Try Me. At least.

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Apparently, Rohan's family came all the way from Florida so they were staying over. I can only imagine how much my parents must've communicated with Rohan's family to like me enough to travel all the way to New Jersey and to stay over a stranger's house. The parents decided to stay at home, while we 'youngsters' decided to go out somewhere.

"So, how about you guys go on and I'll take this nugget and we'll go somewhere?" Ram pointed to my brother who gave him a high-five. They sure are bonding pretty tight. 

"Sure, I'll take Trisha out." Rohan  said. 

I didn't feel bright around Rohan. He seemed too straight for me, as if his life is a business. So far, he has been pretty practical but he needed to loosen up around me if he ever wants me to be more than a stranger to him. 

"Let's take my car" I said pointing to my car.

"I can drive" He offered but I was too quick for him. 

"Uh, as if! This is Jersey buddy, not Florida. You gotta know the roads here."

He smirked at me. 

"What?" I asked.

"You have a lot to learn about me" He had a pretty arrogant look on his face.

"Then teach me" I said offering him my keys, but he refused pulling out his own. The white BMW Z4 convertible that previously caught mine and my brother's attention beeped. I would've usually dropped my jaw and probably licked the car like a lollipop, but Caleb already exposed me to better and pricey  cars. 

"You live here" I stated. The number board was not that of Florida, it was yellow just like my car. What more, it read Rohan

"No shit, Sherlock. Hop on in!" He didn't pull out my door like Caleb used to. 

He pulled the hood up, but Caleb always asked me what I wanted.


I need to forget Caleb.

Caleb. Caleb. Caleb.

"You know I could've drove off the road and crashed into a tree and you would still not say a thing." He broke me out of whatever trance I was in.

"Huh? I'm sorry. I-I don't know I was just out. Its been a long day."

"Understandable, but why do you look so dull?"

"Caleb" I blurted without thinking. He hit the break pretty hard. I am just glad there was a red light or we would've both been dead by now. He gave me a pained look.

"You still  didn't forget him?" He asked me. 

Now, I was the one intrigued.

"How? How do you know about him?" I glared straight into his eyes. He needs to know I mean business. 

"What you think I am type to decide my wife in half an hour? Or two months? I've seen you three years ago in your orientation. I was just visiting my frat then and I saw you. I couldn't get you out of my head. The way you laughed, how innocent you were. It was crazy you know? I suddenly see this girl I knew nothing about and fall head over heels for her--"

"What is with guys knowing me before I know them?! No fair!" I can't believe my tongue slipped like that. He just smiled at me and shook he  head as if there is no way I am for real. 

"Anyways. I wanted to meet you, say something to you. But I've heard a lot about you already. You had strict parents and your were heading straight into an arranged marriage. I couldn't imagine my luck. If I wanted, I could make you my wife. I never believed in love at first sight or all that crap, but dang you struck me. I knew I would've come off as creepy for keeping tabs on you and stuff, but I guess its not much different from you girls asking your friends about a guy. I had ears from my frat and you had a ton of friends who were willing to talk. I learned about you and I was so happy. Happy that you were sort of my dream girl, I guess. But I didn't want to say anything till you were done with school, so I could build my career and you could build yours. And here we are."

"And here we are" I said looking at him. I sighed and looked down at my hands. "You know for once I have no comments, but I will tell you how I am feeling. I am slightly creeped, and bit flattered and definitely am not comfortable with the idea you had people stalk me--"

"It wasn't stalking I was asking. There is a difference, ok?" 

"Still Rohan! You had no right. Maybe you should've approached me or something. I don't like that you get so much time to decide that I am your perfect girl and not the other way around. And you know my whole life without me telling you. That's creeping me out. I know nothing about you! Heck, I didn't even know your name 'till your mom spoke out half an hour ago!" 

"I know, but I promise I'll be good to you. I know it might be hard when you are still getting over Caleb or what not, but I am crazy for you."

"That's the thing, I was going to give you a chance. Me and Caleb have been over for a while now, but now you pop in here knowing everything about my life-my four years of life I didn't want anyone to know about!"

"Well, don't you think that is better? If you want to go to a club, I would never question you. If you wanted to move to a different country, I would never say no. If you told me you already had sex with another guy, I would never blow up on you. Because I understand you Trisha and I want to make you happy. I know I can't compete with the cars Caleb owned or the kind of special moments you guys had. But I just want one chance."

We were quiet after that. I didn't know what to say. No wonder he parked the car so visibly, he wanted to impress me. All my life, I've wanted a guy who can completely understand me and put me above his life. And here he is literally waiting for me to say yes. And here I was thinking about it. Maybe I still need time to get over Caleb.  

He pulled up to a restaurant I really liked.

Neither of us got out.

"Try me. At least for one evening."

He stretched out his hand for me- just like Caleb did. But when I placed my hand in his, I felt waves rippling in my stomach.

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