Twelve || Death is the only thing you haven't tried.

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Phew, it took me a long time to write this (sorry). What do you guys by the way think of Lysander? I think that the end if this story is pretty near, but for now.. Enjoy :)

2+ weeks ago

The big factory doors opened, Lysander entered the room.
"Good morning, you two!" He said enthusiastically to Stefan and Caroline.

The two Vampires, locked up in cages both stood up and listened to Lysander, who was still standing in the near the doors.
"I hope you two got a nice couple hours of sleep, because I've got a lovely present for you both!" Lysander rubbed his hands of excitement.

"Go to hell." Stefan said.

Lysander sighed. He super speeded to Stefan's cage, swiftly grabbed Stefan's neck and smashed his head against the cage, Stefan groaned and fell to the floor.

"Stefan.." Caroline said worriedly, but stepped away from the bars, afraid for what Lysander might do to her if she spoke up to him.

"Well, anyway.." Lysander walked back to the door and disappeared for a second, he came back with an unconscious Damon, sliding along the ground.

The two Vampires looked up to Lysander.

"Damon!" Stefan shouted.
"Oh my god..." Caroline said under her breath.

"I knew you two would like it!" Lysander trailed him over the floor, Stefan and Caroline watched him.

"What did you do to him?" Stefan looked down at Damon.

Damon's face was covered in dried blood of his own, his jacket and t-shirt were full of blood stains. His respiration was quiet and slow, Lysander hauled him in the cage next to Caroline, he turned around to face Stefan.

"Yes, sorry. Your brother is a bit stubborn, but I think you already knew that since you get to live with him." He showed a nasty smirk, turned back and locked the cage.

"I must say, that man can fight like a wild dog.. and I say this, because he tried to prove himself by rudely attacking me.."

"..several times." Lysander sighed, but smiled quickly after it.

"Well, I need to get going! Have fun you three!" Lysander strolled back to the door and left the room.


"Damon.." Caroline reached out of her cell to grab Damon's arm, she shook it.

Caroline continued shaking his arm.

"Damon!" Caroline whispered loudly.

Damon's body twitched, he opened his eyes.

"What-. Where the hell am I?" He sat upright and looked around him, Stefan watched him quietly.

"Stefan?" Damon noticed him, Stefan smiled a broken smile.

"You were unconscious for a couple of hours, Lysander brought you in here." Stefan said, Caroline nodded.

"Damn it.." Damon looked at his blood stained clothes and the dirty cage floor he was sitting on.

"What is that bastard planning to do to us?" Damon asked.

"He is keeping us in this cells, until we're ready to get transported to some other hell place. We're like Vampire prostituees.." Caroline responded.

"Ha, funny.." Damon murmured.

"Well, Einsteins. How are we going to get out of here?"

"We can't. These bars..-" Stefan tried to bend one of the cage bars, but failed.

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