Three || You can't deny it.

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Damon planted a trail of kissed down to Elena's collarbones and gently sucked them, making the brunette quiver of pleasure. "Damon-" she let out quietly as she loses herself from his grasp. Damon watched her in confusion as she jumps off the kitchen island.

"-Didn't enjoy it?" The Salvatore commented with a slight smirk - Elena rolls her eyes at him, but chuckles.
"I spoke Jo on the phone last night and she asked if I could assist her at the hospital today. So.. I need to shower and get dressed." Damon sighed and gave Elena a little kiss on her forehead.

"And you didn't thought about mentioning that to me because-?"
"I forgot." She smiled innocently.
"Well, there goes my plans." Damon said while resting his chin on Elena's head.
"What did you have in mind?" Elena looks up to make eye contact with Damon.
"Spending the day here with you. Laying on the couch, watching stupid tv-shows, drink some Bourbon and do some other stuff.." Elena laughed.

"So basically everything we did the last few days?" Elena chuckled - Damon gently stroke her back.
"Yeah, you can't deny that you didn't like it."
"You're right, I can't."

"But!" She swiftly pecked his lips.

"I'll be gone for only a few hours and when I'm back we're going to do the stuff you want to do, okay?"

Damon pouted his lips a little and nodded - Elena kissed Damon on the cheeks, smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

Damon listened to her walking up the stairs and entering his room.


"Well, what the hell should I do now.." He murmurs to himself, he taps his finger against the counter.

Damon leaves the kitchen and pours himself a glass of Bourbon in the living room.
"Who could be available right now?"
He sits down on the couch with the glass in his hand.

"Alaric!" He thought.

"Jo is in the hospital so what could that bastard possibly be doing right now?"

Damon grabs his phone and calls Alaric's number.


"Goddammit Alaric, pick up your phone." Damon calls him again.

"No, great, first time I need your company in weeks and-"

Damon heard someone walking down the stairs, that was fast.
Elena's hair is moist, she's wearing a purple top with a white vest and her hair in a bun, she grabs her jacket and walks up to Damon.

"And? Did you find anything to do while I'm gone?" She puts her arms around Damon's neck.
"You look way to beautiful for a hospital - and no, Alaric won't pick up his damn phone." Elena kisses Damon on his lips - Damon puts his hands on her back.
"Thank you." She rests her head on his shoulder.

"See? This is much better than sorting medicines in a room that smells like boxes and plastics and cleaning beds from sick or old people." Damon smirks and kisses Elena on the top of her head.
"Maybe I like to do all of that stuff." She jokes.

"I just want to help Jo out and I'm pretty sure that you can take care of yourself." Elena chuckles teasingly - Damon sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Okay, okay, have your fun."
"I'm going to wait here like a damn puppy and enjoy myself with some liquor in the basement." Elena laughs, gives Damon a kiss on his chest and loses herself from his arms.

"Oh, and if you see that party-blasting nurse ask her where her little history teacher is hanging out - I need a drinking buddy." He pulls Elena back to himself and kisses her passionately on her lips, Elena's hands are on Damon's cheeks and his arms are around Elena's back. Elena releases herself from Damon after a few minutes.

"I need to go-" Damon grunts.
"-I love you." Elena walks to the front door and opens it.
"You too." Damon murmurs almost silently and Elena disappears behind the big wooden door.

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