What Now?

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Chapter 7

Stiles POV

"There is something I need to tell you guys about Theo" Malia says her voice shaking and I look at here but she won't make eye contact with me. "Malia what happened" I say gripping her hand but she pulls it away. "When Scott dropped me off to get my car Peter was there and well we had an agreement to kill Theo. I'm not sure why I even agreed but I was just so angry about him working with my mother, shooting me, trying to kill Scott, digging through Lydia's head, and trying to kill Stiles. I just wasn't thinking, but once we got there I changed my mind after talking to Tracy but Peter thought by what we were saying that Theo was an actual alpha and um... Killed him" she says looking at the floor. Everyone is quiet but I am relieved, he isn't reliable and has tried to kill all of us at different times. "Scott I'm so sorry it was all my fault, I just don't know why I let it happen, I'm so sorry" Malia says tears n her eyes starting to form.

"Malia I'm not going to lie I'm disappointed but if what you are saying is true and I'm assuming it is you feel regret and that means if Peter wasn't there he wouldn't be dead, but he is so now we just have to figure out who the beast is and how to stop it" Scott says looking at me but just can't look back. "Malia it's going to be okay, it's not your fault. At least we don't have to deal with him anymore" I say grabbing her have and this time she lets me. We are all quiet until Melissa comes into the room, "Stiles is your dad around?" She asks peaking by the door. "No he had to go back to the station, why?" I say to her then she smiles "Well I was going to give him some good news about you being able to go home tomorrow depending if you can eat solid food and keep it down" she says. "Well then bring me a burger and fries or something" I says smiling happy to possibly be going home soon. "Not so fast you are going to have to have something healthy or at least healthier then fries, I'm going to go call your dad I'll come by and check on you in an hour" she says then leaves. "Congratulations" Lydia says smiling, I can't help but notice the side of her head that still has an open wound from the drill. "Thanks I just can't wait to go back to normal" I say smiling then I look at Malia who looks exhausted and she forces a slight smile and leans back into the bed and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Well if Theo is dead what is the rest of the chimera pack going to do?" Liam says probably thinking about Hayden. Everyone looks at Maia but she just sits there for a minute until she notices everyone looking at her. "What do you want me to say. I'm not in charge of them, I was there when Theo died and that's it. Can we just talk about how to deal with the beast instead of this because it's over" she says looking like she is about to cry. The room once again falls silent, I look at Malia but her eyes are closed. "Sorry to interrupt again but visiting hours are almost over but you guys can have another couple of minutes" Melissa says quickly then leaves. "We are working in figuring out who the beast is, it just is going to take longer considering that the hole in my head is closing up" Lydia says forcing a smile. "That's good, it's a step" I say looking at Scott who looks like someone punched him in the face. Everyone gets ready to leave and then walks out leaving Malia and I alone, almost instantly after everyone was gone she starts crying.

She buries her face in my shoulder and just sits there for a minute letting everything out. "Hey it's okay, I know you didn't mean for Peter to kill him it's not your fault" I say rubbing her shoulder. "It was my fault, I wanted him dead because of what he did you you, but then I knew it would mess everything up so I decided not to and now Scott won't even look at me" she says calming down. "To be perfectly honest we all wanted Theo dead. Me especially, Scott just believes there is a better way but sometimes the only way to solve a problem like that is to get a little blood on your hands" I say and she just looks into my eyes. "This I why I love you" she says smiling then kisses me, I kiss back instantly without thinking about it then there is a knock at the door. "Am I interrupting something" My dad says laughing with a box of pizza in his hand, Malia pulls away from the kiss blushing. "Um nope" I say smiling at her also blushing. "Stiles Melissa said you can have some pizza but don't eat it too fast" he says sitting the box down on the table with the lamp.

My dad gives both of us a slice of pizza, he gives Malia a soda and me a water but when I protest he just looks at me like 'just do it so you don't make yourself sicker'. The rest if the night we just watch a movie and relax almost like a normal family and can't help but smile. Malia is asleep with her head resting in my shoulder and out hands intertwined, Malia fell asleep on top of the blankets so I grab my remote and call Melissa in here. "Stiles is everything okay" he says loud I raise my finger to my lips then point to my dad asleep in the chair and malia next to me. "Is there anyway we can get a blanket for my dad and Malia" I whisper to her and she smiles. "Of course, I'll be right back" she whispers. A couple of minute later she comes into the room with two blankets, she lays one on my dad and the other on Malia. "Thanks" I say smiling. "No problem. Is there anything else you need" she says standing by the door. "Go home, get some sleep you earned it. We will be fine here without you for the night" I whisper making her smile, I start to feel my eyes get heavy. "You are the patient not me, but I think I will. I'll see you tomorrow" she says but before she leaves I say something that I didn't mean to let slip out but I know I meant because it feels like it's true. "Bye mom" then I fell asleep.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter I've been busy. *Not updating until this gets 15 votes*

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