Chapter 44: IT WAS ALEXIA

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Sophie's pov:
We called the police and they came in 4 minutes.
They started to invastgate the Jasmine's room and stuff. They did the Kitchen too.
"Sir were you and your wife and daughter here when this happend like at the moment" the officer says.
"No" Jacob says "where were you mrs. Sartorius officer says.
"We were in Arizona for a cheer compition for my daughter" I say " so u guys travel a lot" officer says "yes" I say.
"Officer I know who did it" some other guy says. "Who" officer says we start to listen.
"alexia down" the guy says me and Jacob say oh my god.
"What do u know who she is" officer says
"Yes she was my girlfreind like 8 years ago or ten Jacob says.
Then I just remembered.
She looks at me and Jacob "i will get my revenge one day watch your back she says and closes the door.
End of flashback.
"Mommy are we gonna die" Jasmine says "no sweetie" I say trying not cry.
"Why don't u folks stay at a hotel for a while" he says "thanks officer" we says.
He nods with a smile we grab our belongings and go to an hotel.
Alexia's pov:
I took a cigarette and watch as police carefully go into the sartorius house.
I was crying of revenge and happiness.
I then see a little girl i guess her names Jasmine.
Wait maybe I should kidnapp her or something yeah I should because if I got together with Jacob this wouldn't happen and we would have Jasmine not Sophie ugh now I'm gonna Ruin there cheer princesses life. I smile and see them get into their car. I get into my old mini van and follow the car.
Sophie's pov:
I look behind us as we were driving I see a old mini van following us.
"Mommy why is that car following us" Jasmine says "I don't know Jacob" I say "yeah" he says there's a old mini van following us" I say.
"Oh that's not good" he says "what are we gonna do" I say maybe we should call officer p" he say "okay" I say I call him and he picks up.
"Hello" I say "yes mrs. Sartorius " I say "hi there is a old mini van following us I say.
I then here officer p talking to someone.
Then he says "okay do u see a number on that car" he says.
"Yes it's 9782" I say.
"That's alexia" he says "come staright to the police station now"he says "I tell Jacob and we go staright to the police officer.
Jasmine's pov
I needed to go to the bathroom and it was right across us. "Mommy can I go to the bathroom I say. "Okay let me come with u" mommy says  "no it's okay I'm a big girl" I say okay she says.
I went to the bathroom and go into a stall.
And I started to pee I started to sing the pee song. P-E-E p means perfect E means excitement E means excellent ( idk how I did 😂).
Then someone comes into the bathroom I kinda get scared I flush the Toliet and get out of the stall.
She looks at me and smiles I smile back.
She had a lipring or something and tattoos on her arm and highlights In her hair.
I couldn't reach the sink.
"Hey wanna hand" she says I nod with embrassment she picks me up and she grabs me tightly but not to the sink.
"Wait your Alexia" I say i then kick her with my feet.
I then punch her face and kick her face.
"Wow I am a good fighter #karategoals" I say I turn and wash my hands then she grabs me I scream as loud as I can she covered my mouth and she puts me in her mini van I start to cry.
Sophie's pov:
We heard a scream from the bathroom.
Me and Jacob and the officer go and find your next in the bathroom written in blood.
I start to cry in Jacobs chest.
"No she wouldn't have kill Jasmine" officer says.
Jacobs starts to cry a little.
"Janis take this blood test and match it with these folks" officer says.
We then get leaded to a testing room.
We saw on Twitter saying #prayforthesartoriusfamily and #prayforjasmine.
There tweets saying:
What is F**king wrong with u
U should be ashamed @alexisis49
Your such a slut now we all wonder why Jacob never pick u Sophie is pretty and u r just an opposite.
I then post a picture saying #prayformybabyjasmine.
I then post and fans were outside the police station.
Why us why us
Hey guys I want Pizza Hut but my mom is making homemade frenchfries. Anyway make sure vote and comment happy readings!

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