Chapter 7:

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Hey guys it's been awhile I'm sorry I haven't upload I have been busy with school so yeah

The pic is of Joshua


I had made it to lunch and I was sitting at my usual table alone. I watched as the others found another seat and Jason who sat with his old friends. I just sat there with my food till my phone buzzed, I pick up my phone and see a message from mom ' hey sweetheart I wanted to tell you i got you enrolled at Silvercrest High you start on the Monday after the weekend' when I finished reading her message I respond to and finish my lunch great I have to stay here for two more days till I can leave I thought as I made my way to class. The day went on with the bullying and name calling but I just put up with it since I only had two more days in this hell hole " Scarlet where do you think your doing" my arm was roughly grabbed " I don't have time for this Tracy" I am pushed against the wall and as I look at the people surrounding me one face caught my eye " Jason" I whispered " yes my sweetheart decided to join us" Tracy pulls his arm into her chest " now why don't we get started" with a snap of her fingers her friends start punching and kicking me, of course I tried my best to fight back but I was out numbered. When it was over I had a black eye, split lip, bloody nose and bruises all over my body " I think she's had enough come on let's go guys" Tracy leads her group away from my crumpled body " well there goes my chance at going home unscathed" I chuckle to myself. I was finally able to stand and walk to my car, I picked up my brother who was quiet like always the whole way home. I walked into the kitchen and greeted my mother but she of course saw my face " Scarlet what happened" she grabbed a damp towel and cleaned my face " some kids at school thought it would be fun to push me around" I sit onto the counter letting her treat my injuries " so is that why you come home like this and why you want to change schools" I nod as she finishes her job " well I'm going to go take a shower" I jump off the counter and head to my room.

At school the next day I had to go to all of my classes and tell them about my situation and stuff because today my mom is picking me up early to go take a tour of the Silvercrest High campus before the week was over so yeah. I was in my third period class which was Chemistry " Scarlet this pass is for you" the teacher announces and hands me the pass " thank you" I head out of my class, but before I get to the office I run into him " Scarlet? Where are you going" Jason steps in front of me " it's none of your business" I walk around him " come Scar tell me" him calling me that pissed me off " you have no right to call me that and no I don't have to tell you" I walk faster toward the office " Scarlet please I'm just wondering" Jason finally hit a nerve "FINE you want to know.... well my mom is here to pick me to go check out Silvercrest" Jason seemed confused " wait that's a high school though... why are you going there" I sighed " well I have had enough of this school and it's students so I am transferring to Silvercrest" his eyes widened. I turned and finished my walk to the office with no more interruptions. My mother was there waiting for me " ready" I nod and we walk to the car " so are we heading straight there" I asked " yes the principle is going to give you your schedule and a student is going to give you a tour of the school while I deal with the paperwork" my mother explains I nod " do you know if I'm going to have the same classes" I glance at mom " I don't know but I will ask" she continues to drive. It took thirty minutes to get to the school. " well hello Mrs. Wolf" a tall handsome man greets us " hello Mr. Moon" my mom shakes the man's hand " this is my daughter Scarlet.. Scarlet this Mr. Moon the principal here" I shake his hand and he gestures for someone to come. " Scarlet this Joshua he will give you a tour of the campus" I look at the boy, he had jet black hair and the bluest of eyes " hi you are Scarlet right" I smile " yes I am" he smiles back " well I guess we should start the tour then" I nod and walk out of the office with Joshua. " so let's start here at the cafeteria, of course you eat lunch her" he starts to walk past the cafeteria " here is the gyms and the different dressing rooms for the sports and of course the boys and girls" we then quickly turn back around and past the cafeteria " this is the auditorium and the hallway next it leads to the band hall, choir, orchestra and theater rooms" Joshua leads me further down the hall " this is our foreign language hall" " Oh and that door over there leads to the library" he points to the door on the opposite side of the hall from the auditorium. We continued our walk down the hall when the bell rang " YO! Josh what's up and who's the hot chick" I chuckle " I'm Scarlet and Joshua is showing me around" I ring my arm around Joshua's arm " uh y..yeah I'm showing her around" I giggle at Joshua as his face becomes a light shade of pink " well once you get your schedule come find me alright" the guy winks at me and makes his way to his next class " well he was nice" I turn us around to walk back to the office. Back at the office my mother had given me my schedule and continued to sign transfer papers. " hey let me see your schedule" I hand the piece of paper to Joshua " hey we'll have first, fourth, lunch and eighth period together" he gives me back the schedule " well it looks I'm done here so I'll see you Monday" I meet up with my mom at the front doors of the school so we can head home.

It was finally Friday and it seemed like someone eavesdropped on me and Jason because that morning at school everyone knew I was moving schools. " Scarlet is it really true" a devastated voice echoed behind me " huh... yes Daniella but why does it matter we haven't really hung out anymore" I sigh " still we were friends since middle school and I have to find out about my ex best friend moving from some sluts" her voice raising with her anger " Daniella just leave it alone.... plus it's too late today is my last day here" I close my locker and walk to English, " so why are you still leaving" my head aches at the sound of his voice " Jason I had enough of these questions so please just leave me alone" the desk next to me rattles at the weight dropped onto it " look I know I am the last person you want to hear say this but we don't want you to leave us... we've been through so much together and just because people are giving you a hard time you are just going to give up just like that" he was right I didn't need to hear him say this since he is one of many who are making me make this decision " yes I understand you will all miss me but I need a change in scenery and staying here will only make things harder for me" I try to explain to him how I feel about this situation. Jason was about to say something else but the bell rang and the teacher started class. The rest of school went smoothly or at least the smoothest it could go I mean Tracy and her friends gave me some afternoon beatings but that was it. I picked up Jesse who had finally started to talk to me " so mom said you are going to change schools" I glance over at him " yeah well things aren't going so well for me at Westbrooke so I'm transferring to Silvercrest" Jesse nods " but of course I will still drop you off and pick you up from school so you won't need to change schools" when I took a glance at him his face was bright and happy " good because my friends heard about it and they thought I would be moving too" I park in the driveway and turn to him " look Jesse even though I'm having a hard time in one place doesn't mean you have to follow me when I remove myself from the problem alright" he nods and we both head into the house. At dinner mom was talking to me about school on Monday and what she was planning on doing but that was boring. I went straight to bed and stayed there the whole weekend. When school came back Monday I was kind of excited to see what kind of people I will meet, so on that thought I quickly got dressed and ready for school and of course made sure Jesse was ready and left for school. I got curious stares when I walked to my locker, I set everything I needed in my locker down and headed to my first class which was English of course and that class Joshua had with me. I wonder how this will turn out?

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