Chapter Fourteen

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More things will be discovered in this chapter. What will River, Kay, Cas, Dean, and Sam discover in the building out of time? Will it aid them? Or have they made a big mistake?


The warehouse's top interior was dark and damp. The musty smell of mildew mixed with mold gave off the impression that it regularly rained in the building. But that, of course, was impossible.

The floor was made of cracked stone, causing Sam to trip and fall into Dean. Dean, in turn, had fallen as well, but was caught by Castiel. Dean hastily got to his feet, trying to act casual. The curse of Dean Winchester, however, was that he already looked cool and casual until he tried to be just that.

Kalia's eyes adjusted to the light fairly quickly, though the view wasn't much. She swore internally, not wanting to draw any more attention then necessary to herself. Squinting into the vauge blackness, Kalia could feel that foreboding feeling rising up in her chest, stronger than ever. Panic rose up, trapping her voice in her chest. She didn't want to be here. Whatever the feeling of panic was accounting for, she had the horrible suspicion that it would the start of something awful.

Sam pulled a lighter from his pocket, lighting it so the rest could have a bit of visibility. Sam was having the same feeling that Kay was, but for a completely different reason.

If Sam had to choose between demons and the current situation, he would choose the demons. Hell, he'd choose the Leviathans if he could escape the present. After ten years of constant fighting and dying, even fighting monsters like demons and ghosts didn't seen so bad; they were familiar, he knew what to expect, what to do. It was the unknown that frightened him; venturing into the unknown usually led to someone he knows winding up dead.

"Hold on, move over here for a second. I need to look at this." River said, gesturing to an old bookcase by the corner.

It was dead quiet; Kalia could hear her hearts thumping in her ears. River ran her hand just over the battered covers of the books, finally coming to one that looked considerably more well-kept then the rest.

Dean glanced at his brother as River pulled out the book, revealing a button behind it.

"River..." Kalia said, her voice barely a whisper,"That's Dalek technology.".

River took a breath and pressed the button. They were too far to go back, and this was the only lead they had.

A shaft opened in the ground, emitting an artificial light. The hallway below was blinding white, and so clean that even God himself would look like a slob next to it.

"What the fuck..." Dean said in exasperation.

"Do me a favor please." Kalia said to Dean,"Be quiet. God knows what's down here.".

Dean complied, fully aware that the girl could be more than correct.

The group slowly made their way down the hallway, their footsteps echoing in their ears. River kept her hand clasped tight on the handle of her gun, ready to shoot if necessary.

The hallway led to a single, unobtrusive doorway. The door was open just a few inches, clearly beckoning the five members to enter it's depths. Her gut doing back flips, Kalia tentatively pulled the door open.

The whole room was pitch black, save for a single spotlight in the middle of the area. Dean, wanting to seem like he wasn't spooked, pushed past the rest and walked towards it. Fearing for his safety, the remaining four followed after, grouping up in the meagre light.

The sound of an activating generator filled the room, and the whole room lit up with the same light from the hallway.

The first thing Kalia noticed was the TARDIS. Twenty feet away, the blue box lay quite unharmed, offering safety and relief.

Before she said a word, her eyes wandered to the rest of the room, noticing for the first time their surroundings.

On either side of them were rows of Daleks, ready to be activated.

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