♡ chapter 4 ♡

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🍃 lolita 🍃

"morning." i smiled, softly at my mom.

"morning, lita."

these past couple days - two weeks almost, it's been quiet and quite boring actually. recently i found out the my parents were going through the whole divorce process. it's a little hard to accept the fact that they're splitting up, two different households every week or so, but if they were happy, i was happy. my dad - well he came out as gay and didn't want to hold my mom back from finding new love just like he did, my mom accepted it and so did i. honestly, i was excited, now i would be able to talk to my dad without having to hold certain stuff back.

"what's for breakfast?" i asked, hopping up on the kitchen counter.

"blueberry pancakes and bacon." mom smiled "and a side of lolita get off my counter."

i groaned, but obeyed my moms order "i'll be upstairs, call me when the food is ready!"

"nat called earlier! so has hayes." my mom shouted.

nat was probably worried same for hayes, i've been a little distant for no particular reason and it wasn't because of the divorce - at least i don't think it is.

my mom, she knew about hayes and i, just like nat she thought it was cute, considering hayes was my first crush, hayes and my mom, they've met each other as well.

i grabbed my phone, quickly unlocking it and calling nat.

"i thought you were dead." nat laughed loudly before sighing dramatically.

"oh shut up you booger. i know you missed me."

"yes, indeed." nat answered.

"have you talked to hayes?" nat asked

"no, why?"

"idiot, he's worried sick, he's practically been thinking the worse." nat informed "call him, i was coming over anyways. see you soon."

"k, see you soon, hoe." i chuckled and with that i hung up.

calling hayes, he picked up almost immediately, he was surprised to hear my voice, it made me happy to know he cared. we talked for almost an hour until it was time for breakfast and nat got here.
- ✨ -
"how do you feel?" hayes questioned, quickly clearing his throat "about uh your parents and everything."

"honestly, i don't know how i should feel." i mumbled "i mean yeah, i guess i'm happy my parents are finding other people they love, but then i'm upset it's like they didn't even think about me."

"i know how it is." hayes sighed, every breath he took you could clearly see the air coming from his mouth - due to the cold air. i nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

hayes thought that it would be a nice idea if we went up to the roof of an abandoned building and just talked about whatever, i wasn't complaining though. i loved talking to hayes, he was able to understand and listen, he was a good listener. his voice was soothing - gentle.

"it's not as hard as you think it is though." hayes spoke "it gets easier, never harder."

"just like life," i responded

"exactly." hayes smiled.

"i needed this." i grinned "the breeze and a nice talk. i can't really do this with nat, she doesn't completely understand me. you and my dad are the ones that understand me completely."

"i'm here for you."

"thank you." i half-smile "can - can we stay here for just a little while longer?"

"of course." hayes smiled, he pulled me a little closer into him, which warmed me up inside. he rested his head on top of mine and i smiled.
so i decided to update
but yeah, i hope you guys enjoyed.
thanks for reading (:
i love you guys 💜.

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