Identity Disorder

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Chapter Sixteen: Identity Disorder


"Are you fucking kidding me, Vic, how long have you known this traitor was our enemy?" Oli growls, glaring daggers in Kellin's direction.

Vic instinctively stands in front of Kellin who was visibly shaking. For a hunter had he never seen a vampire before?

"Stand down Oli. Violence will get us nowhere."

Austin snorts, "yeah but it might get us some answers, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm siding with the vampire."

I stay rooted to the sofa while Austin stands up ready to flank Oli in case Kellin wasn't as harmless as he looked. Vic's pleading eyes meet mine and I try to shake them off, I was pissed off at both him and Kellin.

"Why would you betray us Kellin? No offence but I've met hunters and you aren't one of them."

Kellin's fear slowly resides replaced by a rather guilty expression as he slumps in a nearby armchair looking defeated.

"If I did this then they promised I'd be a fully fledged hunter instead of some errand boy they treat like shit. I didn't expect to actually make friends and find a place to fit in, you all took me in and made me feel worth something."

Oli scoffs, "poor baby, playing the wounded puppy dog look won't win you any favours."

I shake my head locking eyes with Kellin.

"How much have you told them Kellin? We know they're in town."

Kellin sighs, "I've been feeding them information, mainly little bits about Rose's growing knowledge of the supernatural world and getting close to the vampires and werewolves. They came to town two days ago."

We wanted to be two steps ahead of the hunters but it now looked like we were two steps behind whatever they were planning. Oli advances forwards rage filling his black vampire eyes, but hits a shield Vic put up around himself and Kellin.

"Why did they kill Josh?"

Vic's shield manages to hold Oli back. Kellin stands up and moves to the edge of the shield inches away from Oli.

"They heard what happened to Rose and Alex wanted them dead for hurting her, plus the other hunters weren't going to turn down slaying vampires especially if they could get a message out to the vampires and werewolves."

"I'm sorry Oli," I whisper, grabbing Oli's full attention who shifts back to his normal human self.

"It's not your fault Rose, Josh was always a loose cannon but it sucks to lose more of my coven. It doesn't exactly look good on my track record."

I smile at the vampire who smiles back, at least I could take that guilt off my shoulders. Though I wouldn't show that I was secretly happy Alex still cared enough about me to kill vampires.

Vic claps his hands together, "if I take this shield down can we all play nice?"

Austin nods as does Oli and I. The shield vanishes and Kellin stays in place not wanting to show any fear despite the fact both Austin and Oli could probably smell it on him.

"What are we going to do with Kellin? He's dangerous. If we let him go how do we know he won't go back to the hunters, Vic. I mean he could sell you out to get extra brownie points."

Austin who had stayed relatively silent until now made a valid point. Kellin might look harmless, but a wolf in sheep clothing could be deceiving. Vic for the first time looks towards his boyfriend, the gears turning in his head that Kellin could potentially sell him out if it meant his own survival. I had to come up with a solution that worked well for everyone.

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now