[9] He Snaps At You

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'I'm so sorry,' you whispered, wrapping an arm over a pained looking Obi-Wan. His eyes were cast downward, trying to hide the frustrated tears that brewed there. He rubbed his hands over his face, rubbing the salty residue away from his cheeks. 'Everything will be okay.'

'No,' he mumbled.

'Yes, Obi. We can work this out, just like we always do,' you reassured.

'No! Do you not get it? Anakin is gone, he's turned to the dark side. Nothing is going to be alright! He was the chosen one!' Obi-Wan yelled, causing you to recoil your touch and step back, frightened by his sudden outburst. He had never snapped before; he was a very calm individual, so this was extra unusual for you. 


His expression softened. '(Y/N), I didn't mean to burst like that,'

You shook your head and pressed your lips together. 'Forget it. It was nothing,'

'It wasn't nothing, I snapped at you. I'm so sorry, I never meant to do that. I'm just so on edge, I can hardly maintain focus,' he explained. You placed your hand back on his shoulder.

'It's okay. Everyone reaches their breaking point sometimes.'

'Thank you for understanding,' Obi-Wan sighed with relief, and you reached forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his jaw, causing his cheeks to redden with a blush.


Anakin Skywalker

You were absolutely terrified as you made your way through, desperately trying to reach Anakin. He had walked off in a fit of frustration, throwing his cloak behind him as he stormed through the halls and back into his room. You knew how bad it got when Anakin was mad, so you threw all caution to the wind and followed him.

'Anakin, are you alright?' You asked him.

His shoulders tensed and his jaw tightened, but he gave you no response. Instead, he looked over his shoulder for a brief moment before gazing out of the bedroom window again.

'Please talk to me,' you whispered.

'I'm fine,' Anakin boomed, his voice as sure and sharp as steel. You sighed.

'Are you sure? I saw everything back there, and I was worried-'

'I said I'm fine!' He yelled, turning around with narrowed eyes, his gaze smokey, dark and angry. You felt your body tense up in response, and you winced and looked away. Instead of looking up to watch his expression flip completely, you turned and scurried out of the room. He reached out but recoiled his hand. His anger had now been replaced with utter guilt, and he wasn't sure which one he would rather feel.

Luke Skywalker

Han and you were busy loading boxes onto the Millenium Falcon, but you couldn't help but lose concentration every now and then as you watched fighters board their ships. They were preparing to destroy the Death Star, but you had decided to leave alongside Han. You wanted to see your family, for it had been close to five months since you'd last been with them. You were especially anxious for your father because you knew he was very sick and you weren't sure how much longer he had left. You'd received a call only a few days after your departure that he was given approximately six months left, and you were already pushing it. You'd stayed for as long as you could, but now you really needed to return.

'Wait, you're leaving, too?' Luke asked, eyes widening as he watched you and Han work away at hauling boxes. You put one down and looked at him.

'Yes. Didn't you know?' You lifted an eyebrow.

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