Shocked To Hear The New

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Character: Bon Scott

What if you learned that you were one of the last person on Earth to have a conversation with someone that died right after your conversation? Well this is my situation, on February 18 1980, I was having a drink with the legendary Bon Scott, singer of AC/DC and on February 19 1980, I learned that he was found dead in the car of a guy named Alistair Kinnear. I'll tell you exactly how were Bon Scott's last moment of his life.

It was the night of February 18 1980 and I saw Bon Scott speaking with a guys that I didn't know. The singer looked at me when he noticed that I was staring at him while the guy was talking to him. He was looking at me and finished his drink before he walked close to me. As he walked in the Music Machine, my heart was beating faster and faster. Was he just coming to get another drink or he wanted to talk to me? I asked myself as he stopped right in front of me.

"Hello. I'm Bon Scott, singer of AC/DC, but I think that you already know that. What's your name darling?" He asked showing me his hand so I could shake it.

"Hello, my name is Heather Fox. Nice to meet you." I replied shaking his hand. I felt special because I had the chance to meet Bon Scott. I didn't care if he wasn't as handsome as any big actor or if he was too drunk to remember the conversation we had, I still had the chance to meet him.

"Can I offer you a drink Heather? He asked as he lit a cigarette. And a cigarette?" He added showing me his pack of smokes. I giggled and took a cigarette before he lit it for me.

"I'll take a drink with you Bon." I replied and he smiled.

"Do you want a beer?" He asked as I blew out some smoke. I nodded and he ordered two beers. When the barman gave the beers to the man, he passed one to me with a smile on his face. I took a sip of beer and he pointed a table at the back of the bar where we could sit. We sat down and Bon started to ask questions about me. I was pleased that someone like him had a small interest in me. Each time he asked me a question, I giggled before I answered. I didn't know why I was so shy and nervous around him, normally I wasn't shy around people, maybe it was because he was famous.

"So, what brings you in London?" I asked after taking a sip of beer.

" I'm recording an album with my band. Few days ago I was in the studio playing drums with the Young brothers. I rather play drums than to sing on these tapes." He explained and I nodded. He kept talking about the album he was making with his band. I was amazed by what he was telling me. I wished that this night could never end. I liked his presence around me, even if he was drunk and will probably remember nothing tomorrow. I went to the restroom and Bon went to search two beers. When I came back, he was sat on the same spot where he was earlier. I sat down and he smiled at me before he passed me an untouched beer. I drank few sip of the beer. I realised that the singer started to get really drunk. A guy that I didn't know the name saw that Bon was drunk and walked close to our table. I looked around and saw that the bar was getting empty.

"The bar will close soon. Do you want me to take him to my place, you won't be able to take him to your place on your own." Said the guy and Bon protested that he didn't want to go.

"Why would I let him go with you? I don't even know your name." I said realising that I was a bit drunk too because I couldn't stand up correctly.

"Look baby-" He started.

" She's not your baby. She's mine." Said Bon cutting the man in the middle of his sentence.

"My name is Alistair Kinnear and I'll take Scott with me no matter what you said. I already proposed it once and I won't repeat it twice." Said Kinnear. I sighed knowing that what he said earlier was true. He smiled in satisfaction when I told him to take him.

"Let's go home heavy drinker." He said putting Bon's arm around his shoulder. Alistair turned around and walked out of the bar dragging the singer with him. I looked at both man walking out of the bar. This was the last time I saw Bon Scott alive.

The next morning, I learned that the lead singer of AC/DC was dead. Some doctors of the King's College Hospital confirmed his death after a guy named Alistair Kinnear found him unconscious in his car, a Renault 5. When I learned that he was dead, I was shocked by the new.

A.N/ I wrote this shot story for Bon's birthday on July 9 1946. He'll be 70 years old today.
:( Any way, R.I.P Bon Scott, a legendary singer...

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