Unexpected Interrogations

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I was staring my door dumbstruck. My parents weren't the kind to openly discuss marriage or anything of that sort. Although my mum would always make fun of my future marriage life, my father was more focused on my grades. Despite all the awkwardness, I am not understanding how they can simply ignore and not tell me. Deciding enough was enough, I walked up to my mom-she was the softer one. 

I made sure my voice was leveled, but it certainly had a conspicuous tone displaying my annoyance to everyone. 

"Mother, can you please explain what is going on? I am hearing things." I made sure I wasn't exactly looking annoyed but subtly tried to show it. 

I don't know what magic my voice held, but apparently it was good enough to shut up seven adults and a teenager. As if I haven't spoken, everyone started talking again only this time it was more about how the strangers were confused I had no idea. My mom was trying to dart the question by making petty excuses, but I couldn't hear her over my dad's truth. 

"We didn't tell her so she wouldn't have to worry about her school. We don't like to burden her studies." 

So the second half is definitely true, but the first half...not so much. I think I just caught my dear father twisting his tongue, oh dear what a great example he is setting for his kids. Like I said my parents caught me crushing on guys before and they know my opinions regarding independence of a woman. AKA they know I am deeply not really into the whole arranged marriage thing as much as they are. So instead of telling me, they cleverly devised a plot so I couldn't escape the situation. After graduating, I am completely independent and ready to start my working life. And this is the ideal time Indian girls usually get married. They knew if they informed me about this marriage proposal, which they must've known for weeks if not months already, I would somehow slip out of their hands in no time with a full degree and ditch the marriage, my family and make myself untraceable. Frankly, they weren't all that mistaken to be honest. I never wanted an arranged marriage, the closest thing I wanted to a relationship is someone hot, a bed and one night and that too just to feel what the whole party life is about. May be some people find that offensive, but I am young and believe as long as I have a tight grip the rein, I can lead my life through the deepest pits and the highest mountains. Alas, that never happened. There was never a chance for me to even find the right guy, either I had no time or I they didn't take my hints. 

I didn't know what would be rude to say, and what wouldn't be. I was taught how to act polite among society, but never in a situation where my future family will be decided. It's like suddenly giving up your daughter for adoption and for the heck of it the family could be a serial killer. And no one knows a serial killer until he kills. Oh boy, I am rambling again. I am nervous. Tired. Shocked. Half dead. So, any instructions would be nice to follow. 

As if it wasn't long enough, my mother introduced me to my father in law and mother in law. I was thinking of putting my hands together and greeting them with respect but I decided against it. Why should I? Ten minutes into my life, and my family already forgot me. Pftt. So I simply smiled and said,

"Hello uncle, aunty". These terms are commonly used in the Indian society to greet older people.

And that's when the interrogation began. My 'Uncle' and 'Aunty'  asked me about my cooking skills, my singing ability (which sucked btw even after taking four years of classes), my college life, my friends, my habits, the bread and butter of my entire life. There was only one feeling I had throughout this: white hot anger. I had to hold my fists together before I exploded and slapped the Auntie's face. Yes, I am violent person. In my head that is. I never really liked people probing and questioning. I will tell you when I feel the need to tell you. So instead of lashing out, I politely started a conversion neither my parents nor my in-laws were expecting. They boy, whose name was Rohan apparently, was sitting quietly although from his shy glances and uncomfortable look I could tell he was enjoying this just as much as me. 

"So, Rohan can you cook?" his head shot up so fast it was a miracle it didn't bounce off his neck right that moment.

"Of course, I can!" He sounded a bit insulted, but his face relaxed after hopefully understanding how my interrogation felt. I don't think these were the kind of question he expected, if any at all. Usually the girl has to be able to cook, clean, be the stereotype stay at home mother and look like a model. The guy though, oh no he got none of that crap. He could be twice the girl's age with a fat beer belly and a bald spot, but as long as he's making enough dough and has numerous assets he is game. Although Rohan was a much better looking than those stuff-your-face-with-laddo guys. In fact, he actually looks really cute for a South Indian.  

"And can you dance?"

"No..." He said looking at me with a slight disdain now. 

"Can you clean the house?"

"What-why-why are you asking me these question?" He stuttered unable to suppress his anger.

"See Rohan, if I am going to go to a strangers house for the remainder of my life, I am going to make sure I go in as their daughter not their slave."

I glanced at my parents and wasn't quite surprised with their horrified and angry faces. My mother was trying to widen her eyes and scare me. As much as that worked in my teen years, it just ended up making my mother look like she was suffering a very bad eye twitch. 

"Trisha!  That is enough!" My mother was trying to shun me, but I wasn't having it.

"No, not this time mother. I am not trying to be rude to anyone here so forgive me if I do insult you. I am, however trying to see if you are the right family for me because I will have a say in who my betrothed will be. Do you agree with me Rohan?"

Rohan had no emotion in his face, but even I could tell he was a bit baffled but the situation. His brother, however looked like he was having the time of his life. He even whistled and pulled his brother closer by the shoulder.

"Man, your getting one hell of a wifey." He joked and Rohan actually cracked a tiny smile. I felt my self calm down looking at him. He is quite a looker, but when he smiles? Lets just say my pantalones weren't really happy on my legs. 

"This is unacceptable Mr. Keshava. I thought you mentioned your daughter as very obedient. I am finding that hard to accept." Misses Monster-In-Law started already. My eyebrows were already scrunching together. It was only a matter of time before I wash this woman clean. Before my parents could cover up for my behavior, it was surprisingly Rohan who spoke. 

"Yes, I agree. I agree with Trisha. I am not ready to jump into the marriage either. I want to get to know her and then decide if we will be happy." Rohan looked at me as if he was confirming a business deal. But I pretended that he was asking for my approval and gave a subtle nod.  

Our mothers looked a bit taken back as if this was unexpected, but his father wasn't a bit frazzled. 

"Then, go. Both of you go and talk." 

I am a bit of rebel, but even I knew asking my parents permission to talk to Rohan was a big deal. It is a sign of respect, else I would be regarded as vulgar and dominant. It wouldn't matter if Rohan liked me because if his family doesn't like me I will be screwed. My dad nodded his approval and I walked Rohan to my room upstairs and neither of us spoke. 

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