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Chapter 8 (Final Chapter)

Stiles POV

I wake up in the middle of the night to Malia's heartbeat racing against my chest, she is still asleep but I can tell she is having a nightmare. "Malia?" I whisper shaking her shoulders gently and her eyes shoot open and she jumps up just a little bit, her eyes are opened wide and she is still freaking out until I take both my and touch her cheeks. "Shh it's okay, you are safe here. Nobody is going to hurt you" I say then she starts to calm down a bit. "I-the-" she stumbled to say but instead she stays her arms around my neck hugging me. "I can't let the desert wolf kill you" she whispers into my ear, she pulls away from the hug and I take her hand again. "Malia listen to me. Nobody is killing me, Theo tried and look where that got him" I say hoping to get a smile out of her and it succeeds. "She is different, she is a professional killer. If she wants you dead then you would be dead" she says as we both lay back in bed facing each other. "We will find away. Just go back to sleep, we can talk more in the morning" I say tucking her hair behind her ear. "Okay roll over" she says grinning. "What why" I say raising my eyebrows. "We are going to spoon and I'm always the big spoon" she says with a bigger smile. "I can work with that" I say rolling over and she puts her arm over my waist and intertwine fingers and I fall back asleep smiling.

Malia fell back to sleep peacefully and but I lay awake. I start think about how I ate pizza and nothing in my body hurts which means I get to go home. All I want right now is for everything to go back to normal, for us all to be done with this supernatural crap and finally act like normal teenagers. I want to be able to take Malia out for a real date without being scared but honestly I don't care, as soon as I'm better I'm taking her out on a date and with thoughts of out first date I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up to Melissa shaking my shoulder, "Stiles sorry for waking you up but I need to take some blood so I can make sure you are clear to go home" she says holding up a needle. "Ya sure, go ahead. What time is it" I says looking at the sun coming through the window. "Almost 11" she says smiling as she cleans the area where the need is gong to go in. "Just a little pinch" she says inserting the needle and I look away a few second later I feel it leave my vein. "There all done" she says with a gentle smile. "Where is my dad?" I ask noticing he isn't in the chair. "There were some forms that he had to fill out before we can discharge you, he should be back soon" she says walking out of the room. I look over at Malia expecting to see her sleeping but she was wide awake. "Hey I didn't realize you were up" I say with a smile. "The smell of your anxiety woke me up" she says smiling and I know she doesn't mean offense by it. "Melissa had to take my blood" I say explaining. "Is  everything okay?" She asks getting concerned. "I'm fine, it's just protocol before discharging a patient" I say sitting up feeling almost normal. "Good because I don't know how much more I can take of almost loosing you" she says grabbing my hand.

"You aren't going to loose me, I'm not going to die and I'm not going to break up with you. I love you too much for that because I can't live without you" I say meaning every word of it. "I love you too. I can't live without you either, I wouldn't want to" she says grabbing my face and kissing me it takes me back to last year  when we were also in a hospital room talking after she almost got set on fire and Brunski gave me a concussion. Then there is a knock on the door, "God every time" I say pulling away and I let out a soft laugh against her lips, I look over to the door and as Melissa standing there laughing at us. "Well Stiles your blood work came back clear but you still have medications to take when you get home." She says still smiling. "Alright where do I get the meds" I say then I notice the two small bags in Melissa's hands. "I have them. This first one is your antibiotics to make sure your incision doesn't get infected, and the other one is for any pain" she says handing me the two bags. "Thanks" I say taking them from her.

"You shouldn't go back to school until next week because you should be resting, you need to take it easy and that means no going places to meet the pack, tell them to come to you." She says acting like a mother. "Is there anything else I need to know?" I ask her as my dad walks in with a wheelchair and she smiles. "Um... No sexual activity. Wait until your incision heals... Or until after that.. Or you know what I'm going to stop talking. Just call me if you are in any pain, you are like my own child I don't want anything happening to you" Melissa says awkwardly at first then serious at the end and she leaves. My dad stops her on the way out and thanks her, I look at Malia and see that she is trying not to laugh at her speech and I am doing the same.

"Alright are you two ready to go, Stiles you just have to change out of your hospital gown, I brought you some clothes" he says handing me a hoodie, a pair of jeans and sneakers. Malia gets up and waits outside with my dad while I take my time to change being careful not to damage the staples and stitches in my chest. Malia comes back in with the wheelchair and I look at it annoyed. "Why do I have to sit in this thing. I can walk" I sat reluctantly sitting down in it. "Melissa says it is hospital protocol" she says then she pushes me out of the room and outside to my dad who is already in his car, as soon as we get outside and I get into my dads car she smiles at me. "I have to take my car if o don't want it to be stuck here but I'll meet you at home- your house"she says starting to call my house home but correcting herself even thought I didn't mind her first thought. "Ok I'll see you there" I say quickly kissing get on the lips.

I watch as she quickly brings the wheelchair back into the hospital then gets into her car. I watch her and I don't even realize I'm doing it until I head my dad let out a small laugh. "What?" I say turning to him. "Nothing I just never thought I would see you like this" he says grinning. "Like what?" I ask him impatiently. "Well you are Stiles, you have ADHD you can't focus on something for more then 2 seconds except when it comes to Malia" he says as we pull out of the hospital parking lot. "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask clearly still impatient. "When ever she is in the room you are calm, like you are memorizing everything about her incase you forget. It was never like that with Lydia" he says focusing on the road. "I didn't really love Lydia, I thought I did, I thought that was the most you could ever care about someone, now that I'm with Malia she has opened my eyes. God I love Malia so much it's almost hopeless" I says just the thought of her calming me down. "It's not hopeless, I know she feels the same way about you" he says pausing like there was something else he wanted to say. "Your mother would have been proud" he says looking at me for a second then turning his eyes back onto the road. At first the word mom makes me think about Melissa since these days she fits the profile but then my actual mother comes to mind and know she would have been proud.


A/N: Thank you all so much for all the positive feedback on this story I really appreciate it <3, what would you think if I wrote a story where malia gets pregnant (I know a lot of people do it but I kind of wanted to give it a try)

Also check out my other main story series The Next Generation Wolf Pack and it's sequel The Aftermath.

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