Chapter Two

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Photo's shown above in the next few chapters are rejected cover photos. Also I'm not that familiar with British Schooling, so forgive me for the inconsistencies, alright? All I know is that Kay would be attending.....year 10 I think it's called? Just a heads up for upcoming chapters. And yes there will probably be grammar mistakes I apologize.

There was talk of a war. Every single Gallifreyan who had ears had heard the talk of an oncoming war with the Daleks. There was even rumour that it would escalate into another Time War.

More and more children were becoming orphaned at the hands of the Daleks, some so young that they won't even have the opportunity to remember them. Today, there was just one new addition: A two-year-old girl named Kalia. Her whole family, even her brother, lost on an attack to an in-flight Time and Relative Dimension in Space. Kalia was supposed to be the next in a long line of Time Lords and Time Ladies, it was said.

The Council plans of their own. If one were to peak out of their windows, they had a good chance of spotting a blue police box, sometimes accompanied by an earthling, the last daughter of Traken, or a man in pale-striped trousers and a long fawn jacket: The Doctor.

Everyone had heard of the Doctor's intense disagreement with the Council, but most dismissed it. The Doctor was always causing trouble, so it was nothing out of the ordinary to find the Council and him in a disagreement.

Along with Kalia, there other girls resided as newly turned orphans. Mary, a slender girl with long brown hair, Natin, who had a broader build but a kind heart, and Alexandrite, a girl with white-blond hair who was already on her second regeneration, despite being only four human years.

Mary sat with Kalia, tolerating her quiet sobs. Her arms were wrapped around the small girl, who did nothing to rebuke the touch.

Far away, in the center of their city, the Doctor had raised his voice, earning an eyebrow-raising from Tegan. Nyssa stood with a horrified look on her face at the Councilmen.

"You cannot just walk in and try to control their lives! They're children of Gallifrey! If this war does not go forth the people will hold you accountable, and I won't stop them!", the Doctor said angrily.

"It is a necessary measure. Please consider siding with us, Doctor. The children will be faster, stronger, more in tune with their surroundings. Eventually they could grow into the perfect soldiers; something we are short of, as I am sure are aware of.".

"You would ruin these children for your own needs. You have plenty of soldiers, so don't try to sell me that!", the Doctor said, his face going red,"I have little respect for a soldier, only as much as required. Therefore I have no respect for this decision!".

Tegan's jaw clenched.

"Which is why it is not yours to decide.".

But oh did he wish he could have more of a say. For the next four years, hide nor hair was seen of the Doctor, his blue box, or his companions. Little Kalia was growing into a proper soldier, though her resolution was a bit less developed than the others.

It was the sight of a deactivated Dalek that sent her running, dodging Mary, Natin, and Alexandrite's attempts to grab her.

It wasn't long before Kalia ran smack dab into the Doctor, who had come back on Tegan's request. The Doctor tumbled to the ground, looking positively alarmed at the small tike who had appeared out of nowhere. Kalia's face was flushed with fear, staring at the strange man in running shoes.

"Uh... are you alright?", the Doctor asked.

A hand touched Kalia's shoulder, making her jump as she was forced from her memory. Kay was confronted with the face of Amy Pond, who looked just as frightened by Kay's start.

"Dammit Amy be careful. You're gonna scare me to death.", Kay said, a shiver passing through her.

"Sorry, River's looking you, you know.", Amy replied in a relatively cheery voice. Kay sighed.

"This is entirely stupid, Amy. Last time we went to a school the staff were trying to become gods.", Kay said in a slightly softer voice, remembering that week so long ago, when she had met the famous Sarah Jane and her little dog.

"He's adorable!", Kay exclaimed, rubbing her hand across the metal dog's head. It replied with a chipper 'thank you' that made her squeak with glee.

"Yes, he is quite something isn't he?", Sarah Jane said, a smile on her face.

Kay snuck glances at her face as the Doctor and Sarah spoke. So many times Kalia heard her name and listened to the tales of the times she and the Doctor had spent with their little tin dog, and yet she had never met them. Kay had come after K-9 and Sarah had left, so the opportunity never presented itself.

The Doctor had a jolly look on his face as he conversed with her, which was probably to be expected. Over in the corner, Mickey and Rose were snacking on chips, looking like characters from 'Mean Girls'.

Kay raised her eyebrows at the pair, who didn't notice her stare. Squinting, she turned away, her eyes roaming the street on the other side of the glass.

"Gods?", Amy asked humorously,"What did you do, blow it up?"

Kay shot an amused glance at Amy, who's face screwed up in confusion.

"Besides, Amy, school's boring. I'd rather a Cybermen attack.", Kalia stated as they headed for the TARDIS doors.

"Oh come on it's not that..........",Amy trailed off, earning a smirk from Kay," Anyway, he'll probably give it up after a couple days.".

Inside the house, the Doctor was telling tales of previous school visits.

"But of course, I thought it all a dream at the time. Martha, dear Martha, had the pretend to be a servant! We were hidden for nearly half a year before-".

"Calm down before you lose your voice.", River said, looking as though she'd heard this story before.

Then again, she probably had.

Rory, however, was at least looking mildly interested as he snacked on a piece of toast, his baby-blue scrubs shining clean from last night's wash.

"I have to go soon or I'll be late for my shift, they have me on priority tonight.", Rory said, moving over to embrace his wife.

"Then you should go, the Hospital is thirty minutes away.", Amy replied, grabbing the toast from his hand and taking a bite.

"Speaking of which, we should go too!", the Doctor butted in with excitedly," I'm teaching Biology!".

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