembered our conversation yesterday when I was high on morphine. I'm really hoping it wasn't a dream, but just to make sure I'm going to say it again. I'm in love with you Malia Tate" he says smiling bigger then I've ever seen. "I love you too" I say kissing him on the lips passionately but still gently enough so he doesn't hurt himself. "That chair doesn't look comfortable, you should come sit here with me" he says smirking at me. "I think I'll take you up on the offer" I say taking my shoes off and climbing into the small hospital bed and kisses me on the cheek. We just lay there for a few minutes peacefully enjoying the company of each other.

Mr. Stilinski comes in with 2 cups of coffee. "Here Malia, I know you stayed up most of the night watching him" he says handing me a cup of coffee then drinking a sip of the one on his hand. "So I don't get any" Stiles says serious. "The doctor hasn't said you can have anything yet so if they say yes you can have a cup of coffee" Mr. Stilinski says sitting in the chair next to his bed. Stiles just groans and puts his head down on the pillow. "Malia, your phone was going off like crazy about an hour ago, I thinks it's either Scott or your dad" Mr. Stilinski says pointing to my phone on the table next to me. "Thanks" I say grabbing my phone reading the many messages from Scott, Braeden and my Dad. Scott said that he wants to have a pack meeting, Braeden is worried about my psychotic mother coming after me and my dad just wanted to make sure I was okay so I update everyone on what's going on, but more importantly I have to get revenge on Theo for what he has put this family through, and yes I do consider myself part of the Stilinski family because after you go through a hell like this it's hard not to become close.

"Hey Stiles I'm going to go out for a little and talk to my dad, he hasn't seen me in over 24 house so he is starting to get a little worried" I say kissing him on the lips then I start to get out of bed. "Be careful, I know the desert wolf is after you and I just want you to know that I can't live without you either" he says grabbing my hand stopping me. "You don't have to worry about me I can take care of myself, even against someone like my mother. I'll see you in no longer then 3 hours " I say kissing him again, he smiles brightly as I leave the room. Scott was at the nurse's station talking to his mom. "Hey Malia where are you going" he says coming over to me. "I was just going to walk over to my dads house and talk to him for a little" I say because that wasn't a lie I was going to ask him to drive me to my car then kill Theo. "Why don't you let me give you a ride, it isn't far so I don't mind" he says always being a true alpha. "Thanks but can you just take me to Stiles' house I'm just going to get my car so I have it" I say controlling my heartbeat. "Alright that works too" he says as we walk outside where is motorbike is parked.

"You know I came last night but you and Stiles were already asleep. I guess you two are good again" he says handing me a helmet. "Things are almost back to normal, well with us anyway. The desert wolf is still out to kill me" I say taking the helmet. "I'm sure we can all handle her" he says smiling at me. "You mean we as in the pack?" I ask my heartbeat rising at the thought of someone else getting hurt. "We can't let you do it alone, did your heartbeat just jump because you are worried about someone getting hurt" he says getting on the bike. "Ya" I say putting on the helmet and get on behind him. We drive in silence since the wind in our ears is too loud to hear anything else, I didn't mind it might just be a cliché but I feel free with the wind in my face. Like nothing is holding me back, it's just encouraging how much I want Theo dead. Once we hit to the house I smelt something-someone but it takes me a minute to figure it out but by that time Scott was already gone and he came out.

"I heard your mother is in town to kill you, that wasn't the mother-daughter time I was talking about you know" My biological father Peter Hale says coming from behind the house. "Great now both a my psychotic parents are on the loose" I say rolling my eyes at him. "What happened, you chopped all your hair off" he says steeping closer to me. "Well I needed a change, it was Lydia's idea to do it before Senior Year" I say looking at him trying to sense what he is planning. "Well if I must say so I think it makes you look more like your mother" he say reaching to touch my hair but I smack him away. "Keep your hands off me" I say pushing him. "Well you definitely have her attitude" he says laughing. "I'm in no mood to talk to you considering the last time we talked you tried to kill Scott and the rest of my pack" I say my anger building. "That was in the past, I'm a new me. No need for old stuff to bring us down, I am your father" he says with a cocky smile. "No you aren't, you are just a person who made it possible for me to be born. My father is Henry Tate! He is the one who treated me like a human, then there is Stiles' father who has cared for me possibly even more then that. I have a family and it most certainly doesn't include you it the desert wolf" I say almost shouting at him my anger almost exploding.

"That's too bad, my poor delicate ego is damaged beyond repair. You know I'm not surprised Stiles fell in love with you, he has always had a thing for the Hales. First there was Derek who neither of them would ever admit they had feelings for the other but we all knew they were there then he liked Cora for the short amount of time she was here, and now he is in love with you. So hopelessly in love with you" he says the first part sarcastically then he gets more serious. "How the hell would you know anything about my relationship" I say slamming him into the garage door my anger exploding. "That is the temper of a Hale. It's inside you no matter how hard you try to distance yourself from it" he says laughing.

Then I punch him just trying to shut him up but then I realize something, he likes to negotiate. So if I do something for him he could help me kill Theo. "Alright then what exactly do you want from me. There is no way you came here just to have a chat with me" I say backing away from him. "I want you to learn what it's like to be a Hale. How much of an honer it is to have the last name of the biggest family in the supernatural world, but I had a feeling that was obvious. The real question is what do you want" he says still with a cocky smile. "I want you to help me kill Theo Raeken" I say confidently. "Are you talking about that pretty little chimaera boy who is the doctor's little pet" he says laughing, but I don't find the humor in this. "He is also the chimera who turned Liam against Scott then killed Scott before him mom brought him back, put Lydia in Eichen house by digging through her mind, he tried to kill Stiles by stabbing him with his claws, he shot me and he lead me right into the hands of the desert wolf. So yes I want help to kill him, and you are someone who doesn't mind getting a little blood on their hands" I say practically explaining the last 3 weeks in only a few sentences.

"Well then I look forward to helping you, what's your plan" he says finally getting what he wants. "I'm going to get my keys rooms in the house, then we are going to kill Theo Raeken" I say without waiting for his response I go inside and grab my car keys, I use the key under the mat to lock up when I'm done. I get into my car and Peter gets in The passenger seat. "So where are we going" he says. "You'll see" I say starting the car.

A/N: What do you guys think about Malia and Peter's arrangement? Comment below, and don't forget to vote<3

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