Find Me

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Characters: Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Rick Wright, Nick Mason, Syd Barrett

December 1967, Haringey district, London

Waters, Gilmour, Wright and Mason were all sat in the Tottenhan Police Station in Haringey. Wright and Waters were two private detectives while Gilmour and Mason were simple police officers. The four guys were investigating on the same case, there was a serial killer that was free in the district. The society became more and more worried because of him and the four men had to stop him before he kills someone else. The private detectives and the police officers were talking about the evidences they had but the telephone started to ring which cut Mason in the middle of his sentence.

"Officer Gilmour speaking. What's going on?"  Asked the men known as David when he wasn't working. His eyes grew wide as he listened to the person who spoke to him.

"At what address is it?" He asked as he took a pen and a piece of paper  to write the address. He nodded couple times as he wrote the address while the others waited for an explanation.

"We're coming." He replied and hung up the telephone.

"What is it David?" Asked Nick Mason.

"We have another crime, the lady that discovered the body said that it was horrible and that she couldn't believe what she saw. We have to go now and the detectives too." Explained Gilmour. Waters, Wright, Mason and Gilmour got up and made their way out of the police station.  Gilmour drove to the crime scene and the four man stepped out of the car. Waters looked around and noticed that they were the first arrived on the scene. He asked the officers if he needed to put police tape around the house and Mason nodded. After Waters did his small job, he walked in the house with Gilmour and Mason. Rick Wright was questioning the lady who discovered the remains. The officers and the private detective instantly smelled blood and a decomposing body. They covered their nose with a tissue as they walked further in the house.

"there's blood everywhere in the room and it stinks so much. I wonder that makes how long that our victim died." Said Roger Waters. The gang stopped walking when they saw the horror, a body cut in pieces hanging from the ceiling. This case was a bit different from the others that the serial killer did because the body was cut in pieces  but there was still the same signature of the killer of the head of the victim; SB.

"He's leaving us clues so we can find him. Why does he do that? That's strange." Wondered Nick. His two teammates shrugged their shoulders.

"We have to find this guy. He's scaring all the population." Said Wright as he walked in the room closing his notebook. The private detective looked up and saw the body and slowly opened his mouth shocked by what he saw.

"Oh Bloody Hell. We all put on gloves and put the body part down. Now." Said Wright and the three guys nodded while putting on their gloves. When Gilmour put down the head of the victim, he saw a fingerprint right beside the signature of the killer.

"Guys! Maybe we'll finally be able to stick him. Look what I found." Said Gilmour and his colleague walked close to him. They were all surprised to see a fingerprint left by the killer.

"We'll finally be able to trap the serial killer because of this print. Be careful with this thing on your hands, it's our only way to find him." Said Waters.

"We'll look in the fingerprints register to see if we can match the one we found with one in the register. But first we have to finish putting down the body parts." Said Wright. After the four colleague have unhooked the body parts of the ceiling, they put them in zip-lock bags to bring them back to the police station.

"Let's go back to the office to analyse the fingerprint." Said Mason as the gang walked outside the house followed by other police officers transporting the body parts.


The private detectives and the police officers were working hard to find who owns the fingerprint. Nick found a match and they looked at the folder of a certain Syd Barrett who was arrested for disturbing public order and other minor things.

"Okay, we have a name, an address and evidences that proves that it's this guy. What are we waiting for to arrest him? We need to arrest him before he kills someone else. " Said Gilmour as they all got up. The four colleague walked outside then stepped in Gilmour's car. About 30 minutes later, the car stopped in front of the killer's house. Before stepping out of the car, they loaded their gun, they needed to be ready to attack. They entered in the house after Waters kicked the door. They found  Barrett sat on a chair in the living room.

"I knew you guys will find me someday." Said Barrett as he put his hands up.

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