Miracle 2

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I am happy. Rohan told me to find happiness and I did. My happiness is my family. 

Me and Varsh played with Arjun for a bit until he went to sleep. My mother in law was sleeping and Nandini and Ram were working, so we decided to head out to Varsh's college. He was attending my old college, because it gave money for students whose siblings attended there. We didn't hit the campus, but I made my way to Varsh's apartment. It was actually decorated pretty well. I realized it wasn't him but Arya who probably did it. 

"Where is my dear sister?" I asked him referring to Arya.

"She isn't out 'till six thirty. I have to go pick her up then" I was surprised. My brother was perhaps the most conceited kid I knew and here he is picking up someone from their class. Oh Arya, what have you done with my Varsh?

"Let's head out for lunch then. Do you have any work?" I asked him when seemed a little hesitant. It was Friday so I knew some of my old friends might be able to meet me. 

"Well, I'll head out then and grab lunch. Or do you want me to make anything?" I asked him

"Nah, I'm good. I've got some take out from last night."

"I'll cook fresh for you" I said

"No seriously it's ok dude. Go out and eat." I knew he was hiding something he was trying to dodge me.

"Let me see it" I said. That's when he started getting nervous. 

"Fine. I'll find out my self." I made my way to the kitchen and was horrified at what I saw. There was Indian cookery on the stove. "No way, you bi*tch! You cook for Arya?"

He stood there feeling awkward and uncomfortable. 

"I cook for me, too" He said as if that was supposed to help.

"Holy Sh*it, Varsh. I didn't know a girl could change you this much."

I sat at the dining table and sample the egg plant curry. It actually tasted similar to my mothers.

"This is not bad actually. Tastes like mom's food" I confessed.

"Thanks," He said sitting opposite to me.

"So you love her, huh? Did you tell her yet?"

He shook his head.

"I am sure she knows, but I didn't tell her. I was going to ask you in a week or something after our finals for ideas" I nodded.

"Sure. Don't worry. I'm sure she loves you too" I said placing my hand on his. Arya's parents lived in the twenty first century abandoning the arranged marriage system, yet Arya never dated anyone except my brother.

"It's scary what I feel for her you know? Graduation is coming up and we will start getting busy. I can't believe I've never told her I love her and we've been together for four years now!"

"It's ok. At least you can tell her" I said giving him a distant look remembering Rohan.

"I am sorr-"

"No, don't be. Well Arya seems like the girl who could appreciate a promise ring sorta thing you know?" He nodded feeling excited. 

I left him after giving him money for a small golden ring and an nice picnic idea to get their relationship moving.

After deciding a place on the wide stretch of restaurants, I had Chinese lunch and bubble tea. I visited my professors, who were only too happy to see me. Some of them even hugged me! Some asked me to show picture of Rohan, too. I casually walked by the buildings feeling blissful and somehow bitter at the same time. This place taught me things I probably would've never learned in some other colleges. The people her taught me to follow my heart not my mind and that was enough for one life time. I didn't know how to kill time while I waited for my friends to show up. So, I did something I used to do back in college and decided to watch a movie on my phone. I felt weird not holding a bag, or a book here. I don't remember a time I wasn't reading or writing. 
When I felt like someone was standing in front of me, I looked up.

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