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Justin sat impatiently on the brown leather couch in the living room of  his manger's Los Angeles home. Scooter had called him earlier that morning blabbering on about something important that they needed to discuss. Of course Justin wasn't at all interested, he would have much rather go out somewhere and find a hot girl to pick up. Unfortunately for him had no choice but to listen.

"So what's so important?" Justin asked, his patience growing thin.

"Ever heard of Selena Gomez?" Scooter asked.

"Yeah, she's pretty hot. I think I met her once at an award show or something," Justin shrugged.

"Right well, she's one of the biggest rising female pop stars right now. I've been in contact with her manager and we have agreed on a contract relationship," Scooter said.

Justin stared at his manger in confusion. A contract relationship? Had he completely lost his mind? Justin could never be in a relationship nevertheless a contract one. He wasn't the type of guy who liked being tied down in the first place. 

"You're joking right?" Justin asked.

Scooter shook his head, "No I'm not, I'm dead serious."

"I don't get, how is this going to benefit me? I'm just going to end up stuck with some clingy bitch who'll try to control me," Justin frowned.

Sure Justin had thought Selena was hot but she wasn't the kind of girl he'd settle for. There were plenty of other hot women out there.

Scooter sighed, "Think of it this way, you're both at the top of your careers. You want it to stay that way don't you?" 

"Of course, but I don't get how dating Serena Gomez or whatever her name is, helps me," Justin replied, still not understanding how a contract relationship had any benefits. 

"Well you see, if you want to stay on top you've got to make sure you get in the papers and what better way to do that then to get a girlfriend. People will go crazy and it'll help album sales, along with good publicity," Scooter explained. "I can already see it 'Pop Star Justin Bieber Finally Tamed?'"

Justin laughed sarcastically, "Very funny Scooter. But seriously why does it have to be Selena Gomez?"

"Because then it'll be double the publicity, it's a win, win. Two of Hollywood's rising stars dating, who wouldn't want to know about that?" Scooter said, confident in the plan he had come up with.

Justin pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe he was actually going to agree to this. But if it was what was best for his career then he had to do it. If there was one thing Justin valued it was his career. He had made it this far and he wasn't going to stop now. He needed all the good publicity he could get, even if it meant he had to be stuck with one girl.

"This isn't a permanent thing right?"Justin clarified

"No, I will have to discuss the length of the relationship with Selena's manager," Scooter replied.

"Has she even agreed to this?" Justin asked.

Scooter shrugged, "Her manager is talking to her about it as we speak."


Selena almost choked on her water, "You're joking right?" 

"No I am certainly not," Mandy, Selena's mom and manager sighed.

"You want me to be in a contract relationship with Justin Bieber?" Selena laughed sarcastically.

"Yes Selena," Mandy rolled her eyes.

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