Eight || Never touch the bottle.

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"I said you wouldn't be ready on time." Damon said, having his arms around Elena's waist and looking her playful in her eyes.

"You were distracting me, I would be done if it wasn't for you and your stupid games." Damon kissed her forehead and grinned, Elena rolled her eyes.

"You liked playing along with my games." Damon smirked, looking into Elena's big brown eyes - Elena rolled her eyes.

Jeremy would come visit today, he spent the past few months in Denver and is planning to stay here for the weekend.

"Damon, let me shower!" Elena chuckled, trying to release herself from Damon, but his grip was too tight.
"I hate you." Elena said sarcastically, she kissed Damon quick and softly on his lips, but Damon leaned in and continued the kiss - Damon placed his hands on Elena's cheeks.

Their lips moved in sync, Damon started kissing her neck with one of his hands lowering to Elena's waist where his hand disappeared underneath her shirt and softly stroke her skin, she moaned of pleasure.

Damon pulled Elena closer to him, she locked her arms around his neck. Damon started giving soft kissed on her collarbone and slowly trailing down to her breasts, Elena lifted her hands to run her fingers through Damon's hair and softly moaned.

Elena pulled Damon's head up and kissed him on the lips, Damon deepened the kiss.
He moved his hand on the back of Elena's shirt and slid his hand under it to pull it off of her head, but Elena stopped him by holding his arm.

She softly pecked Damon's lips and pulled herself away from him, even though she wanted to continue feeling the energy and warmth of Damon's body against hers.

"We're not doing this again, Damon." She chuckled.
"Jeremy is waiting and I'm already late." Elena smiled a pity smile. Damon sighed.

"Okay, Okay - but you'll owe me this." Damon grinned slyly, Elena chuckled.
"I'll keep the wonderful company busy then.." Damon sighed.
"Hurry up, please." Damon left the room and went downstairs, Jeremy and Matt were chatting in the living room.

"Oh no Donovan, get your dirty little hands away from that." Damon ran over to Matt and grabbed his upper arm.

"Come on, Damon - I'm not visiting that often, let us enjoy a little." Jeremy said while sitting on the couch eyeing Damon and Matt.
Damon let go of Matt's arm and turned to him.

"Enjoying my ass, if you two kids want to drink something then go to the store and buy yourself a drink or whatever, but you two are not touching one of my old bottles, which are far more worth than you two lives combined." Damon threw a serious glance at Matt and walked out of the living room.

"I'll guess we won't have a drink then." Matt walked back to the couch where Jeremy was sitting and sat down next to him.
"You know what?" Jeremy said after a few silent seconds, he stood up.
"Screw it, he can't really punish me for it." He walked over to the cabinet, grabbed a bottle and held it in the air.

"I don't know, Jer.. Knowing Damon, he will be mad as hell if he finds out, you wouldn't want him as an enemy.." Matt said while Jeremy opened the bottle.
"We'll see, he can't hurt me." Jeremy laughed and walked back to the couch.

Damon entered his room, Elena was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she just showered - a towel was covering her body.

"Are you coming downstairs, before Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum do something stupid?" Damon walked over to Elena and put his arms around her body.

"Be kind, it's nice to have Jeremy back for a while." Elena smiled at Damon through the mirror and Damon rested his head on her shoulder.
"Well.." Damon sighed and kissed Elena's shoulder.

"I'm going to put on some clothes" Elena smile, released herself from Damon arms and walked to the closet.
"You don't need to.." Damon grinned and followed her.
"You're really funny, you know." She grabbed a shirt, turned around to peck Damon on his lips and walked back to the bathroom - a pair of jeans were already hanging on the edge of the bathtub.

"Can I maybe get some privacy, while I dress up?" Damon was now sitting on the bed and was watching Elena's movements.
"I don't know, can you?" Damon chuckled and stood up, he knew she wouldn't put on her clothes if he was still watching her, but he waited for a response.

"Damon, leave." Elena rolled her eyes and sighed happily when she saw Damon taking steps towards the door.
"Okay, okay.." He said while having his hands in the air as a sign of surrender.
"I'll be waiting downstairs, hurry up." He left the room, Elena heard him walking off the stairs.

"You've got to be-" Damon super speeded towards Jeremy who was holding an half empty bottle of liquor, the bottle they weren't allowed to touch.

"What the hell did I say, was it so damn hard to understand?" He grabbed the bottle out of Jeremy's hand.
"I warned you, Jer." Matt said, still sitting the couch and eyeing Jeremy.

"Come on, Damon.. It's just a bottle." Jeremy said.
"I-" Damon groaned.
"Jeremy.." He sighed.
"You don't know how much I want to kill your stupid little head right now.."
Damon clenched his fists and took a deep breath.
"You're such a damn kid."
Damon scoffed - he took a sip of the bottle and walked away from the two men.

Jeremy turned around to Matt.
"See?" He murmured - Matt rolled his eyes.

"Hey Jer!" Elena entered the living room a few minutes after Damon's outburst.
"Finally.. It took you long enough to come." Jeremy walked up to Elena and gave her a huge hug, she hugged him back.

Damon was leaning against the fireplace, watching them hug.
He emptied the bottle and placed it next to the fireplace.

Elena and Jeremy sat down on the couch on the opposite of each other, Jeremy sat next to Matt, who greeted Elena with a simple nod and a sweet smile.

"So, how are you doing in Denver?" Elena asked.
"Well, pretty good I think - I'm leaning a lot of stuff and it's relaxing to be away from all the supernatural stuff for a moment, haha." Jeremy answered - Damon groaned of annoyance.

"I'm going outside, have fun you three." Damon said after a few minutes, interrupting their conversation, which lead to nothing in particularly interesting (according to Damon).
He walked out of the living room, and grabbed his jacket.
"Where are you going?" Elena asked.

"I don't know, everything is better than listening to this stodgy conversation." Elena noticed Damon's irritated mood and didn't respond to his comment.

"Have a nice day." Damon said sarcastically - he walked over to the door and left.

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