Seventy Shades Of Steele(8)

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*Angelina's POV*

It is the first time I actually come to terms with my school schedule for my exams. I always thought it was stupid to put the exams so far apart and draw out the exams, but I couldn't be anymore happier.

Chloe isn't home which at first was a disappointment, but now I am enjoying every bit of it. No interrogation sessions and I can just study in piece. Well, I did study for this exam so it is basically looking over. No sense overwhelming the brain with studying.

Before I know it, I am up and closing my book with a hour to spare to leave for my exam.

An half hour later, Chloe bursts through the door looking exhausted. I shoved the chips in my mouth before waving her way.

She takes a moment inhaling harsh breaths. Her clothes seems a little disheveled, her blonde hair is sticking out of what I suspect was a neat bun, a big heavy textbook, similar to the one I was studying earlier, that seems to unbalance her and her purse hanging off her hand. Before I can question her appearance, Adam Sandler does some stupid thing in the movie and I immediately burst into fits of laughter.

"," I say after a couple minutes of continuous laughter. I wipe some more stray tears from my cheeks and turn to Chloe who still stood there, watching me silently. It is kind of creepy, but I am not going to say anything about it. This isn't the first she has acted completely weird. Sometime I wonder if it is some genetic disease or something. "Did you just see that? Wasn't it hilarious?"

She just stares at me and I think I see a deadly gleam in her eyes. I instinctively get up, but instead of keeping a very long distance between us, I approach her.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask heading into her direction at the door. "Are you hungry?"

She then takes a step back and looks at me incredulously. What is up with her?

"Angelina Pryce," she grits out and I flinch, already feeling the blow that is to come. Or so I thought. "Where have you been?"

I immediately freeze, trying to weigh the options in my head of my response. She is in a terrible mood and I am pretty sure it is my fault.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a shrug, putting a lot of effort in my voice to sound casual. I do not want to tell her about my night and I am trying to avoid it.

"Bull shit!" She accuses, her voice overflowing with pent up emotions, anger the prominent one, as she shouts at me. I stare at her with wide eyes.

She is panting with that crazed look in her eyes. It all confused me. Why is so angry? This can't be about me. I put down my hand filled with popcorn and release them back in the bowl.

"Are you okay?" I say, wondering if she is high or something. I don't want to mention that right now though. Drunk or high persons never want to be told that they are those things. Like never. It's some defensive mechanism, I think. "What happened to you?"

She looks at me blankly as I approach her, but before I am within touching distance, she huffs and pushes pass me. Okay, she is clearly not fine. She seems to blame me for something I don't know about.

"What did I do?" I ask her as I watch her change the channel to some news.

I freeze for a moment as my eyes widen at the television screen. Why is Chloe's brother picture on the television broadcasting that he is missing? Unless he is...

"Chloe, what happened?" I ask her and she looks at me as if I am crazy.

"Don't you see," she points to the television which is now showing another missing person. "My brother is missing and I thought you were missing, but look here, the lady who doesn't answer anyone's calls and haven't been seen for so long, is all happy and dangy."

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