Six || Breathing problems.

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Elena and Katherine locked themselves inside Stefan's room.
"I'm going to call Stefan." Elena grabbed her phone and dialed Stefan.
"Why don't you do that, while I'm going to wait for the horde of vampires to rush through that door in a second!" Katherine rolled her eyes and walked around in Stefan's room.

Elena could hear the sound of fighting and flying furniture downstairs - she super speeded to Katherine and pressed her against the wall, having her hand around Katherine's throat.

"I could save them the effort and kill you right now. This is all your fault, everything was fine until you came!" Katherine coughed and Elena let go.
"You're the one that made-!"

"Elena?" They both went silent - Elena looked at her phone which was still in her hand.
"Stefan? Where are you?" Elena could hear a car riding in the background.
"What's wrong?"
"Vampires are attacking us, were in the Boarding House."
"I'm not in town right-"

The door got kicked in, two Vampires stormed in, one of them was holding Damon and they threw him in the direction of Elena and Katherine. There are 2 Vampires left, Damon must have killed the other ones downstairs.

Damon gasped, Elena helped him get up on his feet.
"Here, you can have her." Damon said while he was trying to control his respiration - he threw a glance at Katherine.

"What?" Katherine panicked.
"I expected a more exiting trade.." said the 'younger-looking' Vampire, he looked around the age of seventeen, but he could have been turned ages ago - he smirked, the other man rolled his eyes.
"Besides, how do we even know it's her?" The younger one looked confused at Elena.
"Shut your mouth, it's her." The older man took a step towards Katherine, who took a few steps back.

"It feels like I'm watching Dumb and Dumber." Damon murmured, he sighed.

"Damon, please!" Katherine stepped back until she had hit the wall.
"I'm sorry Katherine." Damon's face didn't show any emotion.
The Vampire grabbed Katherine's arm firmly and pulled her to him, Katherine tried to fight back.
"Damon!" Katherines voice sounded desperate.
"Let's go." The two Vampires super speeded downstairs with Katherine.

"Damon.." Elena murmured.
"What are you-" Elena didn't seem to listen, she sighed and was gone in a second.
"Elena!" Damon super speeded after her.

Damon was standing downstairs, the front door was open and Elena, Katherine and the two Vampires were gone - he walked out of the front door and listened to the sounds outside hoping that he could hear one of them.
"Shit Elena! Where the hell are you?"

Elena looked up to the sky to see if the sun would come up soon, it was still dark. She walked further into the woods, following the sound of Katherine and the Vampires - Elena hated the fact that she is doing all this effort just to save the one and only bitch, Katherine Pierce.

She grabbed a piece of wood from the ground and began to walk a little more closer to the sound than she did before - her cellphone rang.
"No,no,no,no Damon!" She whispered - She quickly declined the call and put her phone on silent.

Elena tried to focus on the sound of the Vampires again, but she couldn't hear anything.

"Looking for us?" Elena quickly turned around to see the two Vampires and an unconscious Katherine.
Both of them rushed to Elena, leaving Katherine on the ground - Elena could stab the one of them in the heart, the other one threw Elena against a tree - she tried to get up, but the Vampire held her against the tree by her throat, she tried to push him off her with her strength, but he was too strong.

Elena gasped for breath - the Vampire was talking to her, but she couldn't focus on his voice, she felt giddy.
After a few seconds Damon appeared behind the Vampire, grabbed his shoulder and ripped his heart out - Elena fell to the ground trying to get some air, she coughed.

They didn't say a word to each other on the way back to the Boarding House, Damon was carrying Katherine, who was still unconscious.
Damon put Katherine on the couch and made a pile of dead Vampires in the Living room. He looked at Elena who was planning to go upstairs.

"Were you out off your freaking mind?" Damon said, while pouring himself a glass of Bourbon - Elena didn't respond, he took a sip.
"You HATE Katherine! Then, out of the blue you decide to 'save' her? You could have died out there Elena, you would be dead now if I wasn't there to save you!" Damon lowered his glass and was now standing in front of Elena, who was quietly looking to the ground - he rested his hand on her cheek and stroke it with his thumb.
"And what would I do, if you died." Damon's voice was softer this time.

Elena looked up to gaze Damon in his eyes, she grabbed his hand.
"I don't know, Damon, I-" She sighed
"Can.. we just forget about all of this?" Elena looked down at the floor again.
"Yes." Damon's big blue eyes were gazing at her face, he softly pecked her on her forehead. Damon delicately squeezed in her hand, they both went upstairs to bed.

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