King For A Day

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Chapter Twelve: King For A Day


Rose sits on the swing in the park and I take the other next to her, it felt like nowadays we didn't get to hang out much just the two of us. Rose was busy dealing with vampires and werewolves and figuring out where she belonged, and I had issues on my end which Rose knew about because she'd brought them up with me over the phone which was why we were sitting alone in a park.

"Kellin freaked out on me Vic when I went around to his, why did you try and slip him something? I mean I had to convince him that you'd slipped him a harmless love potion since whatever liquid you poured in his drink had no effect on you."

I was kind of embarrassed that Rose had to cover for me, especially making up that I tried to slip him a love potion like some love struck puppy dog. But Kellin seemed to buy it which was the main thing if he knew what I really tried to slip him then I'd be in for a world of hurt. But Rose had to know the truth, she was my friend after all and knew about this world.

"You know I haven't been able to get inside Kellin's head, well I went to the elders and they said that Kellin shouldn't have a block so they gave me this potion of sorts which would unblock his mind and allow me to read it. Am I a bad person?"

Rose giggles, "So romantic Vic. It's clear to everyone that you really like Kellin, and maybe it's for the best that you can't read him. Won't that spoil the magic and mystery if you know whatever he's thinking?"

"I've not been able to get inside people's heads Rose, I can see figments of your memories because the drugs are finally leaving your system but you're a close friend and I wouldn't violate your privacy like that.

She snorts, "then why can't Kellin have the same treatment, Vic. Think of this has a blessing in disguise, you and Kellin will be on even playing fields. It will make your relationship stronger. Do you want a relationship with him?"

Damn, why did Rose have to be right? I was supposed to be the voice of reason; maybe I was losing my touch. The more I thought about Kellin, the more I wanted to be with him. I'd just have to get over my own insecurities.

"It's too late now, he hates me, Rose."

She shakes her head and jumps off the swing, "all he wants is an apology Vic, and then tell him how you feel. He wants you just as badly as you want him. So go and get your man."

Getting off my own swing I knew now what I needed to do. I needed to make things right with Kellin and ask him out, and if he rejected me then it would all be my own fault.


Skyping with the hunters had become more of a chore in recent days, especially since I was having second thoughts about feeding them information. After Rose left I literally sat in the same spot on the sofa and thought over my options. I'd never had a real friend because I'd been brought up by hunters, and hunters didn't really have friends because everyone was out to better themselves. But Rose was sweet to me and cared about my feelings, hell she dropped her plans to come and comfort me over boy issues. Maybe the hunter lifestyle wasn't for me anymore, but I was in too deep now to get out alive.

"Hello, earth to Kellin. Does all that hair block your hearing?" Jack snickers, snapping me out of my own head.

Brushing my fringe off my face I scowl at the older hunter, he was never my biggest fan and vice versa. In Jack's eyes, I'd always be some little kid who was only good for spying on people instead of doing the heavy lifting.

"No, it doesn't, I can hear you fine Jack."

Jack disappears off camera and is replaced by Zack, Rian, and Alex.

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now