A Match Into Water

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Chapter Four: A Match Into Water



I pull up outside San Diego high school and mum leans over the console to squeeze my hand reassuringly as I stare up at the dull grey building. I'd been homeschooled in England. So adjusting to being around people, let alone people my own age would be tough.

"You'll be fine honey; you'll adapt quickly and make friends. Vic Fuentes and Austin Carlile go to this school; I think they'll be happy to see you after all these years."

I sigh, "Yeah, but I can barely remember them, mum."



The taxi pulls up outside an ordinary looking house, the grass was cut and colourful flowers bloomed in several flower beds. It even had a cliché white picket fence, my home in England didn't have a white picket fence.

Paying the driver I grab my backpack and get out. There was one stark difference between London and San Diego and that was the weather, turned out I liked the sunshine better than the constant rain.

I walk up the steps and stand on the porch staring at the front door, this was my home for six years but I couldn't really remember anything about it. The whole neighbourhood looked quite pleasant and safe, not a place where children were abducted in the middle of the day.

"Hi, can I help you?"

A woman's voice makes me turn around and I come face to face with Amy Brookes, my mum. Her eyes widen and she drops the bag of groceries she'd been holding.

"Oh my god, it can't be you. My little Rosie all grown up."

Tears prick my eyes and I sniffle, "mum."

Amy runs towards me and pulls me into a tight hug. I bury my face into her shoulder before pulling back wiping tears away with the back of my hand.

"I have the DNA results to prove it, Amy."

"I know my little girl, a mother knows her child. We've missed you so much, your dad will be so happy."

Behind mum, a man clears his throat. His face equally as shocked as mums.

"My little Rosie is back."

I wave awkwardly and chuckle, "hi dad...err Lewis...I kind of go by Rose and have done for the last ten years."


Classes had already begun so the halls were empty as I made my way towards the main school office. As I walked past a cabinet holding many trophies I stop and look at my appearance. How would I have dressed if I'd never been kidnapped? How would I have acted? So many questions ran through my mind.

I never grew up being made to wear girly clothes like skirts and dresses. Alex let me experiment with my clothes, hair and makeup saying I needed to find my own identity and style. But I guess growing up around men I was bound to become a bit of a tomboy. I loved beanies, skinny jeans with ripped knees and plaid shirts. Cliché but comfortable. And mum struggled to accept that fact straight away.



"How about this dress Rose? It will look lovely on you."

Mum worked at a fashion magazine and wanted to play dress up with me but I wasn't having any of it. The dress was hideous, it was strapless and bright blue with white flowers printed on the skirt. I shake my head and tug the sleeves of my favourite red and black plain shirt which Alex had given me when it got too small for him.

"Mum, dresses aren't exactly my thing. I don't want anything too girly."

Mum puts the dress back on the rack and sighs loudly, "sorry Rose. I'm still adjusting to having my little girl back, you're sixteen now and have developed your own sense of style even if it isn't girly like I would like."


I finally find the office and open the door bumping into another kid. He had just short of shoulder length raven black hair, which was hidden under a red beanie while my beanie was grey.

"Hi, I'm Kellin Quinn I'm new here."

So I wasn't the only new kid in this school that made me feel less nervous. Kellin looked like a good egg, someone who didn't know my past so couldn't judge me straight away.

"Well Kellin I'm Rose Brookes, I'm also new. I think we're going to be good friends."

Kellin chuckles, "that's good, in my old school I didn't really have many friends. I was considered a loner."

"Well Kellin I was kidnapped ten years ago, homeschooled, and then I escaped two weeks ago so I think that makes me the bigger loner."

Kellin's jaw hits the floor, now here comes the judgement.

"You win Rose, you're the bigger loner. We'll be loners together."

Kellin wasn't judging me which surprised me, instead, he was making a joke which made me feel better about my situation. I knew that everyone in this school knew my story and would be silently judging me with their eyes.

Just then a middle-aged woman walks out of the office and sits behind a desk before clearing her throat to get mine and Kellin's attention.

"Kellin Quinn and Rose Brookes? Here are your schedules. A student guide will be along shortly to help guide you around today."

Kellin and I take our schedules realising that we had all the same classes. Someone knocks on the office door before entering, this had to be our student guide. However, the face looked very familiar, in front of me stood Vic Fuentes who looked just as shocked as I was.


"Rosie you remember me?"

Vic sounds surprised that I even remembered his name after all these years. A smile breaks out on my face.

"My memories are slowly coming back after being drugged, Vic. We use to make sandcastles in kindergarten. I also go by Rose now."

"Now I feel like a third wheel."

Kellin shuffles awkwardly on the spot. Vic throws his head back and laughs before throwing an arm casually around Kellin's shoulder.

"Stick with me Quinn and you'll be fine."

Kellin chuckles nervously under his breath. But it wasn't Kellin's behaviour that caught my eye but Vic's sudden change in body language. He was carefree and jokey when he first touched Kellin, but now he slightly recoiled from him with a look of confusion written all over his face. I'd seen my fair share of odd behaviour so I shrugged it off to Vic being nervous about having to show Kellin and me around the school.    

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now