Eleven || We are the shadows in the light.

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"Hey, you still with me?" Damon asked to Stefan, his forehead leaned against the bars of his cage.
"Stef?" Damon looked up to see Stefan laying on the ground in the opposite cell - Stefan groaned.
"I'm okay." Stefan said with closed eyes.
"Well, stay like that - I don't want you to die in this hellhole."

"How-" he sat upright.
"-can you be so energetic?"

"I spend five years in captivity like this, it's starting to get normal." Damon joked.
"Just don't think about it too much, Stef - we're going to get out of here." Damon said while lowering to the ground, Stefan nodded quietly.

It kept silence for a few minutes, Caroline was sleeping in the cage next to Damon - she felt weak, her soft breathing was the only sound echoing throughout the room.

They were locked in a giant room, which looked like a room from an empty factory. The room was practically empty with only a few boxes along with a few cages, three of them filled with Damon, Stefan and Caroline. The cages were old, but strong enough to not be broken by Vampires.

"Is she okay?" Stefan gazed at Caroline.
Damon turned to her and listened to her respiration.
"She is just sleeping, drained of her energy - you should sleep too." Stefan didn't respond.

"Do you think Elena is okay?" Stefan asked - Damon sighed by the thought of it.

"I don't know.. She's probably trying to find us, let's just hope for the damn best that she'll succeed."

Elena's P.O.V

"I don't know how to do this, Matt." Elena said frustrated, she ran her hands through her hair.
"Elena, we're going to find them, quit stressing out.." Matt said calmly.

"How are we supposed to find them, Matt? We don't have the slightest bit of a clue from where they might be."

"We've been trying this for weeks, they may even be death already!" Elena walked up to the couch and sat herself down.
"Don't say that." Matt said, he followed her and sat down beside her.

"Hey-" Matt placed his hand on Elena's shoulder.
"I'm going to ask around, if someone has seen something suspicious." Matt softly stroke her back.

"It has been too long ago, Matt."
"People won't remember such things,
I'm certain."

"We don't have Bonnie or other supernatural power, but one of my friends is also gone, Elena."

"So, I won't give up and neither do you."

Damon's P.O.V

"Good day, my lovely friends!" Lysander walked in, his face as chipper as always.
He strolled along the cages and stopped by the sleeping Caroline, too weak to hear Lysander coming in.
"Wake up, dear." He opened her cage and walked up to her, Stefan and Damon both swiftly stood up.

"Lysander! Don't touch her!" Lysander grabbed Caroline, who woke up instantly - Stefan fell silent.
"Oh, It's not like you can do something about it, mr. Salvatore." He commented to Stefan.

He held Caroline by both her arms and pushed her against the cage bars, she grunted.
"Get off of me!" She tried to fight back.
"Don't try to fight me, sugar.. You know it's useless." He said while keeping her in his grip.

"Let's go." Lysander held her upper arm tightly and hauled her out of the cage. Stefan reached out of the cage, trying to grab Lysander's arm.
Lysander swiftly grabbed Stefan's arm and twisted it, the bones in his arm creaked - Stefan screamed in pain.

"Ouch.." Lysander grinned.

"Stefan!" Caroline shouted, but Lysander continued walking and dragged Caroline with him, he left.

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