If You Can't Hang

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Chapter Eight: If You Can't Hang



"Would you like a drink Kellin?"

I look up from my History textbook and nod. Rose smiles and jumps off the bed before leaving her bedroom. I was over at Rose's doing homework and studying, it turned out we struggled and thrived at different subjects so made a pact to help the other in their weaker subjects. I'd never really had a friend before my own age, and as much as I was here to spy on her for the hunters I couldn't help but feel bad for lying to her because she treated me like an equal and we actually had a lot in common.

I'd learned from Rose that she kept a journal, but she refused to tell me where she hid it in her room. Alex wanted to know how much she knew about the supernatural world and her part in it. I put the textbook down and go into hunter mode, I'd been trained to sneak around and move things around without the other person knowing. If I was a teenage girl who believed in the supernatural where would I keep my journal?

Trying the usual hiding spots and coming up empty I'm about to give up when I trip slightly on a carpet. I slap my head for not thinking of this earlier, Rose had wooden floorboards which would be a perfect hiding spot for a journal you didn't want anyone finding. Getting on my hands and knees I pull back the carpet and start to tap the wood until I fall upon a loose panel.

Sliding it up I come face to face with a faded brown journal. Luckily it had no lock because I didn't know Rose that well. Pulling out my phone I start to take pictures of her quite detailed research notes about vampires, werewolves and her birthmark which linked her to both Austin and Oliver. It seemed like she was putting two and two together but didn't quite know what to do with all the information. I send the pictures to Alex and Co to prove that I was being useful here.

As I close the journal a photo falls out. Picking it up I'm shocked to see a smiling Alex and an even happier younger Rose sat in front of a birthday cake, she'd still kept a picture of him despite everything. I guess he did raise her for most of her life, he was her father and she'd never forget him as much as she wanted to see him as a kidnapper she couldn't because he honestly loved her to pieces.

Putting the photo back, I also put the journal under the floor and slide the panel back into place before covering it with the carpet. Hearing footsteps coming down the hall I quickly get back up and try to make it look like I was really interested in my textbook, which was a half lie because I really needed to pass next week History test.

"Here's your drink Kellin. Look who I picked up downstairs, a wild Vic."

Rose walks into the room and puts two glasses of juice on the bedside table while my eyes linger on Vic who shuffles in behind her. His eyes meet mine and I look away blushing, I hated how Vic made me feel. I was here to do a job, not to fall in love, but there was something addictive about the Mexican that drew me to him.

"Oh hi Kellin, I didn't know you were over. Still struggling with History? If Rose proves to be a bad teacher I'll be more than happy to tutor you."

God damn it, Vic, if Rose wasn't in the room there would be nothing stopping me from jumping his bones.

"Kells, can I have a word with you outside, please? Vic, you stay here and don't make a mess."

Rose doesn't give me a choice before she's dragging me out of the room while Vic laughs. Once out in the hallway, Rose turns to face with wearing a huge grin ear to ear.

"Do you like Vic? I mean I kind of already know the answer, it's obvious from the way you look at him."

I shake my head, "I can't be in a relationship right now Rose, it's complicated."

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now