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Chapter Ten: Drown


Today was the day I was hanging out with Oli and getting to know more about vampires as a whole. Vic had told me that over the years the media had portrayed vampires in so many different ways, that a handful of vampires didn't really know who they were anymore. I wasn't a Twilight fan, Uncle Zack lets me watch The Lost Boys, Uncle Rian got me obsessed with Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Alex mocked my obsession with The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, and lastly I'd read enough teen fantasy books over the years to have the basics locked down.

"Where are you going, Rose? You never seem to spend time at home anymore."

Mum pops her head around my bedroom door just as I finished packing my bag. I felt bad that I wasn't spending as much time with mum and dad that they probably wanted, after all, they'd only recently gotten their daughter back and wanted to make up for lost time and memories. In all honesty, I felt awkward around them, I could fake a smile to appease them but I preferred hanging out with my friends.

"Sorry mum, Oli's picking me up and I'm going over to his to work on our science paper. We'll do something as a family soon I promise."

"Alright love, have a good time."

Mum leaves just as my phone goes off. It was Oli.

Oli: I'm outside x

Sighing I throw the phone in my bag and make my way downstairs. On my way past the lounge, I overhear mum talking to dad.

"I feel like we're losing her all over today. She's sixteen, nearly an adult. I want to baby her, but she's not our little girl anymore."

Dad clears his throat, "It's just as hard for her to readjust as it is for us love. One day she'll stop pushing us away, maybe we should consider sending to see someone. Maybe once she talks about her kidnappers, she can move on with her life."

I was shocked; dad wanted me to see a shrink to talk about my issues. Shaking my head I make sure to slam the front door shut after me to make them know that I heard every word.

Oli leans over the gear box and unlocks the passenger door. I slide in and throw my bag down by my feet.

"I couldn't help but overhear, but I heard Rose. How are you feeling?"

"Am I a bad daughter Oli? They expected me to come back and fit into their family dynamic, but they are a lot different to how Alex raised me. I don't feel comfortable around my real parents, and now they want me to see a shrink in hopes it will make me back into their perfect image of what a daughter should be."

Oli shakes his head and takes hold of one of my hands over the gearbox while pulling away from the curb.

"You are normal Rose. You're not a bad daughter, everyone needs time to adjust and you can take as long as you want. Don't feel pressured into becoming their perfect image, I have a feeling they wouldn't approve of you being mated to a vampire and a werewolf at the same time while watching your back for hunters."

I chuckle; Oli was very good at lifting my mood. The more he spoke the more one question kept popping up in my head.

"Oli, if you don't mind me asking why do you sound English but you live in America?"

"I don't mind you asking. The Sykes coven is large, and I spent the majority of my years in England. But my father was asked to take over the San Diego coven and he moved us out here, now I run the coven after the tragedy."

Oli did seem a little young in my eyes to rule a vampire coven. I'd asked Vic but he said it wasn't his story to tell. I squeeze Oli's hand and smile warmly in his direction.

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now