I Hate Myself For Loving You

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Sequel to Love At First Sting

Characters: Joe Elliot, Phil Collen, Steve Clark

Few days passed since the skate day and the six friends were back at school, in reality. Lucy-Anne was sat in her English class with Phil beside her and she wasn't really paying attention to what the teacher was saying.

"Lucy? Lucy?" Asked Phil a little louder each time he said it.

"What?" Replied the girl looking at her friend.

"You just blank and I think that you should listen to the teacher, she's saying important things about our next exam." Explained Phil ans she looking at the teacher and took notes of what seemed important.  About 30 minutes later, the bell rang and both friends  took their things before walking out of the English classroom, they met the rest of the gang in the French class.

"Hey guys! how was you class?" Asked Laura. Everybody looked at her and talked to her about how was their last 75 minutes passed at the school except for Lucy-Anne that was more concentrated into watching every move of Joe. She wished that he could put his arm around her shoulders just like every man does to show everybody that girl is his.

"Lucy? We're going downstairs. Come on! Why are you distract today?" Said Phil as they all walked out of the class. Lucy-Anne shrugged her shoulders and followed behind the group. She noticed that Joe was still talking to Laura. It made her mad because she was still left behind.  She wanted Joe to notice her just like he notices Laura when she was alone. Lucy-Anne wondered why nobody left Laura alone when nobody was with her but they left her alone when nobody was with her. She was angry but the thought of her being jealous of Laura came in her mind and calm her angry feeling. I'm not jealous of her, I look way better that she does and I have more chances with Joe that she has even if he just notice her, she thought as she opened her locker. Lucy-Anne took her things for her next class and closed her locker. She walked to the locker where Phil and Joe were and he paid no attention to her.

"We can go now." Said Phil as they walked out of the tidy locker and Joe stopped walking when he saw that the girls were missing.

"We have to wait for Laura and Isabella!" Exclaimed Joe. Lucy-Anne sighed loudly and walked away. She opened the door that leads  to the staircase , she was angry at Laura because she was the only thing that Joe cared about. She went upstairs and directly to her class that wasn't open yet. How can he not see that I'm here for him, Laura isn't the only girl in the gang damn it! This was the last straw! How can he just see a small nerdy  girl while I'm here and  ready to be with him. Why did I let myself fall in love with someone that doesn't notice me half of the time? She said to herself. She took her things and walked away from the class, she wasn't going in class, not with this mood. The worse in this story is that he didn't even run after me to ask me what was wrong, to busy to wait for her. Lucy-Anne entered in the bathroom then in a stall and waited for the next 75 minutes to pass. She looked in front of her and started to cry, she hated herself because she loved him and as the days gone by, she knew that there was no more hope for both of them to finish together. She didn't even tell him how she felt and she would probably never because in the back of her mind, she knew that she had no chances with him because he told her that he wanted everybody to stay friends. That sentence hit her like a big truck. She started to cry again but manage to control her crying when the bell rang. She got our of the stall and tried to fixe her make-up but without success. She sighed and got out of the bathroom then walked downstairs to meet her friends for lunch. She opened her locker and Isabella and Laura stood right next to her as she took her lunchboxes out with her phone and her earphone. Music will calm me down, she said to herself as she closed her locker.

"So, how was your class?" Asked Isabella and Lucy-Anne looked up to show her friend her puffy eyes with the dirty make-up. Isabella looked at her with big eyes and took her but the shoulder to talk to her alone.

"What happened to you?" She asked as Lucy-Anne looked down.

"I hate myself for loving him that's all." Replied her friend as she walked to the cafeteria. As usual, Lucy-Anne was sat between Steve and Laura and Joe was sat in front of Laura with Isabella beside him. Phil was sat in front of Steve. Everything was going smooth, Lucy-Anne was watching Joe who was concentrated with speaking to Laura and the others, as usual he didn't talk to her all alone ans it annoyed Lucy-Anne. She wanted to scream those six words to him but didn't have the guts to. She wanted to scream I hate myself for loving you Joe, but she simply looked at her meal without speaking.

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