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Selena sat beside Justin on the couch in her living room, bored out of her mind. It was her monthly meeting with Justin, Scooter, and her mom.

She couldn't help but think about how much her life had changed since she agreed to this publicity stunt. Not long ago, she was simply Selena Gomes the actor and singer, but now she was Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber's girlfriend. She didn't like being referred to as someone's girlfriend. She wanted to be known for her skills, not her relationship.

"You two are doing great, every news outlet is talking about you both and you're on every magazine cover," Scooter announced with content. 

"But now we need to make sure you stay there," Selena's mother, Mandy, added. 

Selena rolled her eyes. She was still tired from the trip to Hawaii and wanted nothing more but to sleep. In all honesty, she didn't care if her life was being broadcasted in the news or in magazines. She just wanted to do what she loved, which was act and sing. But of course, life isn't that simple. If she wanted to do what she loved, she had to be popular, which meant she had to be featured in the media. 

Justin let out a sigh, "So how do we make sure we stay in the media?"

Selena studied Justin intently. Things had been different since their trip to Hawaii, it was refreshing. They began talking over the phone nearly every day and Selena quickly found that her opinion of Justin had drastically changed. She no longer saw him as an annoying ass, who messed around with girls for fun. She started seeing him as a charming, funny, genuine guy she enjoyed talking to.

It almost scared her how much their dynamic had changed. They no longer hated each other, and ever since Hawaii, they had this weird tension between them. They had made out a few times while they were there and every so often Selena found herself craving the feeling of his soft lips pressed against hers. It was a strange feeling and she wasn't sure whether she hated it or enjoyed it. On top of that, Justin still hadn't mentioned the date he had promised her. And even though she wanted to talk about it, there was no way Selena would bring it up first. 

"Selena are you with us?" Scooter asked abruptly, causing Selena to snap back to reality. 

All eyes were on her and she could feel her cheeks begin to heat up. "Ah- I'm sorry could you repeat that?" She said.

"Of course. Your mother was just saying that making an appearance at an award show together would be great for publicity. Somewhere big to officially show you're together, and what better place than the Vanity Fair party," Scooter explained. 

Selena looked at Scooter in confusion, "Isn't Justin going on tour?"

Her mother sighed in disappointment, "Selena if you were listening you would have heard that the Vanity Fair party is two days before Justin goes on tour."

"Right, sorry," Selena mumbled in response before Scooter and Mandy continued their conversation.

"Hey, you ok? You seem a little out of it," Justin whispered to Selena, his voice full of concern. 

"Mhm, yeah I'm fine, just tired," she lied. 

The truth was she had a lot on her mind, but she wasn't going to tell Justin that with his manager and her mom sitting only a few feet away.

Justin raised an eyebrow, making it clear he was unconvinced, "I don't believe you."

"I really don't care, if you don't believe me," Selena sighed.

 Justin frowned. For some reason it bothered him that Selena was shutting him out, he didn't like it one bit.

Justin suddenly stood up, startling everyone in the room. "I need to use the washroom," he blurted. "Selena, will you show me where it is?"

Selena furrowed her eyebrows. What was he up to?

"Of course she will," Mandy spoke up for her daughter, who had remained silent.

"Right, it's this way," Selena said, motioning for Justin to follow her.

The moment Justin and Selena stepped out of the living room, Justin grabbed Selena and pinned against the wall. They stood dangerously close, their noses nearly touching. The close proximity made Selena nervous, she could feel blood rushing to her face out of embarrassment. 

"What the hell Justin," Selena whispered angrily, not wanting her mother to hear.

Sensing her uncomfort, a small smirk appeared on Justin's lips, "Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" 

"I told you, I'm tired. That's all," Selena replied. 

Justin glanced down at Selena's plump lips. They'd been tempting him since the moment he had arrived for the meeting. It was a strange feeling. He had never craved a woman's lips before, it was always women who threw themselves at him and he would simply oblidge. There was clearly tension between the two, anyone could feel it. It was just a matter of who would make the first move.

"And I told you, I don't believe you. You're a terrible liar." He connected his lips to her's. 

This kiss was different. It was more urgent and desperate than the kisses they had shared in Hawaii. Justin's arms snaked our Selena's waist pulling to closer, pressing her against him. Her hands automatically went to his hair and gently tugged at it. It was as if they had both been starved of each other. They were consumed by each other, completely caught up in the moment.

They both pulled away breathing heavily. 

"Justin, we can't keep doing this," Selena said, resting her forehead against his. "We're not in a real relationship, this is just going to mess with our heads."

"Then let's agree not to let it get to our heads," Justin said. "I told you before, we're stuck with each other. We might as well have some fun with it."

Selena sighed. "I don't know Justin. It's a dangerous game to play, it never ends well."

"Selena, you had said it yourself, you don't want to miss out on having a real relationship. So what's the big deal of having a fake relationship with a few perks of a real one." Justin said in attempt to convince her. 

Selena closed her eyes. Deep down she knew if she agreed she would one day come to regret it. But in the moment, her brain was clouded with the sensation of his lips against her's, and she liked it. She wasn't sure what it meant, but she liked kissing Justin. 

"Alright," she finally said, opening her eyes.

A smile spread on Justin's face. "Good, I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven."

Confusion spread across Selena's face. "For what?"

"For the date I promised you. You didn't think I'd forgotten did you?" He didn't give her a chance to reply. By the time Selena's mind had finally processed what he had said, he was already heading back to the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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