Lost in the City

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Characters : Bobby Dall, C.C DeVille, Rikki Rockett, Bret Michaels

1987, Whiskey A-Go-Go

"Do you guys want another drink?" Asked Bret after finishing his beer. his band mates nodded in answer and Bret got up to go search another round of drinks. As he walked to the bar, he saw a girl with dark brown hair dancing to the music. He thought that she as pretty and wondered if he should invite her to take a drink. Few seconds later, he said to himself that it was a good idea and he walked close to her to ask her if she'd like a drink. The girl smiled at Bret's proposition and said yes. They both walked to the bar and Bret asked for the drinks.

"So, what's your name darling?" He asked while they were waiting for the drinks. She looked at him.

"My name is Isabelle." She replied before the drinks were ready. They took the drinks and walked back to the table where the boys were waiting for their drinks.

"What took you long? Oh! Hello miss." Said Bobby smiling at Isabelle after he realized she was there. She smiled at him and sat beside Bret. They boys looked at her with a big smile, they all thought that she was pretty. Isabelle took a sip of her drink and Bobby was still looking at her. I can't believe that I didn't see her first! Thought Bobby. Minutes passed and Bret was pissed at Bobby because he couldn't stop staring at Isabelle. He angrily putted down his glass on the table which took Bobby out of his thoughts.

"Would you stop looking at her like she was a piece of meat?" Yelled Bret to Bobby. Isabelle looked embarrassed after what Bret said. Bobby looked at Bret with an angry look and got up from his seat.

"I look at what I want Michaels You can't just tell me what to do! And don't tell me you want to protect her from me because you know I want to fuck her. You'll do the same fucking thing! You bring her home, you fuck her and the next morning you throw her away! you always do that!" Yelled back Bobby. Isabelle was shocked after what Bobby said, Bret spoke to her just to fuck her. Bobby and Bret started to scream insults at each other and Rikki and C.C tried to stop them but instead they started to scream insults just like Bobby and Bret did. Isabelle didn't know what to do so she let out a loud scream after getting up from her seat and the boys all looked at her. Without thinking at what she was doing, she took Bobby's hand and walked out of the Whiskey with him following behind. They stopped walking few minutes after and Isabelle turned to face Bobby.

"What was that? I know I'm not your mom and I'm not suppose to do speech to you about what happened but hell, I was really embarrassed by this" Said Isabelle. Bobby looked at her and sighed, he knew that what he had done was wrong but she didn't know what Bret was going to do with her after the drink. He started to explain to her that Bret just wanted to sleep with her and she meant nothing to him but just a one night stand. She couldn't believe what Bobby said. She looked at him with a sad face and Bobby took her in his arms. All his desires of fucking her had faded. At the same time, Bret, C.C and Rikki were still in the bar shocked after what Isabelle did, they stood there with their mouths open.

"Looks like she prefered Bobby!" Laughed Rikki. Bret looked at him with an angry look and slapped Rikki in the back if his head before storming out of the Whiskey. Why did she run away with Bobby? I'm the one who saw her first and invited her to stay with us, she was supposed to be with me! said Bret to himself. Rikki and C.C looked at each other before starting to laugh. They ordered a bottle of Vodka and went out of the bar before walking in the streets. Both C.C and Rikki were really drunk after a while and they didn't know where they were going and they just started to laugh each time one of them asked where they were. Isabelle and Bobby were walking in the street. they were talking to each other and Isabelle enjoyed Bobby's company until she realized that they were lost.

"Bobby! Where are we?" Asked Isabelle putting her hand on Bobby's shoulder. He looked at Isabelle and his eyes grew wide when he realized that they were lost.

"Uh... I don't know where we are." He whispered. He looked around a saw that they were out of the city. Few minutes later, they heard howling of a wolf, Bobby gasped and looked around for the wolf. They heard it again and Isabelle saw a wolf walking close to them. Bobby screamed and jumped in Isabelle's arms. He is quite fearful, thought Isabelle.

"I want my mom." Whispered Bobby. Isabelle putted his hand on Bobby's hair to comfort him.

"Okay Bobby, we'll try to get away without getting bit by the wolf. Just walk slowly, don't scream and we'll be fine." Said Isabelle with fear in her voice. Bobby and Isabelle started to make small steps. They were holding each other and they were really scared, they didn't know if they would make it alive. Bret was walking alone in the streets. He tried to figure out where he was going. It looked like the world was upside down and he didn't even recognize the streets he was walking in. He started to panic when he saw that there were no more buildings around him. Bret heard howling of wolfs, he gasped and started to run. He didn't know where he was going but he hoped that it was the good direction to go back in the city. At the same time, C.C and Rikki finished to drink the bottle of Vodka. Rikki sighed and looked around him.

"Hey C.C look there is a place that looks like a bar!" Said Rikki pointing at the place. C.C looked at it and a small smile grew on his lips.

"Let's go in there and order drinks!" Said C.C walking in the place followed by Rikki. They entered in the bar and asked the barman two bottles of Vodka. They sat down next to the counter and the barman gave them the two bottles. Bret ran for few more minutes and stopped when he saw two brunettes who looked afraid. He started to run in their direction and he realized that it was Bobby and Isabelle when he stopped beside them. Isabelle and Bobby stopped walking when they heard Bret who screamed when he saw the wolf.

"Oh Fuck! What do we do?" Whispered Bret. They both looked at him, Isabelle said to him to stay silence and they both started to make small steps again. Bret followed their action and they all started to run when they were far from the wolf. Bret, Bobby and Isabelle stopped running out of breath when they saw buildings again. They were still lost but all that matters was that they were still alive.

"Where are we now?" Asked Bobby without letting go of Isabelle's hand.

"Maybe we should stop walking until tomorrow. We will stop turning in round and tomorrow we will start to look for where we are." Proposed Isabelle. The boys agreed with her and they walked into a small café. Rikki and C.C who were really drunk decided that it was time to go home. They walked out of the bar and made their way home. They walked for few minutes ad stopped in front of a building that looked like an apartment building.

" Is that our place?" Asked Rikki pointing at the building.

"Yes! Well I think." Answered C.C, they entered in the building. Rikki smiled when he realized that he was in the good apartment. He wondered if Bret or Bobby were back but he didn't have the time to ask the question because he heard a loud crash and when he turned around to see what it was, he saw C.C passed out on the floor. He sighed and walked close to him, he took C.C in his arms and putted him on the couch. After he did that, Rikki went to bed.


Rikki and C.C both woke up with headaches, they walked in the kitchen and took painkillers.

"Are Bobby and Bret back?" Asked C.C, Rikki stopped what he was doing and looked at C.C.

"I didn't heard them coming home last night, maybe they didn't even get back home. We should search them." Said Rikki getting up to walk out of their apartment. C.C followed him outside and both men started to walk in the streets in search for their friends. Isabelle woke up and looked around to see that she wasn't dreaming, she was really lost with Bret Michaels and Bobby Dall. Isabelle sighed and got up before walking out of the café to see where she was. She looked around and saw two blondes that looked familiar, she stared at them for few more seconds before realizing that it was Rikki and C.C.

"Rikki! C.C! I'm so glad to see you guys!" Yelled Isabelle running close to them. She stopped beside them and explained them what happened last night. After Isabelle's explanation, they all walked to the café to go search Bobby and Bret. Both men were glad to see their friends, they came out of the café and walked back to their apartment.

"I can't believe we got lost in the city!" Said Bobby and the others started to laugh.

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